not one single person

Jeez, cue up Jack Nicholson's "You can't handle the truth" speech from "A Few Good Men". And he played a nutjob in that movie.

Did you like the FG attempt call against SD that the Gophs missed when it was 13-10? I thought he should have gone for the 1st down considering an extra 3 pts would not have moved the lead outside of one score.

i am curious what other fans thought about that conservative play after 2 years of Brew displaying the courage to win or nothing. e.g. NIU game last year

Generally, I would say that was a bad call, especially since that FG wasn't a chip shot, and it was into a fairly stiff wind, if I'm remembering right. The tail end of that drive was just brutal.

I've never seen two more pathetic offenses, though, and that would have been the most insurmountable 6-point lead I've ever seen, even with 10+ minutes left in the game. You can definitely make an argument for the FG try there. Not to mention, we had a good 6 yards to the first down.

good point.

I can see if the MN coaches felt that an SD TD wasn't going to happen then the 6 pts might hold.

I'm with others that the original premise of this thread is flawed. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter whether any of us could coach football at the college level or not. It only matters whether Brewster can or not.

And regardless of what others might say, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see whether the team is progressing or not. To this point, Brewster has recruited better athletes but hasn't translated it onto the field. People don't need to be college football coaches to see that. Again, I feel that Brewster deserves one more year to see where we're at. But to dismiss someone's opinion simply because "they couldn't coach college football" is a major cop out.

You all have validated my point. By the way, there are many easier ways to make a million dollars a year than being a coach or athlete.

No, your point is obviously invalid. You claim that you can only criticize someone if you are capable of doing their job. This is a common canard, but is baseless.

Answer me this question: Can I recognize that a car is broken, despite not being an automotive engineer? Can I recognize that I am sick, despite not being a doctor? Can I recognize that it is raining, despite not meing a meteorologist? If I order a well done steak, but they give me steak tartar, is it possible for me to recognize this? I'm not a chef, so by your reasoning, I should not be able to.

The only way you can possibly maintain your position is if you insist that we cannot tell if a car is broken if we are not automotive engineers, and if we can't tell we are sick if we are not doctors, if we can't tell if it is raining if we are not meteorlogists, if we can't tell a raw steak from a well done steak if we are not chefs.

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