MTSU Not in Awe of Minnesota


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Nov 12, 2008
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MURFREESBORO – MTSU coach Rick Stockstill tried to strike a balance between respect for upcoming opponent Minnesota and an acknowledgment that the Big Ten school is beatable at Monday's weekly press conference.
"We are not in awe (of Minnesota)," Stockstill said. "We are not going to be in awe in going up there to Minnesota. We'll approach it just like we do any game. I hope we go up and play better than what we did (last) Saturday. If we do that, we'll have a chance to win this game.."

To have a shot at upsetting Minnesota, Stockstill said his team must cut back on turnovers (3) and penalties (9 for 70 yards) from the Savannah State game. He also said his inexperienced squad must adapt quickly to a tough road environment.

MTSU had 26 players make their debut, including seven first-time starters, amid a rain-soaked, half-filled (15,605) Floyd Stadium last week. Saturday's game will be played under different conditions, as the forecast calls for sunny skies and TCF Bank Stadium's capacity is 50,804.

Stockstill said the site's reputation exceeds that number.

"This week is a big challenge for us. I've said all along, it's tough to win on the road, especially when you are going to a place that you've never been before," Stockstill said. "We don't know what it's going to look like and sound like there. I've called coaching buddies that have played there. They say it's a loud environment. We've got to be able to handle the noise. Eastern Illinois had some communication issues with some snaps and everything. We've got to make sure we handle the noise. We will prepare for that this week as well."

You never know what will happen. We could lose to them and winner all 3 trophy games. But I doubt it.

Dude - Prepare for the weather. I don't think you understand how close to the North Pole we are.

On a serious note: If we show more of our B1G playbook and execute, we'll have this one over by half-time. By that I mean Leidner has his passing jitters out of the way, Wolitarsky helps with the downfield threat, our O-Line comes together, and our Defense continues to dominate. Those combinations will make for a long day for MTSU.

This game will be the real test of just how good our team is this year. I was impressed at the Savannah State game, but couldn't necessarily confirm our abilities against a team that has gone 4 - 42 over the past few years. We have had lots of coaching changes since 2010, and obviously, the team has transitioned too. We only lost by 7 at home to you guys in 2010, so I think being 14 point underdogs is fair. We have the ability to upset and have done it before. Ask Georgia Tech what it feels like to get whooped at home by us. I wouldn't rule us out yet. It's college football. Anything can happen.

The MTSU players skin is going to be so dried out and split from the lack of humidity on Saturday they are going to be bleeding like stuck pigs.

Dude - Prepare for the weather. I don't think you understand how close to the North Pole we are.

On a serious note: If we show more of our B1G playbook and execute, we'll have this one over by half-time. By that I mean Leidner has his passing jitters out of the way, Wolitarsky helps with the downfield threat, our O-Line comes together, and our Defense continues to dominate. Those combinations will make for a long day for MTSU.

Better wait till 2016.

This game will be the real test of just how good our team is this year. I was impressed at the Savannah State game, but couldn't necessarily confirm our abilities against a team that has gone 4 - 42 over the past few years. We have had lots of coaching changes since 2010, and obviously, the team has transitioned too. We only lost by 7 at home to you guys in 2010, so I think being 14 point underdogs is fair. We have the ability to upset and have done it before. Ask Georgia Tech what it feels like to get whooped at home by us. I wouldn't rule us out yet. It's college football. Anything can happen.

Welcome back.:cheer:

Head Coach Rick Stockstill Press Conference

"Minnesota is an excellent football team. They are coming off back-to-back bowl games. They won eight games last year. They've got some really good players. They are big as you guys would expect. Their defensive end was second in the Big Ten last year in sacks. They are very athletic. Their offensive and defensive lines are big. They do a good job protecting the ball. They are very well-coached. Jerry Kill does a good job with that team. They've improved a lot since he's been there. This is a big challenge for us, but we are looking forward to it. Hopefully, we'll correct our mistakes that we made in our game against Savannah State and go up there and play a little bit better than we did Saturday.

On why the team is competitive against Big Ten opponents:
I think we're competitive against everybody. Sure, we've had some mismatches against some schools that we've played. I don't look at it as competitive against the Big Ten or the ACC. We've had chances to win some games against the Big Ten, SEC and ACC. We've beaten them sometimes and we haven't the others. We are getting better as a program. We are getting better as a team. We are not in awe. We are not going to be in awe in going up there to Minnesota. We'll approach it just like we do any game. I hope we go up and play better than what we did Saturday. If we do that, we'll have a chance to win this game..

