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Dirk Diggler

Apr 8, 2010
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It's time to start talking about it. This season will LIKELY be a disaster without Mbakwe. At which point we COULD be looking at 2 very disappointing seasons in a row and after 5 years under Tubby, not even one tournament win to show for it. Next year's roster doesn't offer much hope either. At that point, you'll have to wonder if a) The U wants Tubby back and b) if Tubby even wants to come back.

I've spoken with former players. I watched (either on TV or at the Barn) nearly every game of the Tubby era. I think Tubby's a great guy, but from what I've heard and what I've seen, I'm not sure if he's right for the job here anymore. Beyond the sometimes questionable X's and O's on offense, he hasn't been able to recruit or develop the type of talent necessary to get this program to the next level.

I hope I'm wrong and the Gophers find a way to win this year and beyond, but I'm just not sure we're on the right path.

If Tubby's out, who do we look at? Shaka Smart (don't think we could get him), Tim Miles? I don't know.

You are right. Tubby can not do it. It is clearly his fault that Trevor got hurt. The same can be said with Mo's injury and Ralph's sore ankle. Let's not forget Al's injury last year and Devoe's violating team rules, etc. It was also Tubby's fault that he took a chance on Royce and Royce did not appreciate the opportunity.

The Minnesota fan wants to fire its coach when someone gets a cold on their teams. Look at Gopher hockey as a prime example. There are so many such examples. Minnesota is not exempt here. Look at LSU and Georgia as two other prime examples of this same philosophy.

I am sick over what has happened to Trevor and one more season that could deep six. Simply put Tubby will find a way to make this team respectable to good this year. I hope that 5 or 6 years from now Tubby is still around and has brought the team to the level that it potentially can be at.

It's time to start talking about it. This season will LIKELY be a disaster without Mbakwe. At which point we COULD be looking at 2 very disappointing seasons in a row and after 5 years under Tubby, not even one tournament win to show for it. Next year's roster doesn't offer much hope either. At that point, you'll have to wonder if a) The U wants Tubby back and b) if Tubby even wants to come back.

I've spoken with former players. I watched (either on TV or at the Barn) nearly every game of the Tubby era. I think Tubby's a great guy, but from what I've heard and what I've seen, I'm not sure if he's right for the job here anymore. Beyond the sometimes questionable X's and O's on offense, he hasn't been able to recruit or develop the type of talent necessary to get this program to the next level.

I hope I'm wrong and the Gophers find a way to win this year and beyond, but I'm just not sure we're on the right path.

If Tubby's out, who do we look at? Shaka Smart (don't think we could get him), Tim Miles? I don't know.

No it's not.

Personally, I'm thinking 2013-14 is going to be a kick-ass year.

Tubby stays. Nobody here is ready to go through the process of rebuilding another program in hopes of some magical coach who takes us to the final four. Tubby knows basketball and can recruit just as well as anyone out there. Stability can take a program a long way.

It's time to start talking about it. This season will LIKELY be a disaster without Mbakwe. At which point we COULD be looking at 2 very disappointing seasons in a row and after 5 years under Tubby, not even one tournament win to show for it. Next year's roster doesn't offer much hope either. At that point, you'll have to wonder if a) The U wants Tubby back and b) if Tubby even wants to come back.

I've spoken with former players. I watched (either on TV or at the Barn) nearly every game of the Tubby era. I think Tubby's a great guy, but from what I've heard and what I've seen, I'm not sure if he's right for the job here anymore. Beyond the sometimes questionable X's and O's on offense, he hasn't been able to recruit or develop the type of talent necessary to get this program to the next level.

I hope I'm wrong and the Gophers find a way to win this year and beyond, but I'm just not sure we're on the right path.

If Tubby's out, who do we look at? Shaka Smart (don't think we could get him), Tim Miles? I don't know.

Dirk- We need to hang in there with Tubby. I don't like some of what I see. But as I have said here before - it would be really, really lousy for our program to end on a bad note with a name coach such as Tubby.

There is reason for hope. We have better ability players at guard than we have had for a while now. We have some guys that can shoot- or so it now appears. Austin Hollins has improved a fair amount and Rodney is marginally improved. Armelin has gotten better on both ends- still a bit wild, but better. Elliason is rough yet but shows that he has a bright future- he's doing decently for a frosh 7 footer. Mo will be back sometime and give us some physical presence.

Look - right now guys are pining away for Cobbs because he scored 22 the other day for Cal and is starting. Who thought he was going to be that good two years ago when he left? A lot of folks here were claiming that he was another substandard Tubby recruit. Who is to say that Andre Hollins won't be a whole lot better than him by next year (I think he might be)? So I think we see some talent that can be developed and some guys who have developed and those were both areas of concern a while back.

