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This year is huge for Tubby. Every player is his recruit. By this time the program should be in a position to absorb the loss of a significant contributor -- as stated several times already. No more excuses after this season, none. The way everything fell apart last year has many questioning Tubby. This is 100 percent his program now, let's see some results. I'm not ready to give up on this season, no way! It's time to win now.

Personally, I think Tubbys recruiting had been a mixed bag. As stated before, he had missed on several players from this state but has also landed some dynamic talent as well -- see Cobbs, White, Mbakwe, Andre Hollins, Devoe, Carter, Walker. But the list on the other end of the spectrum includes Maverick, Chip, Ingram, Ellenson (I don't think he will even contribute to this program, I don't care if he hasn't played yet.)

Personally, I think Tubbys recruiting had been a mixed bag. As stated before, he had missed on several players from this state but has also landed some dynamic talent as well -- see Cobbs, White, Mbakwe, Andre Hollins, Devoe, Carter, Walker. But the list on the other end of the spectrum includes Maverick, Chip, Ingram, Ellenson (I don't think he will even contribute to this program, I don't care if he hasn't played yet.)

Elliot has gotten significant minutes this year and has actually played well at times. Maybe you should watch a game or two.

Jebeesus, we already have commentors confused. Wait until the announcers on broadcasting games screw it up...

Huge difference between Flip and Dungy.

Dungy left town and really has shown very little interest in the Gophers since (even when he was with the Vikings, he didn't have much interest). Yes, Dungy makes a token stop here on occasion. Dungy's wife hated living in Minnesota and there is zero chance they ever live here again.

Flip, meanwhile, raised his family here, settled here, continued to work here, and during the year he was off after being fired by the Pistons spent time with the Gopher team and on campus. He truly loves the Gophers. Even this fall prior to the lockout, he was around the team. Flip's wife still lives in Minnesota, even as he coached in Detroit and coaches in Washington. So, there is a much stronger bond to the U and the Twin Cities from the Saunders.

I'm convinced if the timing is right, he would take the job. The problem is for him, I don't see the timing ever being right. He isn't getting any younger, is only four years younger than Tubby, and will likely be a much less attractive candidate when Tubby retires a few years down the road, which he will. Tubby isn't going to get fired and he isn't going to get a better job offer now, either.

It would be great to get Tyus. But the bottom line is performance. Clem (yes he cheated) took us to the Final Four after missing on Khalid El Amin. Just win. We can't control whether or not a Minnesota kid comes here. He should get most of the best but you can't control anythign beyond that.

Khalid was a senior at North when Clem was taking the U on a golden run.

Khalid was a senior at North when Clem was taking the U on a golden run.

On further review - you are correct. Thanks for that info- I need to stop working from memory. :)

Scher would probably label me a tubby hater because I don't like his coaching and game management. Having said that, I like the players around next year. Really like what I saw from Walker last year, combine that with what Elliason has shown so far this year, I think we will be alright down low. If our guards improve as much going into next year as it appears Chip and Hollins have this year, and extrapolating that Andre will do the same.. we have a damn good back court.

I think the dynamic of this team will switch completely next year and people are being negative because they are used to our identity being an inside focused team during tubby's time here. With those 3 guards and Otto's shooting, we will be a pretty far departure from the identity of what this years team was supposed to be.

I'm convinced if the timing is right, he would take the job. The problem is for him, I don't see the timing ever being right. He isn't getting any younger, is only four years younger than Tubby, and will likely be a much less attractive candidate when Tubby retires a few years down the road, which he will. Tubby isn't going to get fired and he isn't going to get a better job offer now, either.

Agree. If the timing did line up-Flip would be a great college/Gopher coach. I don't see it happening because of the timing, but it is far from a no-way situation.

You are right. Tubby can not do it. It is clearly his fault that Trevor got hurt. The same can be said with Mo's injury and Ralph's sore ankle. Let's not forget Al's injury last year and Devoe's violating team rules, etc. It was also Tubby's fault that he took a chance on Royce and Royce did not appreciate the opportunity.

