New commit for 2010??

when will this crap end, this gets so old. it is pathetic, it happens all the time BOTH WAYS. Like these commitments are some big secret, the news was out pretty quick, it's not that big of a deal except for some of these babies who cry about this all the time, get over yourself.


I know you think that it's cool to post premium info over here, but at least wait until it's released publicly before posting it here. It's crap to do that when people are paying for that info. Not trying to flame, but be fair.

And how would it be released publicly? The coaches can't talk about potential recruits/commits until they sign a LOI. Your "premium info" is the subscriber's to do what they wish.

Just so that we can appease you, where should i look to find this "publicly released" info? I wouldnt want to upset you or your fellow hall monitors/information control nazis.

Oh, and yes, i have paid for the same info that you are "not trying to flame" about.

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