Let's hang in there. Talk of dumping Tubby is silly- complaints are fine (I sympathize there). It will be interesting to see how he adjusts and gets these guys to compete.

Beej...You are right on the money the way you talk to Dirk, etal, realizing the "Instant Gratification" people are really "show me now or ride the pine" examples who have no idea of the long range developmental plan that coaches have for their players. Well said, my friend.

It's time to start talking about it. This season will LIKELY be a disaster without Mbakwe. At which point we COULD be looking at 2 very disappointing seasons in a row and after 5 years under Tubby, not even one tournament win to show for it. Next year's roster doesn't offer much hope either. At that point, you'll have to wonder if a) The U wants Tubby back and b) if Tubby even wants to come back.

I've spoken with former players. I watched (either on TV or at the Barn) nearly every game of the Tubby era. I think Tubby's a great guy, but from what I've heard and what I've seen, I'm not sure if he's right for the job here anymore. Beyond the sometimes questionable X's and O's on offense, he hasn't been able to recruit or develop the type of talent necessary to get this program to the next level.

I hope I'm wrong and the Gophers find a way to win this year and beyond, but I'm just not sure we're on the right path.

If Tubby's out, who do we look at? Shaka Smart (don't think we could get him), Tim Miles? I don't know.

Why is it time to talk about a coaching change? The constant disappointment with this team shouldn't be attributed to Tubby's abilities, rather injuries and stupid mistakes (i.e. Devoe) are the reasons why we're even talking about a possible coaching change. And enough about a lack of recruiting! Even though Rodney hasn't lived up to his potential, Tubby still got him. The only reason we over-analyze Rodney's play is because of his potential. Tubby is responsible for bringing in that potential talent. Lets not forget about recruiting Devron Bostick. Albeit, Devron never lived up to his potential -- but he was the JuCo player of the year in 2008. When you put that with Royce ( 5 star), Devoe (once touted as the best high school player in Canada), it's hard to argue that Tubby can't recruit. I understand that this all took place three years ago -- but if all of the aforementioned players either stayed at the U, or lived up to even 75% of the potential, the current recruiting landscape might have looked a lot different since the 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 seasons would've been drastically different with a healthy Al Nolan, Devoe, Hoff, Royce, Rodney, and Ralph. Tubby has been dealt some tough cards ever since he stepped into the barn. Ease up on Tubby. Sure, his X's and O's on offense can be questioned and that's fair. However, when your X is Andre Ingram and your O is Hoff at point guard, there isn't much a guy can do with that.

Why is it time to talk about a coaching change? The constant disappointment with this team shouldn't be attributed to Tubby's abilities, rather injuries and stupid mistakes (i.e. Devoe) are the reasons why we're even talking about a possible coaching change. And enough about a lack of recruiting! Even though Rodney hasn't lived up to his potential, Tubby still got him. The only reason we over-analyze Rodney's play is because of his potential. Tubby is responsible for bringing in that potential talent. Lets not forget about recruiting Devron Bostick. Albeit, Devron never lived up to his potential -- but he was the JuCo player of the year in 2008. When you put that with Royce ( 5 star), Devoe (once touted as the best high school player in Canada), it's hard to argue that Tubby can't recruit. I understand that this all took place three years ago -- but if all of the aforementioned players either stayed at the U, or lived up to even 75% of the potential, the current recruiting landscape might have looked a lot different since the 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 seasons would've been drastically different with a healthy Al Nolan, Devoe, Hoff, Royce, Rodney, and Ralph. Tubby has been dealt some tough cards ever since he stepped into the barn. Ease up on Tubby. Sure, his X's and O's on offense can be questioned and that's fair. However, when your X is Andre Ingram and your O is Hoff at point guard, there isn't much a guy can do with that.

Thank you. Please post more.

Go Gophers

Can we let this season play out before we have these ridiculous debates? Trevor's injury is a huge blow. Great coaches are made by how they steer the car back out of the ditch. Let Tubby work on that before you bury him.

If Tubby wiffs on all the big 3 recruits in a couple of years it is time to move on. If he can't get the top in state talent then we are right back to the monson era. If he gets them, let's wait and see what he does with them.

It has been very frustrating, but I hope Tubby sticks with us as well. Turning around a program isn't that easy. If all the problems didn't happen, ie Royce, Trevor, Devoe, Nolen.... The program would be in a different place, and recruiting would be easier as well.

Is Tubby blameless, heck no, but with a little better luck it could be a whole different story. Then again, we are the Gophers, for better or worse.

FYI, it's not the easiest place to recruit to, but winning fixes a lot of that. MSU isn't exactly south beach in the winter either.

I think Tubby's the best for the job now. Maybe Flip in the future.