The Minnesota fan wants to fire its coach when someone gets a cold on their teams. Look at Gopher hockey as a prime example. There are so many such examples. Minnesota is not exempt here. Look at LSU and Georgia as two other prime examples of this same philosophy.

I am sick over what has happened to Trevor and one more season that could deep six. Simply put Tubby will find a way to make this team respectable to good this year. I hope that 5 or 6 years from now Tubby is still around and has brought the team to the level that it potentially can be at.


This year is huge for Tubby. Every player is his recruit. By this time the program should be in a position to absorb the loss of a significant contributor -- as stated several times already. No more excuses after this season, none. The way everything fell apart last year has many questioning Tubby. This is 100 percent his program now, let's see some results. I'm not ready to give up on this season, no way! It's time to win now.

Personally, I think Tubbys recruiting had been a mixed bag. As stated before, he had missed on several players from this state but has also landed some dynamic talent as well -- see Cobbs, White, Mbakwe, Andre Hollins, Devoe, Carter, Walker. But the list on the other end of the spectrum includes Maverick, Chip, Ingram, Ellenson (I don't think he will even contribute to this program, I don't care if he hasn't played yet.)
May I ask what your expectations were for Ralph?

Can we let this season play out before we have these ridiculous debates? Trevor's injury is a huge blow. Great coaches are made by how they steer the car back out of the ditch. Let Tubby work on that before you bury him.

Yeah because he was sure able to do that last year. It's not happening buddy.

Tubby didn't recruit any of the player who've done the best for him other than Mbakwe. Damian Johnson, Westbrook, Al, Hoffarber are all Monson guys.

Somehow no one blames him for Royce White or Devoe. He could have had Royce White back if he wanted. Instead he was stubborn and let him go. On Devoe, he suspended him for smoking pot and drove him away from the program. I'm in the minority, but as a fan, I could care less if guys are smoking pot. Devoe would be a MAJOR boost to this team right now.

Tubby ran off Cobbs in favor of Ahanmisi. Regardless of what Cobb does (and he's doing well) it's VERY clear Ahanmisi is not nor ever will be able to help this team. He's a low DI player at BEST. He ran off Colton Iverson, who he recruited and never developed.

When the season was on the line last year, he put BLAKE at PG. Blake. We lost 10 of 11 and didn't even make the NIT. I guess everyone is ok with chalking that up to Tubby saying "whoops" and moving on. It takes about 5 seconds to see Blake isn't a PG. It was unfortunate Al got hurt, but Tubby did that to himself by running off Devoe and Cobbs. Ahanmisi, the guy he recruited AS A POINT GUARD, wasn't even reliable enough TO PLAY POINT GUARD when the team had none. That's on Tubby.

We've all seen it the last 4 years. The offense is awful. There's no flow. There's no movement. Everything is predicated off the archaic Hi-Lo game he runs.

Have we ever run an in-bounds play?

Late game situations have been even worse. How many awful prayer shots have been put up without an execution of a play besides standing around?

I'm sorry, but the lack of player development of Tubby recruits is startling. Ralph has improved some but still is hindered by the same basic problems as when he walked on campus. Rodney hasn't improved at all. He can't dribble or shoot or rebound (for his size and leaping ability), but other than that he's amazing!!!

I think the game is different now and the game has passed by stubborn old Tubby. His offense is crap and his eye for talent is questionable. How do you not recruit more than one guy (Oto) who can shoot a three pointer?

I thank Tubby for his time and his effort, but I'm ready (and so will most of you after this season) for a new, more youthful (or I'd take Flip in a heartbeat too) direction.

I'm in full agreement here, Dirk. Tubby may benefit from Trevor's injury if the administration sees it the way most posters here do. My take is simple--the guy cannot coach offense. We have been out-schemed since he arrived, and its unacceptable. I said it last year during the early "winning" phase and I said it before the injury. This guy is overrated and needs to be jettisoned. We don't need someone else's leftovers. We need to start from scratch with a young, hungry, Musselman-like (circa '71 era) coach. We did it before, can do it again.

