Who cares about media markets? We'd be adding Missouri, not the St. Louis Cardinals.
Missourians aren't crazy about their college sports. Who cares if they have TVs if they're on another channel?
I've also never understood this rationale for Rutgers. My entire family is from New York and nobody gives two poops about Rutgers.
The idea isn't necessarily about interest in the said media markets. It is about clearance of the Big Ten Network. Remember, in the primary 8-state region of the Big Ten, the BTN gets anywhere between $.50-$1 per month per subscriber!
So, you add Rutgers and hope to start getting clearance in the 20-million person New York/New Jersey area and the $$$$ starts adding up fast. Getting clearance will be a hurdle, because as you said, the interest isn't all that high.
Not so with Missouri. You add the Tigers and instantly STL and KC pick up the BTN and put it on their basic expanded/standard plans. You do that, and you're talking about the possibility of adding $2-4 million PER MONTH of revenue just off of the subscriber fees. And, I might add that the Springfield/Branson area is still one of the fastest growing markets in the nation, too, and they would add BTN on basic, as well. The Jeff City/Columbia market is decent, as well. You're talking about maybe $5 million per month of revenue or $60 million extra per year. The expense of adding Mizzou isn't that high, as they have everything in place.
I never gave Missouri a second thought in all of this because I figured they would never walk away from the Big 12. They are a charter Big 8 member and have a long-standing rivalry with Kansas. But, apparently they are unhappy with the shift of power within the league to the Texas schools and the switch of the conference's headquarters out of KC and into Dallas. If that is the case, then Mizzou is a legit player in the expansion discussion, no question about it. I think the Big Ten opened this up for discussion right now because of Mizzou. The Big Ten - like me - probably figured Missouri would never bolt from the Big 12. There apparently is some slight momentum now.
Mizzou has a very nice campus, a 70,000-seat football stadium, a brand new basketball arena, and the academics are a fit. Mizzou also does have some outstanding fringe sports. Baseball would be an instant Big Ten contender and a probable yearly favorite to win the league. Wrestling has been good. Volleyball has been well above average.