Nick Williams left Indiana?


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Nov 13, 2008
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This was referred to in another post, but I was afraid it would get buried there, but a poster stated that Nick Williams left Indiana, is that true? If so, pretty interesting-it's one thing for Story, a late addition to IU's class last summer, to leave but Williams had committed to Crean at Marquette and followed him to IU. Along with Tom Pritchard and Verdell Jones, I figured he'd be one of the stalwarts of Indiana's rebuilding effort. Homesick, sick of losing, or sick of Crean, I wonder which one it is?

I have no insight on the situation, but I saw it scroll on the bottom line of ESPN perhaps last week that Williams was leaving. Does seem like an odd development, being that he clearly had an attachment to Crean, played a significant amount of minutes, and could be expected to play/perform for four years.

Here is the offical press release and explanation for the transfer although nobody believes there isn't more to the story as it makes no sense. The popular opinion I have heard is he just had enough of Crean's yelling. Tom Crean is a very, very difficult coach to play for and his practices are legendary for how much screaming he does. At Marquette he even had problems keeping assistant coaches because he yelled at them so much. Ryan Amoroso had enough of it, so had Trevor, it was a factor in Bryce Websters decision not to go there as the people advising him knew he wouldn't be able to handle Crean. It is sort of like it was with Coach Knight in that some kids love him while others can't stand it. Dwayne Wade credits him with helping him become the player he is today and it's obvious the man can coach.

Williams leaves Hoosiers

Nick Williams started 29 games as a freshman last season and averaged 8.9 points and 4.5 rebounds per game. He was also fourth on the team in minutes per game (26.5).

"After the season, Nick expressed displeasure with his role this year and also shared concern with members of our coaching staff about his future role in the program,'' IU basketball coach Tom Crean said in a release sent out by the university's media relations department. "He is a fine young man, and we have enjoyed our relationship with him over time. He played hard and did some very good things for us, and we wish him the best.''

The decision comes less than two weeks after Williams' roommate, Malik Story, announced he was transferring because he wanted to continue his career closer to his Los Angeles home. Walk-on forward Broderick Lewis has also indicated he will not return to the team next season.

"It was a difficult decision, but one I felt I needed to make as I looked at the future," Williams said in the IU release.

"I want to thank everyone at IU for their support this season. I'm going to finish up the semester and then begin the process of finding a program where I can come in and have an impact for them."

Williams will have to sit out next season and then will have three years of Division I eligibility remaining.

Amoroso may have had enough but believe me he brought it on himself. He was basically voted off the team by his teammates.

As far as Trevor is concerned I wish him well with you guys but what he did to Marquette showed very little class or maturity. He quit the day before classes started leaving a new coach with no way to replace him.

If he wanted to leave he should have done it in the summer.

Amoroso may have had enough but believe me he brought it on himself. He was basically voted off the team by his teammates.

As far as Trevor is concerned I wish him well with you guys but what he did to Marquette showed very little class or maturity. He quit the day before classes started leaving a new coach with no way to replace him.

If he wanted to leave he should have done it in the summer.

What did Amoroso do that got his teammates that upset?

He rubbed the other players the wrong way on a number of levels.

When you are a scholarship player at Marquette your priorities are school and basketball.

Everyone knows this when they are recruited and its not for everyone.

When the other players are working their asses off to get better and you don't show the same level of commitment their is bound to be friction.

Amo had some problems but getting screamed at everyday by Crean might just of had a little something to do with his other issues. The stories I've heard on Crean and Amoroso leave me little sympathy for marquette and Crean.

As for Trevor, give me a break, Trevor was going to transfer at the beginning of the summer to MN. but got a cool reception from Tubby since he didn't know anything about Trevor, and Buzz begged him to come back and he did but it was no secret Trevor was unhappy and while the timing of him leaving wasn't the best, it was hardly a suprise to the Marquette coaches.

I have no insight on the situation, but I saw it scroll on the bottom line of ESPN perhaps last week that Williams was leaving. Does seem like an odd development, being that he clearly had an attachment to Crean, played a significant amount of minutes, and could be expected to play/perform for four years.

Nick's roommate was Malik Story; Indiana over-recruited for 2009; Story was informed that it would be best if he left, as his scholarship was needed; Williams, being Story's roommate, thought this was complete B.S. and once Story was confirmed gone, Williams made his intentions and thoughts known to Crean-Puff.


Indiana fans will get used to seeing Crean over-offering, over-signing, then running players off.

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