Wow. I'm so overwhelmed with all of your kindness and thoughtful posts. Being surrounded by such an outpouring of support has made things so much easier for my family and myself, and the GH love means so much to me. Thank you all, very much.
Thanks so much for posting and sharing this, DL. I appreciate all your support.
It was. For as much as I post, I typically don't post about things really close to the heart, it's more fun the Gophers, food, cooking, etc. She had been on dialysis for a few years, and in the past few months had battled with heart issues, infections, pancreatitis (which was probably what really weakened her, and she never recovered from), blockages in her legs, etc. Her body was just ready to be done. The good news is, aside from a few days, she never experienced any pain, didn't suffer, and passed peacefully with my brother and I holding her hands at her side, she knew how loved she was. That's all we can ask for.
This is exactly what GH is, a family, thank you.
I love this, and I hope so too. Thank you.
And you are in mine. I'm so sorry for your loss. My deepest condolences to you and your family.
This is the obituary that ran today if anyone is interested: