Nadine Babu: Gopher fans: We may not win the game, but we'll win the tailgate

As great as this menu sounds, I believe Nadine was too modest in not sharing two others things which helps make her tailgates so special.

1. Gopher Lady makes kick-ass Jello Shots. She has taken the simple Jello Shot and elevated it to being nearly an art form. Being offered a Jello Shot by Gopher Lady is a humbling, yet very rewarding, experience..

2. Gopher Lady - and the gang she brings to the game - exude all the is good about college sports. While they really, really want to see some Badger ass kicked today, they also realize life is too short to 'hate' somebody just because they support the team the Gophers are playing.

You can have all the great food you want, but the secret ingredient for a successful tailgate is 'Attitude', and Nadine and her gang have it.

Simply stated, this gang likes to have fun....and they are very good at it.

A few of us from BuckyVille will be stopping by GL's tailgate to beg for a jello shot or six while engaging in some serious BS about today's game and enjoying some gracious Gopher hospitality.

Winning the Tailgate?

I'll bet on Gopher Lady any time!

Ski U Mah

We love the Ski U Mah lot.. We'll be tailgating it up there today as well. 60 degress! 2pm Start! November?! Gotta luv it.. if you don't have fun at today's game (win or lose), you don't like college football.

As great as this menu sounds, I believe Nadine was too modest in not sharing two others things which helps make her tailgates so special.

1. Gopher Lady makes kick-ass Jello Shots. She has taken the simple Jello Shot and elevated it to being nearly an art form. Being offered a Jello Shot by Gopher Lady is a humbling, yet very rewarding, experience..

2. Gopher Lady - and the gang she brings to the game - exude all the is good about college sports. While they really, really want to see some Badger ass kicked today, they also realize life is too short to 'hate' somebody just because they support the team the Gophers are playing.

You can have all the great food you want, but the secret ingredient for a successful tailgate is 'Attitude', and Nadine and her gang have it.

Simply stated, this gang likes to have fun....and they are very good at it.

A few of us from BuckyVille will be stopping by GL's tailgate to beg for a jello shot or six while engaging in some serious BS about today's game and enjoying some gracious Gopher hospitality.

Winning the Tailgate?

I'll bet on Gopher Lady any time!

I can't believe I just saw this thread now! Thank you for your unbelievable kind words. It should be know that DCTRC is the one that's hosted me in Madison for the past 6 years or so - and he is the one that's the amazing host. I feel so bad, I was so excited to see you, was pushing food on you, I forgot to give you a jello shot! I'll owe you many on our next visit. Wish you could have stayed longer, but it was great to see you and favorite Badger fans (that's an oxymoron, I think ;). You missed the other 40 people that showed up later, and would have loved to introduce you around. It was a great day...aside from the game, that is.

We love the Ski U Mah lot.. We'll be tailgating it up there today as well. 60 degress! 2pm Start! November?! Gotta luv it.. if you don't have fun at today's game (win or lose), you don't like college football.

I completely agree - couldn't have been a more beautiful day. I didn't know you were in our lot, sorry I missed you and didn't see this until now! :(

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