On if the defense needs to establish pressure early:
As quick as quarterbacks get out of the ball out of their hands now, it is hard to get sacks. Savannah State did a good job getting the ball out of their hand. It's hard to get there because of the type of offenses people run now. I do believe that you can make the quarterback uncomfortable. You can get around him. You can harass him. You can get him off his spot to where he becomes uncomfortable. I thought our defense did a great job Saturday of harassing their quarterback. I thought he was very uncomfortable in the pocket. It may not show up. You got two sacks, which is really good. There may be games, where you don't have any sacks. But you harassed the heck out of that quarterback. It made him very uncomfortable, which is the same as sacks in my opinion. It's going to be hard because they are awful big up front. Their tight end is 270. Their full back is 255-260. They've got big men up there. We may not be able to get as much pressure on him as we'd like. Hopefully, we will get back there and make him uncomfortable..

On Minnesota's size:
They are a man, we are man. They are 330 pounds and we are going to be 280 pounds. That means we've got to strain a little bit harder. We've got to fight a little bit harder and a little bit tougher. Like I said, nobody getting off that plane is going to be scared of them. This dude is 6-6 330 pounds. I've got to find a way to whoop him. That's our mentality. We've got to find a way. That will be our approach.

On the previous meeting with Minnesota:
I probably won't even bring it up. I don't know even know how many players we've got on our team that played in that game. They are a lot better team than 2010 and we are a lot better team than we were in 2010. I don't ever go back. I don't every say we almost beat them. It is two different teams. It doesn't do any good to talk about the past. We've got to get better this week. We can't control how good Minnesota is going to play. All we can control is us. Our objective this week is to get better. Every year, we play somebody from the big five conference. We are not in awe of them. We are confident in ourselves. I've got a great confidence and belief in this team. I know this team believes in themselves too. We've just got to get better. We can't turn the ball over three times and have five false start penalties like we did last week and beat Minnesota. If we do that, close the books right now. No sense in getting on the plane and going up there. You are not going to beat them by turning the ball over and having five false start penalties. We've got to get that corrected and get better this week. Hopefully, we'll go up there and play better..

How sweet it is to be this missed.:eek:

I logged into my account and had several unread private messages. Geez, I didn't even attend Minnesota and I'm already a legend. Ha.

"Minnesota is an excellent football team. They are coming off back-to-back bowl games. They won eight games last year. They've got some really good players. They are big as you guys would expect. Their defensive end was second in the Big Ten last year in sacks. They are very athletic. Their offensive and defensive lines are big. They do a good job protecting the ball. They are very well-coached. Jerry Kill does a good job with that team. They've improved a lot since he's been there. This is a big challenge for us, but we are looking forward to it. Hopefully, we'll correct our mistakes that we made in our game against Savannah State and go up there and play a little bit better than we did Saturday.

On why the team is competitive against Big Ten opponents:
I think we're competitive against everybody. Sure, we've had some mismatches against some schools that we've played. I don't look at it as competitive against the Big Ten or the ACC. We've had chances to win some games against the Big Ten, SEC and ACC. We've beaten them sometimes and we haven't the others. We are getting better as a program. We are getting better as a team. We are not in awe. We are not going to be in awe in going up there to Minnesota. We'll approach it just like we do any game. I hope we go up and play better than what we did Saturday. If we do that, we'll have a chance to win this game..

On if the defense needs to establish pressure early:
As quick as quarterbacks get out of the ball out of their hands now, it is hard to get sacks. Savannah State did a good job getting the ball out of their hand. It's hard to get there because of the type of offenses people run now. I do believe that you can make the quarterback uncomfortable. You can get around him. You can harass him. You can get him off his spot to where he becomes uncomfortable. I thought our defense did a great job Saturday of harassing their quarterback. I thought he was very uncomfortable in the pocket. It may not show up. You got two sacks, which is really good. There may be games, where you don't have any sacks. But you harassed the heck out of that quarterback. It made him very uncomfortable, which is the same as sacks in my opinion. It's going to be hard because they are awful big up front. Their tight end is 270. Their full back is 255-260. They've got big men up there. We may not be able to get as much pressure on him as we'd like. Hopefully, we will get back there and make him uncomfortable..

On Minnesota's size:
They are a man, we are man. They are 330 pounds and we are going to be 280 pounds. That means we've got to strain a little bit harder. We've got to fight a little bit harder and a little bit tougher. Like I said, nobody getting off that plane is going to be scared of them. This dude is 6-6 330 pounds. I've got to find a way to whoop him. That's our mentality. We've got to find a way. That will be our approach.

On the previous meeting with Minnesota:
I probably won't even bring it up. I don't know even know how many players we've got on our team that played in that game. They are a lot better team than 2010 and we are a lot better team than we were in 2010. I don't ever go back. I don't every say we almost beat them. It is two different teams. It doesn't do any good to talk about the past. We've got to get better this week. We can't control how good Minnesota is going to play. All we can control is us. Our objective this week is to get better. Every year, we play somebody from the big five conference. We are not in awe of them. We are confident in ourselves. I've got a great confidence and belief in this team. I know this team believes in themselves too. We've just got to get better. We can't turn the ball over three times and have five false start penalties like we did last week and beat Minnesota. If we do that, close the books right now. No sense in getting on the plane and going up there. You are not going to beat them by turning the ball over and having five false start penalties. We've got to get that corrected and get better this week. Hopefully, we'll go up there and play better..

