NCAA hounds to descend on Brewster?

Jul 1, 2009
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Just got a call earlier this afternoon from a buddy in L.A., who is 'close' to the Southern Cal program.

He confirmed the NCAA is going to drop a hammer on the Trojan program later this month...he is just hoping it isn't THEE hammer.;)

He also mentioned the word in L.A. is Seantrel has eliminated the Gophers, as it is being suggested multiple NCAA violations may have occurred on Sunday night, whilst the Hendersons were at TCF.:confused:

Oh, he also said that Seantrel will be a Trojan. I replied that I wouldn't be quite so certain, but he said he was as certain as certain could be.

Does anyone know if violations occurred at TCF on Sunday night?

Sorry if this has been posted elsewhere, but I didn't see anything on a quick check

WTF are you talking about? I mean, I guess it could be true, but I'm VERY skeptical that the coaches would totally screw the proverbial NCAA pooch with Seantrel in a really, really obvious fashion.

BTW, Lane has been known to 'turn in' his competitors, whether justified or not...:rolleyes:

Your buddy has all this great, inside information and he didn't name ANY of the rules Brewster broke? Is he a bad buddy or a bad source?

He also mentioned the word in L.A. is Seantrel has eliminated the Gophers, as it is being suggested multiple NCAA violations may have occurred on Sunday night, whilst the Hendersons were at TCF.:confused:

Spare me. You are such a liar it's not even funny.

Say what you want about trollin':rolleyes:

but apparently, the NCAA has been contacted about Sunday night. I'm told it may relate to this: Activities During Official Visit.
This statement is under "Unofficial visit" also.

An institution may not arrange miscellaneous, personalized recruiting aids (e.g., personalized jerseys, personalized audio/video scoreboard presentations) and may not permit a prospective student-athlete to engage in any game-day simulations (e.g., running onto the field with the team during pregame introductions) during an official visit. Personalized recruiting aids include any decorative items and special additions to any location the prospective student-athlete will visit (e.g., hotel room, locker room, coach’s office, conference room, arena) regardless of whether the items include the prospective student-athlete’s name or picture. (Adopted: 8/5/04, Revised: 5/14/05)

Gawd... I can hardly wait for all of this crap to be over with. I am so sick of reading junk threads like this. I know it is my fault. From day ONE I have said multiple times I see less than a 1% chance of SH being a Gopher. For the most part, I have done a good job of avoiding any SH threads, especially any that look like they are trying to predict something. I was doing so well... now in these last three days I have found myself falling off the wagon. I feel like a guy that stopped chewing tobacco years ago but for some reason gets caught in close quarters on a fishing boat, surrounded by other guys with tins of skol. I just took another dip, and I regret it... again!

Didn't all the reports say that it was an 8ft cutout with a 77 Gopher jersey on? He's not even close to 8 ft, so it couldn't have looked like him. Sounds like Brew is pushing the rules to the limit. I love it!

Say what you want about trollin':rolleyes:

but apparently, the NCAA has been contacted about Sunday night. I'm told it may relate to this: Activities During Official Visit.
This statement is under "Unofficial visit" also.

An institution may not arrange miscellaneous, personalized recruiting aids (e.g., personalized jerseys, personalized audio/video scoreboard presentations) and may not permit a prospective student-athlete to engage in any game-day simulations (e.g., running onto the field with the team during pregame introductions) during an official visit. Personalized recruiting aids include any decorative items and special additions to any location the prospective student-athlete will visit (e.g., hotel room, locker room, coach’s office, conference room, arena) regardless of whether the items include the prospective student-athlete’s name or picture. (Adopted: 8/5/04, Revised: 5/14/05)

I thought I read that they had a life-sized cutout of SH in a Gopher Uni? Lame, but according to this would be a violation. This wouldn't surprise me one bit. I wouldn't think it would come to much unless SH chose Minni.

I don't know anything about the poster, but I have to admit that when I read about the events Sunday night, the first thing that came to my mind was that some of the things that happened sounded like minor NCAA violations to me.

Say what you want about trollin':rolleyes:

but apparently, the NCAA has been contacted about Sunday night. I'm told it may relate to this: Activities During Official Visit.
This statement is under "Unofficial visit" also.

