Nike Strikes again

I noticed a number of Big Ten teams went from numbered helmets to a logo in the mid to late 60's. Even Michigan had small numbers on their helmets until 1969 and Indiana is the only school to never have numbers on their helmets after 1960 according to that web site. But I did find reference to pre-1960 IU helmets that did have numbers.

It makes me wonder if there was a rule change around that time saying that helmets no longer had to have numbers or if everybody just decided to get more creative at the same time to keep up with each other.

I noticed a number of Big Ten teams went from numbered helmets to a logo in the mid to late 60's. Even Michigan had small numbers on their helmets until 1969 and Indiana is the only school to never have numbers on their helmets after 1960 according to that web site. But I did find reference to pre-1960 IU helmets that did have numbers.

It makes me wonder if there was a rule change around that time saying that helmets no longer had to have numbers or if everybody just decided to get more creative at the same time to keep up with each other.

It would be interesting if there was some rule change, but more likely it probably just went out of fashion.

It seems like helmets are slowly starting to trend towards the matte finish instead of the shiny and sparkly. If we are going to change our helmets at all, I'd like us to go that route, matte maroon, and obviously keep the block M.

As long as we don't go BFBS. Remember Indiana's Nike abominations?


Oh my god. Is black one of their official school colors? How could they possibly go with black?:rolleyes: How dare they do that.

I took this to mean changing the helmets only. I don't think Maverick is suggesting we abandon the block M as the primary mark for the U.

I've said before that i personally think returning to a numbered helmet would be fantastic.


I love that look. I also like this:


I have been looking everywhere to buy one of these, but can't find one to save my life.

Exactly what I was thinking there. Michigan hockey has winged helmets, Notre Dame hockey has gold helmets, MSU hockey helmet is green with the spartan logo.

I'd rather follow that pattern than the pattern of wisky hockey (who has red helmets with white w). And don't tell me that Gopher hockey should change it's helmet to match football. Gopher pucks has had gold helmets forever. UMD has maroon, we have gold.

Our hockey helmets are awesome, plain and simple. If our Fball team looked as good as our hockey team I don't think there would be any complaints. The hockey Gold altermates look way better than the fball ones too.

I love that look. I also like this:


I have been looking everywhere to buy one of these, but can't find one to save my life.

One of the dumbest things Brewster did, and that's saying alot.

I think the helmets unis are fine now, but that being said if putting a pimped out version of Goldy on the helmet or some new-fangled M or something else will get more star athletes to think that Minnesota is cool and want to come play here, then by all means go nuts. Just so long as we make sure Nike or whoever actually does some research and they don't put out something like the "classic" EKG jerseys of the Wacker era.

Maybe we can take the new digital camo patterns and convert them to maroon and gold - I'm pretty sure that'd look sexy.

I love the current unis now, mostly because they actually say Minnesota on them large enough for anyone to read, unlike Mason's and that tiny ass M on the collar.

I wouldn't mind seeing this on an alternate helmet instead of the Block M:


Here's a pic with all the current uniform combos except gold jersey & pants together:

Personally, I think the all white combo sucks, as well as any combo with white pants & helmet, home & away.

I'm not that big on the gold pants either unless it's used with a gold helmet & white or gold jersey for away games only, like these Redskins throwback uniforms. These look awesome & so would the Gophers with a gold helmet, with or without the stripes.

My personal favorites for home is all maroon like this:

Away like this:

Alternates could be gold pants & jersey with either maroon or gold helmet:

Alternates could be all gold, jersey, pants, with gold helmet or maroon helmet.
I actually like the matte helmets, but the sparkly ones look great too...

Have you seen the gold jersey worn with any color pants other than gold?
Didn't think so...

It's funny because you're wrong. :D


And by the way, this is the best possible home combination, from the current uniforms, IMHO.

It's funny because you're wrong. :D


And by the way, this is the best possible home combination, from the current uniforms, IMHO.

I agree. I love this combo for home. By far and away the best! And the Maroon pants with White Jersy for away gets my vote for the best.....

Now if the helmet were to change to gold...... And the logo was a spearfishing Norwegian Goldy.... Now we're talking! LOL!


And by the way, this is the best possible home combination, from the current uniforms, IMHO.

I hated that combo at first because.. Well.. It was different and completely threw my eyes for a loop. But now? It does look REALLY sweet. I like having the jersey one color, and the pants/helmet the other.. In whatever combination you have.

+1. The day that happens I'll climb a tall tower with a hunting rifle.

I do hope you realize that this comment is incredibly insensitive and inappropriate to be posted on a site followed by college fans considering in 1966, Charles Whitman killed 16 people at the University of Texas with a hunting rifle from a tower. Your attempt at humor if that's what it was is not appreciated, and I usually have a good sense of humor. Care to make any Columbine or Virginia Tech references while you are at it?


Of course someone had to come ruin the fun. Jeez, lighten up.

On another note, what about the throwback helmets with the stripes, but either an M on one side and numbers on the other, or a white helmet, throwback helmet stripe and a maroon M with Gold outline.

I have no idea how to use photo shop....

There are no gold jerseys in that pic at all.

Is it just me, or did someone photoshop Jay Leno's chin on Brewster here? What in the world?

Go Gophers!

Edit: Sorry, I didn't realize the photo wouldn't come with on the quotation. I'm referring to the shot with Brewster in the middle, of course.

I said it on this board before that the best uniforms we have are the maroon pants with the gold top

That has been my favorite look as well. My jaw a good way...when I saw them run out of the tunnel wearing those.

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