No charges from Hennepin County

I believe age of consent is 16 in Minnesota. Someone correct me if Im wrong. (LOL Its Gopherhole of course people will. :)
It is 16, but the other party (in this case, the woman) can't be more than 48 months older. In this case she wasn't - or she could be charged! I think.

No charges from the police. No charges from the DA. Only charges are from the femninazis EOAA who were only justifying their existence. And since Kaher is hiding under his desk, EOAA sent letters of suspension to 10 players, ruining their lives. You people wonder why TC has trouble recruiting. A player trying to decide between the Gophers and any other Big Ten school. Isn't coming here where the school administrators kowtow to a 10 member committee not interested in athletics.

Level playing field at Minnesota. Self imposed.

It is 16, but the other party (in this case, the woman) can't be more than 48 months older. In this case she wasn't - or she could be charged! I think.
I don't think that's accurate. As I understand it, the age difference in the parties is irrelevant. She could be 19 or 40 and it's not a crime, as long as the other party is at least 16. The only way it's statutory rape is if the older party is determined to be in a position of authority.

Don't forget statutory rape.
The way I understand it is thatStatutory rape does not occur if the victim is 16 or older and consenting, which strangely, you'd have to say the recruit was. Also, There is a much different standard, in general, to females than males.

Here's the statute, ". In Minnesota, for example, criminal sexual conduct in the first degree is defined as sexual contact with a person under thirteen years of age by a person who is more than thirty-six months older than the victim. The offense also is committed if the complainant is between thirteen and sixteen years old and the actor is more than forty-eight months older than the complainant (Minn. Stat. Ann. § 609.342 [West 1996])."

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It is 16, but the other party (in this case, the woman) can't be more than 48 months older. In this case she wasn't - or she could be charged! I think.

You have incorrect info.

The age of consent is 16 (with 1 exception).

That exception is if you are more than 48 months older AND in a position of authority (coach, manager, teacher, counselor, etc.).

The reasoning is this, they don't want to prosecute the shift manager at McDonalds (who is 17) with Statutory Rape for having consensual sex with the 16 year old person working the fries (position of authority but NOT 48 months).

The woman was not in a position of authority over the recruit and the exception does not apply. The age of consent is 16 in this scenario. He was 17.

The way I understand it is thatStatutory rape does not occur if the victim is 16 or older and consenting, which strangely, you'd have to say the recruit was. Also, There is a much different standard, in general, to females than males.

Here's the statute, ". In Minnesota, for example, criminal sexual conduct in the first degree is defined as sexual contact with a person under thirteen years of age by a person who is more than thirty-six months older than the victim. The offense also is committed if the complainant is between thirteen and sixteen years old and the actor is more than forty-eight months older than the complainant (Minn. Stat. Ann. § 609.342 [West 1996])."

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Here is the current statute (I'll highlight the part that applies here):

(e) the complainant is at least 16 but less than 18 years of age and the actor is more than 48 months older than the complainant and in a position of authority over the complainant. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainant is a defense;

(f) the actor has a significant relationship to the complainant and the complainant was at least 16 but under 18 years of age at the time of the sexual contact. Neither mistake as to the complainant's age nor consent to the act by the complainant is a defense;

There is also this "significant relationship" exception. I believe that is referring to like a step-dad (this is to get around things like "he wasn't in a position of authority!"). But to be honest, I am not 100% sure what they are talking about with the "significant relationship", I've always heard the other test (e).

Legally, there is not a different standard between females in males.

Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought on the podcast with GL & Korzo, there was mention that she was 22?

Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought on the podcast with GL & Korzo, there was mention that she was 22?

Yep. She was the oldest person involved in the situation.

As far as Statutory Rape goes in MN, it doesn't matter. She could have been 65, the age of consent is 16.

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