Norwood Teague writes Op-Ed in STrib: The $800,000 schedule decision

Just stop. You are not the intellectual you claim to be, You have proven to be on the wrong side of everything. just admit that you are the bitter old fool that just can't let go. OBAMA IS COMPLETE FAILURE,

I don't claim to be an intellectual, Balds. But I am an informed guy who knows what is going on in the world. And unlike you, I am not a phony and a hypocrite.

I wonder where paying $800,000 to cancel a football game fits into the improvement goals and benchmarks the State Legislature has set for the U?

Does anyone think this issue is not going to be discussed at the next meeting at the State Capitol of the legislative committee that monitors the U's compliance with those goals and benchmarks?

Could this be the REAL reason behind Teague's Op-Ed in the Strib?


The University of Minnesota's Funding Proposal to the State Legislature

The U is asking for $14.2 million extra each year and committing to use that money to keep tuition flat for resident undergraduates over two years. Tuition and fees for Minnesota students now stand at about $13,500 a year.

In addition, the university is setting itself five improvement goals and asking the Legislature for an additional $11.5 million in the second year of the biennium if it meets at least three of them.

The goals are similar to ones the Legislature set for the U last year. The state will withhold 1 percent, or about $5 million, of the U's funding if it doesn't meet at least three of these goals.

At the time, some regents sharply criticized the move. They questioned its constitutionality and its implications for the school's autonomy.

The university will also apply itself to a goal set for state agencies by Gov. Mark Dayton: Cut administrative costs by 5 percent, or roughly $28 million over the biennium.

"When you go to the Legislature and ask for increased funding, you also have to do some lifting of your own," Pfutzenreuter said.

Imagine if we still had that $800,000 AND future private fundraising....
No matter how you slice it, we just blew $800,000 that could have been spent to improve our facilities, etc.

The 800k is paid out over multiple years. A 12 year old could go through an 80 million dollar budget and find 200,000-400,000 over the next 2-4 years. You have alcohol sales that were a late, late add to this year's budget. You have that outside ticket group thats supposed to raise an additional 1.5 million this year.

I'll wait for the threads complaining next year when Iowa comes to the Bank next year to open the Big ten season against the 4-0 Gophers.

The 800k is paid out over multiple years. A 12 year old could go through an 80 million dollar budget and find 200,000-400,000 over the next 2-4 years. You have alcohol sales that were a late, late add to this year's budget. You have that outside ticket group thats supposed to raise an additional 1.5 million this year.

I'll wait for the threads complaining next year when Iowa comes to the Bank next year to open the Big ten season against the 4-0 Gophers.

I'm sure they can come up with money to cover it, but wouldn't it be nice to have that $800,000 rather than $0? Maybe use that for improvements to the football practice facility or something else that Kill has been asking for? It doesn't matter how many years you spread it over, it's still $800,000 that we don't have.

Just stop. You are not the intellectual you claim to be, You have proven to be on the wrong side of everything. just admit that you are the bitter old fool that just can't let go. OBAMA IS COMPLETE FAILURE,

Also a fail. Take the politics somewhere else.

I think this article is basically Teague making th effort of being responsible for the decision and outlining the reasons why. Either people agree or disagree. My thought is that they have a long term plan they are implimenting to build the program and inherited an opponent that did not fit into that plan so they made the decision to deal with it.

Now if this happens 5 years from now, yes we got a problem. At the moment, however, If you have watched the last 3 Gophers B1G games, you know Teague and Coach Kill's reasons are more justifiable then our egos at this time.

I think this article is basically Teague making th effort of being responsible for the decision and outlining the reasons why. Either people agree or disagree. My thought is that they have a long term plan they are implimenting to build the program and inherited an opponent that did not fit into that plan so they made the decision to deal with it.

Now if this happens 5 years from now, yes we got a problem. At the moment, however, If you have watched the last 3 Gophers B1G games, you know Teague and Coach Kill's reasons are more justifiable then our egos at this time.

There is not a shred of evidence that Kill is ever going to want to play a non-conference game with a BCS team of any caliber while he is coach of the U. That does not appear to be his mindset. It should be apparent to most GopherHolers by now that Kill can BS with the best of them.

There is not a shred of evidence that Kill is ever going to want to play a BCS team of any caliber while he is coach of the U. That does not appear to be his mindset. It should be apparent to most GopherHolers by now that Kill can BS with the best of them.