First off, Tubby wanted Royce back, Maturi was the one who was stubborn and didn't letWhite and Mbakwe play, as for Cobbs don't be rediculous Bryant Allan was getting more PT at the time and Mav was recruited two months later, you're stretching on that one. The only one you have a point on is Iverson, but to be honest he wouldn't offer much more than Elliott, just more experience, it was painful to watch Iverson shoot. Devoe, like it or not, he broke the team rules, Tubby let him back, my guess is he did it again or his academics were bad because if he had waited one more week he would've been the starter and the gophs would've made the dance

Mav was recruited because Cobbs left, not the other way around. Devoe did something ILLEGAL and you think Tubby shouldn't have suspended him? If Devoe had been caught everyone would have ripped Tubby for letting this criminal be on the team.

Devoe did something ILLEGAL and you think Tubby shouldn't have suspended him? If Devoe had been caught everyone would have ripped Tubby for letting this criminal be on the team.

I'm almost certain Devoe fell under the school's mandatory suspension guidelines after failing the mandated testing more than once. Tubby/Maturi and the gang had no choice. By school guidelines, Devoe had to be suspended for 20% of the season (6 games) as spelled out in the student-athlete handbook.

Tubby didn't recruit any of the player who've done the best for him other than Mbakwe. Damian Johnson, Westbrook, Al, Hoffarber are all Monson guys.

Somehow no one blames him for Royce White or Devoe. He could have had Royce White back if he wanted. Instead he was stubborn and let him go. On Devoe, he suspended him for smoking pot and drove him away from the program. I'm in the minority, but as a fan, I could care less if guys are smoking pot. Devoe would be a MAJOR boost to this team right now.

Tubby ran off Cobbs in favor of Ahanmisi. Regardless of what Cobb does (and he's doing well) it's VERY clear Ahanmisi is not nor ever will be able to help this team. He's a low DI player at BEST. He ran off Colton Iverson, who he recruited and never developed.

When the season was on the line last year, he put BLAKE at PG. Blake. We lost 10 of 11 and didn't even make the NIT. I guess everyone is ok with chalking that up to Tubby saying "whoops" and moving on. It takes about 5 seconds to see Blake isn't a PG. It was unfortunate Al got hurt, but Tubby did that to himself by running off Devoe and Cobbs. Ahanmisi, the guy he recruited AS A POINT GUARD, wasn't even reliable enough TO PLAY POINT GUARD when the team had none. That's on Tubby.

We've all seen it the last 4 years. The offense is awful. There's no flow. There's no movement. Everything is predicated off the archaic Hi-Lo game he runs.

Have we ever run an in-bounds play?

Late game situations have been even worse. How many awful prayer shots have been put up without an execution of a play besides standing around?

I'm sorry, but the lack of player development of Tubby recruits is startling. Ralph has improved some but still is hindered by the same basic problems as when he walked on campus. Rodney hasn't improved at all. He can't dribble or shoot or rebound (for his size and leaping ability), but other than that he's amazing!!!

I think the game is different now and the game has passed by stubborn old Tubby. His offense is crap and his eye for talent is questionable. How do you not recruit more than one guy (Oto) who can shoot a three pointer?

I thank Tubby for his time and his effort, but I'm ready (and so will most of you after this season) for a new, more youthful (or I'd take Flip in a heartbeat too) direction.

Well said Double D. Perfectly stated. You hit all the main points. Super Sport - perhaps you should read and consider this post.

Although, I disagree when it comes to breakin the law!

People need to quit making excuses for Tubby. You take the fall for those players and coaches under your watch. I am completely ready to move on from this Tubby experience but I believe we will have to suffer a few more years of incompetence. Will we be able to dig ourselves out of that hole? Time will tell. But after no NCAA victories in over a decade once this is said and done we may never recover.

as for Cobbs don't be rediculous Bryant Allan was getting more PT at the time

so doesn't this go back to not being able to judge talent? it's early in Cobbs career at Cal and things could change, but he seems to be a great 6th man for the Bears.

A few questions on Cobbs: was he a talented kid who was stymied by the tubby system. Was he that homesick that he couldn't concentrate on basketball? Has he vastly improved in his year off?

Have we ever run an in-bounds play?

