So, Avatar 2 (The Way of Water) is now available on Disney+. Before watching it, I decided to go back and watch the 1st Avatar again. I remembered the basic plot, but not a lot of the details.
I have a 55" 4K TV and surround-sound system. the movie looks great - you can tell they spent a lot of money on the effects. as far as the plot, yeah, there are some holes. and Jake comes off as not the brightest guy around before turning into super warrior and bird-rider. plus the vast majority of the humans not seeming to give a bleep about wiping out a whole race of people. found myself wondering if the weaselly corporate guy was an ancestor of the weaselly corporate guy in Aliens.
So, high marks for visuals, sound and effects. questions about plot and story.
I'll watch Avatar 2 just for the heck of it, but I'm in no hurry.