Even Brewster wouldn't have made calls that atrocious. Their players battled back and lost the game solely based on his poor decisions.

Awesome. I knew Wisky was over-rated. This is what happens when you play a real team and not these easy teams. Great pass from Cousins!!! Exciting finish! Whats better is that Wisky will continue to have ZERO National Championships to their name!!!

Best news of the day. Bielema cost them the game at the end by being cocky and calling 2 timeouts when Michigan St. had the ball, which led to the game winning TD.

I understood the first one, but the second one was stupid. Even if they forced the punt there, they wouldn't have had much of a chance to score. Wasn't worth the risk IMO.

Bielema looked a little emotional after the game...and I don't mean angry.

For the record, I thought the MSU receiver got in, but that there wouldn't be enough evidence to overturn the call on the field. Glad I was wrong and the replay official got it right. I don't think I could have handled the Badgers going to the national title game on top of this Gophers season.

The fickle nature of sports.

Just like that, the Badgers go from a potential BCS title game participant to now having a battle on their hands just to win their (Leaders) division. Penn State now leads the Leaders Division.

All that said, if I'm Sparty I don't want to meet Bucky again in Indianapolis.

I see we've provided you good folks with a little real entertainment for your Saturday. You know...meaningful, hard-fought close football game.

How'd the day go otherwise? Pleasant?


This almost makes up for the *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#ty season we've had to endure as Gopher fans.

And my other team, PSU, moves into first place in the division.... :p

And you don't have anything better to do than hang out on Minnesota's message board?

Michigan St. really punched Wisonsin in the mouth, and much to my surprise, Wisconsin came back from 14 down in the 4th to tie it. I don't blame Bielema for the timeoutes, he had sparty in 2nd and 26 with less than a minute left. Great win for Sparty. That said, both of these teams would be 20+ dogs to LSU or Bama....

Pheasant hunting was great, how bout you?

I see we've provided you good folks with a little real entertainment for your Saturday. You know...meaningful, hard-fought close football game.

How'd the day go otherwise? Pleasant?

The insecurity is strong with this one.

I see we've provided you good folks with a little real entertainment for your Saturday. You know...meaningful, hard-fought close football game.

How'd the day go otherwise? Pleasant?

Nahh, we lost too. Although I've always said I'd rather lose by 40 than on a hail mary...

I see we've provided you good folks with a little real entertainment for your Saturday. You know...meaningful, hard-fought close football game.

How'd the day go otherwise? Pleasant?

It was a GREAT day, especially the night. Thank you for asking!

Reporter: Coach Bielema, why on earth did you call those timeouts on Michigan State's last drive.
Bielema: That's what the coaching card said to do.

I see we've provided you good folks with a little real entertainment for your Saturday. You know...meaningful, hard-fought close football game.

How'd the day go otherwise? Pleasant?

Who pissed in your wheaties?... Oh wait the Spartans did...

Agreed, but respectfully, what does that have to do with tonight's Sparty-Badger game?

It doesn't and that was a fantastic game. I actually was disappointed with Wisconsin's secondary. When #3 for Sparty scored on the 4th down play where it was a 5 yard hook pattern and he was surrounded by 4 defenders, I knew right there this wasn't a national championship defense. As I said, I was impressed the badgers were able to come back from 14 down...

Question for you guys. Who would have won in OT? Becky had the momentum with the last 14 points. I'm not sure myself, could have gone either way...

How insanely delicious is it that part of the reason Wisconsin lost was a TD scored on a blocked punt? Oh, the sweet, sweet tears of unfathomable sadness...


Question for you guys. Who would have won in OT? Becky had the momentum with the last 14 points. I'm not sure myself, could have gone either way...

The first thought in my head after the hail-marry and initial call was that no way would MSU been able to regain their composure coming inches away from a miracle win, to be able to pull it out in OT. Thankfully if didn't come to that.

Great night.

Go Gophers!!

Overtime definitely would have favored Bucky, I think. Mo was completely on their side, and their offense was back in gear in the 4th quarter.

which is why I didn't understand why Butthead called the 2nd timeout after MSU got most of that long 2nd down back. There wasn't enough time left for Wisc to do much at that point, and calling that TO had to favor the odds of a MSU victory in regulation.

I see we've provided you good folks with a little real entertainment for your Saturday. You know...meaningful, hard-fought close football game.

How'd the day go otherwise? Pleasant?

Within 30 minutes of what I assume was a crushing loss for your posted on the GopherHole? How insecure are you that the thought actually crosses your mind after that game of "I need to get on the GopherHole"?

Wisconsin has a much better program than Minnesota and you should definitely be happy with your standing in college football. Speaking only for myself, Wisconsin and Iowa's success is like salt in an open wound of being a Gopher football fan. Tonight, I didn't get any salt poured in to the wound that Nebraska opened up this afternoon. I would guess you enjoyed seeing Minnesota get pounded again today, which is probably usally the cherry on top of your weekly sundae as a Badger fan. This week you got the cherry, but no sundae.

What brings music to my ears is that the National Championship drought continues with our little sister to the east!!!

We might suck but we still have 6 to our name!!! Better than being chokers like wisky has been!!!

Awesome win by Sparty!!!

What a night. I went to the local to celebrate whisky being down 14 only to have them tie the score. Ordered some wings, bought $20 dollars in pulltabs after whisky ties it.... 1st pullab wins $300 last pulltab wins $100. 2 SECONDS later MSU wins on a long desperation pass.. Made my whole night.

Except for the Ambivalence Bowl (Hawkeyes/Badgers) my second favorite team is whoever is playing Wisconsin. Go Sparty!!

EG#9 Reply

"Within 30 minutes of what I assume was a crushing loss for your posted on the GopherHole?"

I don't know about "crushing". I'm not. We're still very much in contention for a conference title.

Nope. Came here to catch up on your ballgame. Didn't know the results although it quickly became apparent how your Nebraska game went.

I confess to surprise at the intense interest displayed by your fans in the outcome of our game. There's nothing about your game reciprocating such on the Badger fanboards. The consequent glee expressed here is less surprising, I suppose. That would explain my comment about our game providing your fans with some real entertainment.

So absent with football otherwise. See you in a few weeks...:)

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