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zambam...I am being facetious with the experts here on GH who know everything, and show it by their lack of any substance to their opinions. I am on your side, man.
Oh alright. It's hard for me to tell cause 1) it's just text so no inflections and 2) I haven't been here that long so don't know the posters too well, other than those easy to figure out like Wren.

Oh alright. It's hard for me to tell cause 1) it's just text so no inflections and 2) I haven't been here that long so don't know the posters too well, other than those easy to figure out like Wren.

Ya, I hear you. Just be prepared to be attacked by some of these so-called anonymous experts. It will happen, my friend.

Yeah because he was sure able to do that last year. It's not happening buddy.

Two years ago, he did it quite well, thank you. Last year, not so much. I'll still take his overall track record over the alternative. You're probably also in the group that wants Gardy fired as Twins manager too.

Oh alright. It's hard for me to tell cause 1) it's just text so no inflections and 2) I haven't been here that long so don't know the posters too well, other than those easy to figure out like Wren.

You have just passed 'Gopher Hole 101"-understanding Dr Don's posts.:)

BTW, don't get to chummy, he is a retired proctologist.:eek:

according to the FACTS It should not and does not matter what you think about players using illegal drugs weed, crack, horse, speed, roids. according to the FACTS anybody who would that allen played more than cobbs has serious memory issues try 34 games 11mpg for cobbs and allen if i remember got in about 9 games at about 2.5 minutes per game for justin. Cobbs did not like off guard joseph starting at point when nolen got suspended. Maturi put the kabosh on crimminal white not getting a three chances in one year THE SCOUT!

Mav was recruited because Cobbs left, not the other way around. Devoe did something ILLEGAL and you think Tubby shouldn't have suspended him? If Devoe had been caught everyone would have ripped Tubby for letting this criminal be on the team.

Slow down buddy. Just because you experiment with weed does not make you a criminal. If that's the case, then there are lots of criminals on this board. Also, is every student who illegally drinks underage a criminal? No.

Slow down buddy. Just because you experiment with weed does not make you a criminal. If that's the case, then there are lots of criminals on this board. Also, is every student who illegally drinks underage a criminal? No.
If you break the law, you are definitely committing a crime. Doesn't really matter what it is, or what the circumstances are. "I got so drunk this weekend even though I'm 18, but it's ok, so did everyone else" doesn't make it less of a crime.

I am as critical of Tubby as anyone for not changing his defensive philosophy, but I would never throw away a coach that won a National Championship and one that can help us win when we do have a team with more talent. I think most of us would agree firing Glenn Mason was a mistake.

I do however have one question? Does anyone know if any of Tubby's former players is old enough to have children who are approaching college age? And if so, does Tubby have any potential recruits or existing recruits because of his former relationships with his players?

If you break the law, you are definitely committing a crime. Doesn't really matter what it is, or what the circumstances are. "I got so drunk this weekend even though I'm 18, but it's ok, so did everyone else" doesn't make it less of a crime.

Do you speed when you drive? YOU CRIMINAL.

Do you speed when you drive? YOU CRIMINAL.
Actually I don't. But is it so hard to realize that if you smoke pot you are breaking the law? If Devoe had been caught everyone would have been talking about all the criminals that Tubby had been recruiting to our team. Do you deny that?

Goody, goody, goody...another pi$$ing contest.

Devoe was given plenty of chances but eventually he didn't like the rules and left on his own. He and Royce made their poor choices....they did it to themselves.

Devoe was given plenty of chances but eventually he didn't like the rules and left on his own. He and Royce made their poor choices....they did it to themselves.

So who's accountable, Devoe and Royce for making poor choices or Tubby for recruiting players who make poor choices? Just asking.

Also-- you don't speed when you drive? It's officially ok to hate you. You don't all? I hope to god you're in the right lane at all times.

So who's accountable, Devoe and Royce for making poor choices or Tubby for recruiting players who make poor choices? Just asking.

Also-- you don't speed when you drive? It's officially ok to hate you. You don't all? I hope to god you're in the right lane at all times.
Well where I'm from there is no freeway, so I don't have to worry about that.

Also, first you say it's ok for Devoe to smoke, now you're blaming Tubby for bringing him? Also, how were we to know Devoe was such a smoker? And if we hadn't brought in Royce Tubby would've been ripped for not getting top player in the state.

So who's accountable, Devoe and Royce for making poor choices or Tubby for recruiting players who make poor choices? Just asking.

Some of the weirdest reasoning I've ever read. The coach should be the one held accountable for the player f'ing up...interesting. Pretty sure you are the only one who truly believes that.

So just to review. Tonight I saw multiple baskets on in bounds plays, a new offense installed in two days, and team diving all over the floor.

I think he still has it.

Some of the weirdest reasoning I've ever read. The coach should be the one held accountable for the player f'ing up...interesting. Pretty sure you are the only one who truly believes that.

You act like taking Royce wasn't a risk. Let me remind you he was a guy who got caught cheating in High School, had to go to Hopkins his SR year. The coach is accountable. He took a guy who was known to be difficult and a proven cheater. When this guy messes up all the sudden Tubby isn't responsible for that? Are you THAT big for a homer? He's accountable for everything that happens. It's his team.

You act like taking Royce wasn't a risk. Let me remind you he was a guy who got caught cheating in High School, had to go to Hopkins his SR year. The coach is accountable. He took a guy who was known to be difficult and a proven cheater. When this guy messes up all the sudden Tubby isn't responsible for that? Are you THAT big for a homer? He's accountable for everything that happens. It's his team.
You still haven't denied that if Tubby hadn't gotten Royce White you would be ripping him for that.

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