Myron P. Medcalf officially on GopherHole ???

Maybe this is why he's has such poor coverage of Gopher's basketball, Myron must be planning a new career for when he is Brewster'd from the Goph's beat reporter position.

Most of the reporters I talked to picked Velasquez. They believe the former Arizona All-America wrestler will take Lesnar into deep water and his conditioning will give him an advantage.

I disagree. I think Velasquez is a young fighter who hasn't faced a competitor like Lesnar. I believe Velasquez will make a costly mistake in the early rounds and lose via TKO in Round 2.

That's my prediction and I'm sticking to it.

Myron's basketball predictions are always wrong, why would MMA be any different.

Hey, he put a link to his Skype on his post here - why aren't you grateful?

I know why!!! It is easier to criticize and complain than be grateful.

Exactly! I think it's awesome that Myron is posting. I don't think people give him enough credit - he actually knows a lot about Gopher hoops. I'll be the 1st to admit I criticized him when he started, but I think he's improved a great deal.

da vikes. nuff said, hopefully randy moons them again, i would personally pay his fine. :)

I'm not a big fan, but welcome his posts.


Your Packers are going down. :)

By going down, do you mean to Dallas for the Superbowl?

da vikes. nuff said, hopefully randy moons them again, i would personally pay his fine. :)

If Randy would have mooned Lambeau to celebrate his 30 yards, that would have looked just silly! ;)

you mean his 90 yards, but when he touched the CB's back softly it became 30. terrible refs, and im not just saying that, it was clearly biased. i.e. shaincoe's TD, clay matthews throwing his helmet off, rodgers intentional grounding, the pass intereference call when rodgers threw the ball ten yards out of bounds. but yea you could say the packers won.

you mean his 90 yards, but when he touched the CB's back softly it became 30. terrible refs, and im not just saying that, it was clearly biased. i.e. shaincoe's TD, clay matthews throwing his helmet off, rodgers intentional grounding, the pass intereference call when rodgers threw the ball ten yards out of bounds. but yea you could say the packers won.

The winners sit and shoot the $hit, the losers holler "We was robbed"!!!!

I am a Vikings fan, but what part of Favre's three INT's were us being "robbed"?

Refs came out and appologized for ruling Shiancoe's touchdown incomplete. Also the Packers had a touchdown that was very clearly incomplete.


Viks lost but easily could have/should have won... Brock on the other hand got his a$$ handed to him.

Did you not notice that Rodgers had 2 INT's? Or that we were robbed of a TD that would've won us the game. Or that... well, since it sounds like you either 1) didn't watch the game 2) aren't actually a Vikings fan or 3) don't understand football very well, here's a decent summary of the reffing...

I am a Vikings fan, but what part of Favre's three INT's were us being "robbed"?

Did you not notice that Rodgers had 2 INT's? Or that we were robbed of a TD that would've won us the game. Or that... well, since it sounds like you either 1) didn't watch the game 2) aren't actually a Vikings fan or 3) don't understand football very well, here's a decent summary of the reffing...

I actually did watch the game from beginning to end. Refs screw up in EVERY single game. Every one, I have never seen a perfectly called game. Yes, some calls are bigger than others. The only for sure thing that I saw was a 40 year old QB who could barely walk making awful reads and throwing interceptions.

Before we piss off more ppl talking about the NFL, can you honestly say that had it been even a mediocre reffing job that we wouldn't have won the game? The awful call on Shiancoe's TD alone was the difference between winning and losing. Yes, Favre didn't have a great game, but regardless, the score was still close enough that we would've won if the reffing was just bad, not horrendous.

I actually did watch the game from beginning to end. Refs screw up in EVERY single game. Every one, I have never seen a perfectly called game. Yes, some calls are bigger than others. The only for sure thing that I saw was a 40 year old QB who could barely walk making awful reads and throwing interceptions.

It's one thing to have bad calls. Sometimes refs just miss things. But what's frustrating is when refs and replay officials don't know the rules. By rule, Shiancoe's catch should have been a TD. They had minutes to make the call, not seconds like an official usually does in the heat of the game.

Myron, you must feel great that your arrival led to so much discussion of the upcoming BB season!:)

Before we piss off more ppl talking about the NFL, can you honestly say that had it been even a mediocre reffing job that we wouldn't have won the game? The awful call on Shiancoe's TD alone was the difference between winning and losing. Yes, Favre didn't have a great game, but regardless, the score was still close enough that we would've won if the reffing was just bad, not horrendous.

I definitley agree it would have problably had a different outcome. Does anyone know that for sure though? No. The officials absolutley sucked up that game, but where was Childress to challenge that Green Bay touchdown? Granted, the ref should have never gotten it wrong, but that's why we have instant replay.

My point is, you can't blame the whole loss on the officiating. Who knows how momentum, game planning, etc. would have changed for both teams with even one changed call, so I don't think you can say with 110% certainty that if calls went a different way the Vikings would have won, which is why the NFL does not over turn who won or lost when they admit a bad call.

The Vikings had chances to win and didn't come through. Was the officiating bad? Yup, absolutley. But at the end of the day, you aren't going to win many games with a coach who has an IQ of 5 and a QB who can't walk throwing 3 interceptions in 7 pass attempts (But if a call is made differently, maybe Favre doesn't force one of those throws or maybe the play never happens where he gets hurt, you can't possibly predict what would have happened if the refs made the right calls)

It is extremely rare for me to blame games on refs, but I think that game called for it. Neither team played that well, but with how close the game was, I feel it's safe to say that they would've won if the game was even decently officiated. Favre threw one fewer pick than Rodgers. And I agree on Childress being a problem. I wish he would've taken some blame for the game instead of ONLY blaming it on the refs/Favre. It would help if he didn't suck at playcalling and knew when to challenge.

I definitley agree it would have problably had a different outcome. Does anyone know that for sure though? No. The officials absolutley sucked up that game, but where was Childress to challenge that Green Bay touchdown? Granted, the ref should have never gotten it wrong, but that's why we have instant replay.

My point is, you can't blame the whole loss on the officiating. Who knows how momentum, game planning, etc. would have changed for both teams with even one changed call, so I don't think you can say with 110% certainty that if calls went a different way the Vikings would have won, which is why the NFL does not over turn who won or lost when they admit a bad call.

The Vikings had chances to win and didn't come through. Was the officiating bad? Yup, absolutley. But at the end of the day, you aren't going to win many games with a coach who has an IQ of 5 and a QB who can't walk throwing 3 interceptions in 7 pass attempts (But if a call is made differently, maybe Favre doesn't force one of those throws or maybe the play never happens where he gets hurt, you can't possibly predict what would have happened if the refs made the right calls)

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