Norwood Teague to Virginia Tech?

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Virginia is home for Teague. The mess VT basketball is in and Beamer's retirement provide the opportunity for him put his stamp on VT athletics for a long time.

Not really. Bud Foster's been waiting on the job for 10 years. But promoting the 55 year-old DC may not be all it's cracked up to be.

Because if you name a source they are not a source anymore.

At least that's what some believe.

This is true in most cases...but Chris Werle was kind enough to not only respond, but also let me cite him.

Can't be true. Virginia Tech doesn't have a hockey team and I feel like, deep in his heart, Woody is really a hockey guy.

He's "OUR" new Norwood. It's NOT happening. Our new Norwood does NOT have "VT" aspirations or any other kind of would hope.

I find it funny how someone posts a rumor, thought, etc., that rumor is shot down or proven false, and the thread just keeps grinding away as if Woody's departure is in motion and confirmed. I could post a thread about how a neutral site game has been set up to start the 2015 season on the moon, with Alabama, and it could go on for 5 pages with opinions how the Gophers may pose a threat to Alabama in reduced gravity.

I could post a thread about how a neutral site game has been set up to start the 2015 season on the moon, with Alabama, and it could go on for 5 pages with opinions how the Gophers may pose a thread to Alabama in reduced gravity.

Would help eliminate the five yard bounce passes.

I find it funny how someone posts a rumor, thought, etc., that rumor is shot down or proven false, and the thread just keeps grinding away as if Woody's departure is in motion and confirmed. I could post a thread about how a neutral site game has been set up to start the 2015 season on the moon, with Alabama, and it could go on for 5 pages with opinions how the Gophers may pose a threat to Alabama in reduced gravity.

Source? :)

Just great! With Norwood gone, who is going to hire the next Bball coach when Duke shows Coach K the door to get their hands on Rich Pitino this March. And, to make it worse, who will hire the next FB coach when Jerry leaves for Bama next year and Claeys goes to Florida. WE'VE GOT PROBLEMS!!!

Apparently, everyone is allowed to make money on the internet but Zach Johnson.

Zach Johnson is allowed to make money on the internet, however, when you are selling BS, there is going to be a backlash. They do some decent things at GI. However, they do get sucked into these sorts of traps that really hurt their credibility. For me, they go from being something I considered buying to the journalism equivalent of the Nigerian Prince Scam. So Zach Johnson is completely entitled to make money on the internet, but when he makes up stories to get you to buy a subscription, he will be mocked.

Zach Johnson is allowed to make money on the internet, however, when you are selling BS, there is going to be a backlash. They do some decent things at GI. However, they do get sucked into these sorts of traps that really hurt their credibility. For me, they go from being something I considered buying to the journalism equivalent of the Nigerian Prince Scam. So Zach Johnson is completely entitled to make money on the internet, but when he makes up stories to get you to buy a subscription, he will be mocked.

+1. Agreed.

I find it funny how someone posts a rumor, thought, etc., that rumor is shot down or proven false, and the thread just keeps grinding away as if Woody's departure is in motion and confirmed. I could post a thread about how a neutral site game has been set up to start the 2015 season on the moon, with Alabama, and it could go on for 5 pages with opinions how the Gophers may pose a threat to Alabama in reduced gravity.

I was thinking the same thing! When I posted that the U had refuted the comment, then the quote came from Teague, and people just kept on talking like he was!

Yep. Both the U and Norwood have said that he isn't going so there is no chance he might. I mean I always advertise to my current employer when I'm looking - before I get the new gig. Who doesn't?

I was thinking the same thing! When I posted that the U had refuted the comment, then the quote came from Teague, and people just kept on talking like he was!

Gossip/rumors take on a life of their own. Scary how that works.

Everybody knows that it's not a source anymore if you name it.

My source is telling me that Ed Hightower is currently in Houston undergoing zero-G training. The conference commissioners are also in discussions on how to determine traveling violations for a game played on the moon.

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