I dont know how you could call the rest of the season a "likely disaster", sure we lost Trevor, but he is the not the only player on the team. Tubby will find a way, im not sure what you may have heard about Tubby from former players and what not but its part of all sports. I just hope a lot of fans dont give up hope already.

Personally, I think we should stick with Tubby for a couple of years. And those saying if he can't get Tyus to come here we should move on are just being ridiculous.
And stop calling for Flip. This is just like the people that were calling for Tony Dungy for the football job. It's not gonna happen and I don't understand why people think it will.

the chances of tubby getting canned are equal to the gophers getting john wooden. adolph rupp, or friend of tubby as the new head coach

Personally, I think we should stick with Tubby for a couple of years. And those saying if he can't get Tyus to come here we should move on are just being ridiculous.
And stop calling for Flip. This is just like the people that were calling for Tony Dungy for the football job. It's not gonna happen and I don't understand why people think it will.

It would be great to get Tyus. But the bottom line is performance. Clem (yes he cheated) took us to the Final Four after missing on Khalid El Amin. Just win. We can't control whether or not a Minnesota kid comes here. He should get most of the best but you can't control anythign beyond that.

Personally, I think we should stick with Tubby for a couple of years. And those saying if he can't get Tyus to come here we should move on are just being ridiculous.
And stop calling for Flip. This is just like the people that were calling for Tony Dungy for the football job. It's not gonna happen and I don't understand why people think it will.

You better get used to it.:horse:

You are right. Tubby can not do it. It is clearly his fault that Trevor got hurt. The same can be said with Mo's injury and Ralph's sore ankle. Let's not forget Al's injury last year and Devoe's violating team rules, etc. It was also Tubby's fault that he took a chance on Royce and Royce did not appreciate the opportunity.

The Minnesota fan wants to fire its coach when someone gets a cold on their teams. Look at Gopher hockey as a prime example. There are so many such examples. Minnesota is not exempt here. Look at LSU and Georgia as two other prime examples of this same philosophy.

I am sick over what has happened to Trevor and one more season that could deep six. Simply put Tubby will find a way to make this team respectable to good this year. I hope that 5 or 6 years from now Tubby is still around and has brought the team to the level that it potentially can be at.


Personally, I think we should stick with Tubby for a couple of years. And those saying if he can't get Tyus to come here we should move on are just being ridiculous.
And stop calling for Flip. This is just like the people that were calling for Tony Dungy for the football job. It's not gonna happen and I don't understand why people think it will.

As for the Flip thing, a lot can and will change before that would ever happen, but huge difference between him and Dungy. First I think he'd do well at it. But the second thing is more important, I know Flip has some interest in the position someday if the timing works. Dungy never did.

As for the Flip thing, a lot can and will change before that would ever happen, but huge difference between him and Dungy. First I think he'd do well at it. But the second thing is more important, I know Flip has some interest in the position someday if the timing works. Dungy never did.
How do you know he has interest?

I have actually talked to him about it. He had to be careful how he said it, but I do believe it's something he has interest in doing at some point.

Again, I realize that probably doesn't mean crap to you guys, you have no way of knowing if I'm full of it or not, but it's why I think it may happen someday.

I have actually talked to him about it. He had to be careful how he said it, but I do believe it's something he has interest in doing at some point.

Again, I realize that probably doesn't mean crap to you guys, you have no way of knowing if I'm full of it or not, but it's why I think it may happen someday.

Flips isn't getting any younger and he has not been involved in college basketball for quite a few years.

Just sayin.

Flips isn't getting any younger and he has not been involved in college basketball for quite a few years.

Just sayin.
He also has a pretty good base for that team in Washington, JaVale McGee and John Wall.

I have actually talked to him about it. He had to be careful how he said it, but I do believe it's something he has interest in doing at some point.

Again, I realize that probably doesn't mean crap to you guys, you have no way of knowing if I'm full of it or not, but it's why I think it may happen someday.

but why would Flip be any better? i can't imagine him being a better recruiter than Tubby, do out-of-state kids even know who Flip is? and will Flip be really motivated to turn the program around? I'm not saying that Tubby should be fired, but i would prefer bringing in a young asst coach from a Duke, MSU, UNC, etc program, someone like Dane Fife. Again, Tubby shouldn't be fired.

Flips isn't getting any younger and he has not been involved in college basketball for quite a few years.

Just sayin.

True and true. Those are good reasons it won't happen, and it probably won't, just don't think it's a pipe dream.

He's a good guy, and just wish him the best. If that's a long career in the NBA, great. Just saying IF the timing worked, it's something I think he would have interest in doing.

Just threw it out there cuz I think it would be fun.

Anyway, back to the main point, I don't see anyone better than Tubby for this job at this time. I for one am thankful he's here and trying to make this work, and just hope we can catch a few breaks in the future, cuz we're due!

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