And the evidence he won't schedule a BCS caliber school?

There is not a shred of evidence that Kill is ever going to want to play a non-conference game with a BCS team of any caliber while he is coach of the U. That does not appear to be his mindset. It should be apparent to most GopherHolers by now that Kill can BS with the best of them.

I disagree, Go4Broke. Why? Ya can't bull$hit a bull$hitter.

The players have absolutely nothing to do with this. The biggest complaint I ever hear or read about the public education system in Minnesota is their lack of fiscal responsibility. It doesn't matter if Teague finds a way to recoup the money or not. The damage has already be done to the U's reputation among Minnesota taxpayers and Republican-contolled legislature which looks for every opportunity to criticize the liberal tax and spenders for who run the U for their mismanagement and then penalize them by reducing state appropriations for the U during the next legislative session.

When did the U mismanage the taxpayers' money? Also, it is such a wonderful idea to torpedo the mission of the state research university. :clap:

There is not a shred of evidence that Kill is ever going to want to play a non-conference game with a BCS team of any caliber while he is coach of the U. That does not appear to be his mindset. It should be apparent to most GopherHolers by now that Kill can BS with the best of them.

I think a graph would aid your argument.

Not exactly what I was expecting. I take solace in the fact that he came out and addressed the issue, but it doesn't fix the root problem. I understand why we would cancel the series, but I would prefer to lose the game by a couple touchdowns. This is embarrassing. We pretty much conceded defeat to a mid-level team and paid them to do it. Almost more shameful then our past several years.

Not exactly what I was expecting. I take solace in the fact that he came out and addressed the issue, but it doesn't fix the root problem. I understand why we would cancel the series, but I would prefer to lose the game by a couple touchdowns. This is embarrassing. We pretty much conceded defeat to a mid-level team and paid them to do it. Almost more shameful then our past several years.

Agree completely. Credit for addressing it. But I still think it's a weak as hell move to cancel the game. Make up the revenue my a$$.

I think a graph would aid your argument.

Then we would argue over the scale. I think we are much better off posting our beliefs and leaving facts to dpodoll.:)

Time to leave for the game. I hope this never ending discussion is still going when I get back. I hate to miss anything.

They made a decision which they felt was in the long term best interest of the football program. We can agree or disagree, but still it was there decision to make.

People have to make tough decisions all the time and I try to respect that. Personally I feel no need to accuse them of being hucksters or liars, which is basically what it adds up to. Given N. Ill schedules B1G games (BCS...;)), it seems legitimate to believe that once they have the football program built up, they will schedule at least one BCS team.

And btw, does it make any sense to return to the glory days of Mason's cream puff non conf schedule for the sake of unending mediocrity as the goal?

They made a decision which they felt was in the long term best interest of the football program. We can agree or disagree, but still it was there decision to make.

People have to make tough decisions all the time and I try to respect that. Personally I feel no need to accuse them of being hucksters or liars, which is basically what it adds up to. Given N. Ill schedules B1G games (BCS...;)), it seems legitimate to believe that once they have the football program built up, they will schedule at least one BCS team.

And btw, does it make any sense to return to the glory days of Mason's cream puff non conf schedule for the sake of unending mediocrity as the goal?
Pretty sure N Illinois scheduled B1G teams for the paychecks.

Like it or not, for this and the next few years, any bowl game is better than no bowl game. And any strategy that gets us to bowl games is better than a strategy that does not.

After a few low level bowls, we can think about raising our standards. That is why Glen Mason is no longer our coach. He never got to the next level. And he had enough time.

Jerry Kill is still getting started.

One step at a time.

The fact that they were willing to pay $800K to get out of a game against a mid level BCS team is very discouraging. N. Ill plays 2-3 BCS teams every year (checked 2010 - 2012), then they clean up in conference. Clearly, the coach wants more wins and would be very surprised if any BCS (non cream puff) teams are scheduled in the future. Based on todays game, the Gophers should be able to hang with N. Carolina. Also, disappointing that Teague did not realize how the fans would view this. Just play the two games and then tell N. Carolina sorry for future games.

Replacing the $800K with fund raising is BS. If you can raise $800K do it. What ever, not the end of the world. Let it die and never speak of it again.