Late game situations have been even worse. How many awful prayer shots have been put up without an execution of a play besides standing around?

Ran an out of bounds play against Mt St Marys-- Rodney got a dunk off of it. The Badgers are another team that does not have an out of bounds play. Actually do not have one in the playbook and never work on one in practice.

I do hate the last second timeout leaving 3 seconds on the clock and let the defense get set up. If you have a playmaker, let him make the play.

And stop calling for Flip. This is just like the people that were calling for Tony Dungy for the football job. It's not gonna happen and I don't understand why people think it will.

Actually, it's not the same at all.

1. Flip has 11 years' coaching experience at the collegiate level. Dungy has one season of collegiate experience over 30 years ago.

2. Flip has a much stronger bond/connection with the U. Flip sent his son to play here. Dungy could've done the same, but sent his son to Oregon instead.

3. Flip has a much stronger bond/connection with Minnesota and the surrounding areas (SD, WI). He has spent many years coaching in this region, at the collegiate, CBA, and NBA levels, continues to maintain relationships with media members in the area and makes appearances on radio when available, and he and his wife even summer here at their home in Medina. Dungy's connection to the area is the 4 years he played here, 1 year he coached here, and the 4 years he coached for the Vikings. That's all. Flip has spent the majority of his adult life in or close to Minnesota. Dungy has spent 9 years of his adult life here, and the great majority elsewhere. There have been 21 games played at the new stadium, and unless I'm misremembering, he hasn't even bothered to attend one single game.

4. Flip has actually expressed interest in the Gopher coaching job. He has stated that he'd love to drop down and finish out his last few years before retirement on the Minnesota sidelines. Dungy's connection to the Gopher coaching job is a pipe-dream from a certain vocal minority of the fanbase.

I'm in the minority, but as a fan, I could care less if guys are smoking pot.

Actually, the overwhelming majority of people could in fact care less if scholarship athletes are ingesting illegal substances.

Actually, it's not the same at all.

1. Flip has 11 years' coaching experience at the collegiate level. Dungy has one season of collegiate experience over 30 years ago.

2. Flip has a much stronger bond/connection with the U. Flip sent his son to play here. Dungy could've done the same, but sent his son to Oregon instead.

3. Flip has a much stronger bond/connection with Minnesota and the surrounding areas (SD, WI). He has spent many years coaching in this region, at the collegiate, CBA, and NBA levels, continues to maintain relationships with media members in the area and makes appearances on radio when available, and he and his wife even summer here at their home in Medina. Dungy's connection to the area is the 4 years he played here, 1 year he coached here, and the 4 years he coached for the Vikings. That's all. Flip has spent the majority of his adult life in or close to Minnesota. Dungy has spent 9 years of his adult life here, and the great majority elsewhere. There have been 21 games played at the new stadium, and unless I'm misremembering, he hasn't even bothered to attend one single game.

4. Flip has actually expressed interest in the Gopher coaching job. He has stated that he'd love to drop down and finish out his last few years before retirement on the Minnesota sidelines. Dungy's connection to the Gopher coaching job is a pipe-dream from a certain vocal minority of the fanbase.

I would be very confident having flip on the sidelines to dig us out of mediocrity. It is a definite possibility in my mind if timing is right on both sides.

For those saying Bryant Allen was getting more playing time than Cobbs, no he wasn't. He was actually redshirting until Nolen was suspended. Cobbs still got a lot more playing time either way. I remember him being in at the end with Westbrook against PSU when Westbrook hit that winning shot.

For those saying Bryant Allen was getting more playing time than Cobbs, no he wasn't. He was actually redshirting until Nolen was suspended. Cobbs still got a lot more playing time either way. I remember him being in at the end with Westbrook against PSU when Westbrook hit that winning shot.

stop confusing peoples opinions with facts. It does not work here on GH.

stop confusing peoples opinions with facts. It does not work here on GH.
I'm not confusing opinions with facts. Just clarifying based on what I remember from that season.

I'm not confusing opinions with facts. Just clarifying based on what I remember from that season.

zambam...I am being facetious with the experts here on GH who know everything, and show it by their lack of any substance to their opinions. I am on your side, man.

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