I like Coach Stock's approach to this game. He does have a point. 2010 was (can you believe it?!) 4 years ago! Lots of changes happen in 4 years. I am anxious to see how we perform Saturday. Like I've said before, MT fans can't really judge this team based off our beat down of Savannah State.

Looks like MTSU is about to go into the wrong neighborhood.

<img src="" width="25%" height="25%">

I think this is going to be a good game on Saturday.

This team will be more similar in competition level size wise in the lines to TCU than EIU is without the gimicky sell out blitzes. They will blitz but not 8 to 9 guys all of the first half in a total sell out to stop the run. That and MTSU has a quarterback that can pass he isn't all run and scramble.I think you will see more play action out of the Gophers and not the same 5 to 6 plays we were seeing a lot of in the first game, with the playbook being opened up more.
Gophers better not come out flat and play down to their competition this game or it will get them beat.
Need to have enthusiasm from the kickoff and start acting like a Big 10 team more at the line of scrimmage at least from the O-line and H-backs. Max Williams and Plesk cannot miss as many blocks as they did last week.
I think the point spread is good and that by the end we wear them out in the second half 34-17 is kind of where I see the score ending up in favor of the Gophers. They have some good players but we likely have just a little more depth in our rotation.

I don't think it bodes well that MTSU had 3 TO's and 9 penalties last week.... against a team like Savannah State. Ouch.

I also saw an injury report that says their starting NT is questionable for Saturday's game. That wouldn't be good for them if he's not able to go.

I don't think it bodes well that MTSU had 3 TO's and 9 penalties last week.... against a team like Savannah State. Ouch.

I also saw an injury report that says their starting NT is questionable for Saturday's game. That wouldn't be good for them if he's not able to go.

I'm guessing they break out their short yardage formation (5-3) and dare us to pass. I watched the MTSU/North Texas highlights from last year and saw they were quite successful in stopping the run until they started to air it out. N-TX is a run first offense, but had success when they started passing - switched to the 4-3 and then the game turned in N-TX's favor.

Leidner is going to have to have some time on his throws, otherwise, it's be a close game.

I'd like to remind our Southern friends that while the Night's Watch still wields power in these parts, they would be wise to not underestimate the Wildings.

Do carry torches when you are outside. It scares away the frost giants.

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We play the Battle Hymn of the Republic at every game. please be prepared to hear the 'Dixie' of the North.

Back to the Title of the Thread - this is a pet peeve of Mine, when lazy writers break out these stupid cliches.

Oh, MTSU says they're "Not in Awe" of MN.............what the bleep do you expect them to say: "We're scared S***less. We may all crap our pants before we get off the bus."

No coach in the world is going to come out before a game and even hint that his team doesn't have a chance.

Look, I suppose it's possible that MTSU could win the game - but not being a math whiz, I cannot even begin to fathom what the odds might be. But barring some type of catastrophic event, I don't see any way the Gophs lose this game. My gut tells me that Kill & Co are really hammering on the players this week to come out and play like a B1G team and put MTSU away.

MTSU sounds like a team that will spread us out and try to get their playmakers in space. I think that's a good matchup for us as our defense usually tackles very well and I'd much rather face a spread team than a power running team right now. I'm expecting a comfortable win but you never know.

Boy if they thought last week the noise was loud wait until this week

Boy if they thought last week the noise was loud wait until this week

Highlighted that because the Coach said he talked to a number of coaches who played here and they told him how loud the place can be for the visiting team. Heard that before, even though people on here often say how "quiet" it is. :eek:

Back to the Title of the Thread - this is a pet peeve of Mine, when lazy writers break out these stupid cliches.

Oh, MTSU says they're "Not in Awe" of MN.............what the bleep do you expect them to say: "We're scared S***less. We may all crap our pants before we get off the bus."

No coach in the world is going to come out before a game and even hint that his team doesn't have a chance.

Look, I suppose it's possible that MTSU could win the game - but not being a math whiz, I cannot even begin to fathom what the odds might be. But barring some type of catastrophic event, I don't see any way the Gophs lose this game. My gut tells me that Kill & Co are really hammering on the players this week to come out and play like a B1G team and put MTSU away.

Lou Holtz did, all the time.

I don't think it bodes well that MTSU had 3 TO's and 9 penalties last week.... against a team like Savannah State. Ouch.

I also saw an injury report that says their starting NT is questionable for Saturday's game. That wouldn't be good for them if he's not able to go.

It's no excuse, but with the monsoon and the fact the field looked like a giant slip and slide the entire game, I think 3 TO's in that weather is miraculous. Penalties, we do have to work on.

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