Here we go again. We have another poster commenting on the EOAA report without actually reading it. It has been more common than not in GopherHole since the report was leaked to KSTP (probably by one of the players). Why educate yourself about the report when you can have anonymous internet posters and right wing newspaper columnists do it for you?
There was no witch hunt and there was no guilt by association. Each of the players has been accused of violating multiple sections of the U's Student Code of Conduct. Much of the evidence the accusations are based on comes directly from the players themselves and not the alleged victim.
- Four players are accused of Sexual Assault, Stalking, and Relationship Violence.
- Eight players are accused of Sexual Harassment.
- Three players are accused of lying to investigators.
- Nine players are accused to violating Sections 6, 8, and 19 of the Student Code of Conduct.
Every accused player will have a Student Code of Conduct hearing in which they will be represented by an attorney who will be able to challenge every accusation in the EOAA report, call witnesses on their client's behalf, and cross-examine adverse witnesses. Each of the players will be able to appeal any adverse ruling against them during the hearing, or sue the U in federal courtif they don't like the result of their appeal.
Every student at the U has to go through the exact same disciplinary process if they are accused of violating the Student Code of Conduct. Why are the posters in this thread demanding that the players be exempt from this process? I think it is because either they haven't read the EOAA report, or they don't understand the investigation/hearing/appeal process at the U.
Here is the link to the report. of M EOAA redacted5.pdf
Everyone should read it so they don't continue to show themselves to be morons by commenting on on matters they have made very little effort to understand.