An institution may not arrange miscellaneous, personalized recruiting aids (e.g., personalized jerseys, personalized audio/video scoreboard presentations) and may not permit a prospective student-athlete to engage in any game-day simulations (e.g., running onto the field with the team during pregame introductions) during an official visit. Personalized recruiting aids include any decorative items and special additions to any location the prospective student-athlete will visit (e.g., hotel room, locker room, coach’s office, conference room, arena) regardless of whether the items include the prospective student-athlete’s name or picture. (Adopted: 8/5/04, Revised: 5/14/05)

Sunday wasn't an official visit, does that matter?

It does sound like something Lane Kiffin would try but how could he get the message to SH. Oh yea, find someone to get it on the MN message board. Cute.


Say what you want about trollin':rolleyes:

but apparently, the NCAA has been contacted about Sunday night. I'm told it may relate to this: Activities During Official Visit.
This statement is under "Unofficial visit" also.

An institution may not arrange miscellaneous, personalized recruiting aids (e.g., personalized jerseys, personalized audio/video scoreboard presentations) and may not permit a prospective student-athlete to engage in any game-day simulations (e.g., running onto the field with the team during pregame introductions) during an official visit. Personalized recruiting aids include any decorative items and special additions to any location the prospective student-athlete will visit (e.g., hotel room, locker room, coach’s office, conference room, arena) regardless of whether the items include the prospective student-athlete’s name or picture. (Adopted: 8/5/04, Revised: 5/14/05)

I have a VERY close friend that is extremely close to the NCAA and he called to tell me that nothing has been reported to them about we're in the clear. Besides, if he is going to the University of Spoiled Children (USC) why would they even THINK of logging a complaint? Makes no sense at all.

How is it that Seantrel has eliminated the Gophers because of Sunday's ALLEGED violations, but yet he will be a Trojan despite the hammer being dropped on that program. That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

You're kidding yourself if you don't think that every single team out there doesn't incorporate these type of techniques in their recruiting arsenal. Teams often prep one of the lockers in their locker room with the recruit's name and game day attire all set to go. They post their picture up on the scoreboard in their team's colors. I'm sure Kiffin's never used those techniques though. He's a straight shooter! If he really did turn this in to the NCAA then he's obviously very worried that SH might choose the Gophers over USC.


Don't get to upset. If you read good old CC's post again what he's saying is that Seantrel was a virtual lock for the Gophers, but now he's worried about the possible violations so he may have to go elsewhere.

Well, to be fair, since Kelvin Sampson was ran out of Indiana there's nobody in the country who knows more about recruiting violations then Kiffin!:(

Say what you want about trollin':rolleyes:

but apparently, the NCAA has been contacted about Sunday night. I'm told it may relate to this: Activities During Official Visit.
This statement is under "Unofficial visit" also.

An institution may not arrange miscellaneous, personalized recruiting aids (e.g., personalized jerseys, personalized audio/video scoreboard presentations) and may not permit a prospective student-athlete to engage in any game-day simulations (e.g., running onto the field with the team during pregame introductions) during an official visit. Personalized recruiting aids include any decorative items and special additions to any location the prospective student-athlete will visit (e.g., hotel room, locker room, coach’s office, conference room, arena) regardless of whether the items include the prospective student-athlete’s name or picture. (Adopted: 8/5/04, Revised: 5/14/05)

I have a friend in L.A. that says you are a filthy liar.

"Personalized" as in his face or name is visible. Having a "77" Gopher jersey is NOT "personalized". They can put up as many decorations as they want with the generic number "77" as long as Seantrel's name or face is not on it. I guarantee you that everything that happened on Sunday night was cleared through the U's NCAA Compliance Officer first.

"Personalized" as in his face or name is visible. Having a "77" Gopher jersey is NOT "personalized". They can put up as many decorations as they want with the generic number "77" as long as Seantrel's name or face is not on it. I guarantee you that everything that happened on Sunday night was cleared through the U's NCAA Compliance Officer first.

Also, I read in Walters column that Kelly dropped off a Notre Dame jersey with a 77 on it too. What kind of recruiting violation is it for Snoop Dog to offer Sean Henderson a recording deal? LOL. ;o)

I see ConferenceChamp is up to his old tricks again. Always on the look out for some new material even if the material makes no sense eh? It's great when folks cite their buddies out in LA as a source of what's going on with the Minnesota program. :clap:

<img src=""/>

The first clue that something was fishy was when ConferenceChamp said that he had a friend. :D

Just stop encouraging him.....seriously, put the d-bag on ignore and this crap never happens.....

Don't be an enabler...

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