Nice Job Gopher Hole Staff:Sensorship Rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Way to spell.

This is a football board. If you want to talk politics, go elsewhere.

Uh, it wasn't deleted it's on the Off-Topic board.

Keep trying. What the hell, you might actually get something right!:blah::blah::blah:

Way to spell.

This is a football board. If you want to talk politics, go elsewhere.

Yeah, all I did is make a fair comparison regarding Tim Brewster. This is all about being nice and politically correct. That's so Minnesotan and naive.

Yeah, I made a fair comparison regarding Tim Brewster. This is all about being nice and politically correct. That's so Minnesotan and naive.

Well, we know you're not!:pig:

So head back to whatever board where you'll feel more at home.:clap:

it was politics, it could only invite political discussion. It belongs on the OT board and that's where it is. good job mods.

Effective and sensible moderation rules.

Your post had zero content of note and was inviting a stupid off topic debate.

Well, we know you're not!:pig:

So head back to whatever board where you'll feel more at home.:clap:

Wrong!!!!!!!!!! Actually, I've lived in Minnesota for over 40 years and pulled for the Gophers every minute of that time. I just happen to judge people on results, not good intentions and talk. So far the results are not worthy of any prize for Mr. Brewster. Yes, that is a terrible, not Minnesota nice thing to say. And I guess that is worthy of censorship on the Gopher Hole.

Wrong!!!!!!!!!! Actually, I've lived in Minnesota for over 40 years and pulled for the Gophers every minute of that time. I just happen to judge people on results, not good intentions and talk. So far the results are not worthy of any prize for Mr. Brewster. Yes, that is a terrible, not Minnesota nice thing to say. And I guess that is worthy of censorship on the Gopher Hole.
Drop the martyr act. It was moved because it was off topic. If you had presented a sensible, substantive post that invited actual discussion it would have been fine.

You lobbed a one line *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# grenade into the forum and sat back to watch it go off.

e: haha, the forum software turning the S-bomb into qbert text in the midst of that reply is pretty funny.

Drop the martyr act. It was moved because it was off topic. If you had presented a sensible, substantive post that invited actual discussion it would have been fine.

You lobbed a one line *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# grenade into the forum and sat back to watch it go off.

e: haha, the forum software turning the S-bomb into qbert text in the midst of that reply is pretty funny.

Oops, I think you had a spelling error in there. RedPoo won't like that. What is RedPoo anyway?

Well, you have to admit that "sensorship" is a pretty stunning spelling error. It makes me imagine you literally sputtering out the words as you fist pound your response into your WebTV.


Well, you have to admit that "sensorship" is a pretty stunning spelling error. It makes me imagine you literally sputtering out the words as you fist pound your response into your WebTV.


I'm not angry at all. It seems those responding are the angry intolerant ones. Oh yes, when you have no argument you resort to spelling corrections.

Wrong!!!!!!!!!! Actually, I've lived in Minnesota for over 40 years and pulled for the Gophers every minute of that time. I just happen to judge people on results, not good intentions and talk. So far the results are not worthy of any prize for Mr. Brewster. Yes, that is a terrible, not Minnesota nice thing to say. And I guess that is worthy of censorship on the Gopher Hole.

- It wasn't censored it's on the Off-Topic Board; you can get that right?:banghead:
- You use Minnesotan as a pejorative term. :banghead:
- Just head for the Star Tribune site. You can be as big a dickweed as you want over there!:banghead:

I'm not angry at all. It seems those responding are the angry intolerant ones. Oh yes, when you have no argument you resort to spelling corrections.
Well, you have to present a substantive argument before it can really be refuted. "Brewster is all talk" is a vague generality. Make a case for why you think he isn't living up to expectations then there are points to debate.

You pretty much just expressed a feeling. You can't argue with an emotion.

Fact is this is a discussion board. Table an actual topic for discussion and we can talk about it. This isn't however a place for you to just dump catty one liners for some kind of cathartic release.

Well, you have to present a substantive argument before it can really be refuted. "Brewster is all talk" is a vague generality. Make a case for why you think he isn't living up to expectations then there are points to debate.

You pretty much just expressed a feeling. You can't argue with an emotion.

Fact is this is a discussion board. Table an actual topic for discussion and we can talk about it. This isn't however a place for you to just dump catty one liners for some kind of cathartic release.

OK, I was starting a discussion, and I'll agree from a terse and fairly crude perspective. That fact remains that Brewster has talked a good talk but produced little to back it up. I for one am getting impatient. Last week's game still bothers me a lot. This was a rivalry game at home. We need to start winning these games. Instead, in was more of the same thing we have seen for the last 15+ years against the Badgers. Give us results Tim Brewster.

If you're a true Minnesotan, then you're watching the Twins game and you're pretty pissed at the Right Field Umpire about now!:cry::mad::cry:

If you're a true Minnesotan, then you're watching the Twins game and you're pretty pissed at the Right Field Umpire about now!:cry::mad::cry:

Yes, I am watching the Twins and hoping Cuddyer gets a big hit!!!. I hope I got Cuddyer right. I really am spelling challenged.

Whew! I thought this was a rant about Joe Senser's restaurants.

21 posts versus an alleged 40 years of Gopher fan-dom. All we have for proof of that is "good intentions and talk" Hmmmm. ...

If nothing else, GoForGold should donate $5.00 for excessive use of exclamation marks. ... :cool:


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