They made a decision which they felt was in the long term best interest of the football program. We can agree or disagree, but still it was there decision to make.People have to make tough decisions all the time and I try to respect that. Personally I feel no need to accuse them of being hucksters or liars, which is basically what it adds up to. Given N. Ill schedules B1G games (BCS...;)), it seems legitimate to believe that once they have the football program built up, they will schedule at least one BCS team.

And btw, does it make any sense to return to the glory days of Mason's cream puff non conf schedule for the sake of unending mediocrity as the goal?

Completely agree. But here's the rub: The fans also have a decision to make. And that's what this letter is all about. Simply put, they're pleading with folks to stick with them. Teague and Kill were never prepared for the blowback they have received on this and both are now concerned that what little support they had from the public is continuing to disappear. They both have accomplished two little nasty things they now must fight to overcome. One, they presented an outward appearance of cowardice about scheduling anybody with a pulse. Two, they demonstrated (at least on the surface) some rather appalling fiscal irresponsibility in doing so.

Whether those two perceptions are reality really doesn't matter. Bottom line is this: it looks bad. Teague is now very aware of it and is hoping everybody will look past it and continue to support both the administration and the team. In the future, actions will speak louder than words for both Kill and Teague. If it works out and Gophers magically become a nine or 10 win team between now and next few years, this will all be forgotten. For the time being however, they'll be the target of potshots from folks within the state and, of course, the media.

The fact that they were willing to pay $800K to get out of a game against a mid level BCS team is very discouraging. N. Ill plays 2-3 BCS teams every year (checked 2010 - 2012), then they clean up in conference. Clearly, the coach wants more wins and would be very surprised if any BCS (non cream puff) teams are scheduled in the future. Based on todays game, the Gophers should be able to hang with N. Carolina. Also, disappointing that Teague did not realize how the fans would view this. Just play the two games and then tell N. Carolina sorry for future games.
The Northern Illinois comparison doesn't work, however, because after they play 2-3 BCS teams, they get to play in the MAC.

Completely agree. But here's the rub: The fans also have a decision to make. And that's what this letter is all about. Simply put, they're pleading with folks to stick with them. Teague and Kill were never prepared for the blowback they have received on this and both are now concerned that what little support they had from the public is continuing to disappear. They both have accomplished two little nasty things they now must fight to overcome. One, they presented an outward appearance of cowardice about scheduling anybody with a pulse. Two, they demonstrated (at least on the surface) some rather appalling fiscal irresponsibility in doing so.

Whether those two perceptions are reality really doesn't matter. Bottom line is this: it looks bad. Teague is now very aware of it and is hoping everybody will look past it and continue to support both the administration and the team. In the future, actions will speak louder than words for both Kill and Teague. If it works out and Gophers magically become a nine or 10 win team between now and next few years, this will all be forgotten. For the time being however, they'll be the target of potshots from folks within the state and, of course, the media.

Well said.

STrib Letters to Editor:

Athletic director, coach just don't seem to get it

I have no doubt that Norwood Teague is sincere as he professes his intentions for improving University of Minnesota athletics ("Schedule decision was not made lightly," Oct. 27).

What still mystifies many Minnesotans is the blind spot he and coach Jerry Kill have on the signal that the cancellation of the North Carolina games sends to the very loyal and long-suffering Gopher fan base. It says we are OK with six wins and a minor bowl game. Been there, done that.

What we had hoped for with this new regime was a goal of competing nationally, with Minnesotans, and of building a program that is tough, fun to watch and afraid of no one.


• • •

Teague's commentary should give all Minnesotans something to think about. Using the numbers he presented, 750 student-athletes and 220 athletic department employees, there are only 3.4 athletes per employee. Further, the cost per athlete, with an $80 million department budget, is $106,667 per year. Is this reasonable?


Go Gophers!!

I'm sure they can come up with money to cover it, but wouldn't it be nice to have that $800,000 rather than $0? Maybe use that for improvements to the football practice facility or something else that Kill has been asking for? It doesn't matter how many years you spread it over, it's still $800,000 that we don't have.

Wasn't the new roof they couldn't afford at the practice facility like $750,000? Again, if they dropped the series without a payout, it probably goes away pretty shortly. But when you make statements that basically say we can't fix the leaking roof in a B1G practice facility, but we'll pay someone not to play us, it kind of sends a bad message.

"we can't fix the leaking roof..."

If it's raining, can't fix it in the rain.

If it ain't raining, it don't leak, so no need to fix it.

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