More bad news?

I think GW's timing is only curious. Clearly I would think most people would have thought this was done, probably me included, certainly the U knows this is going on and it doesn't seem to be an issue ( yet I guess ) A why know question for GW is warranted though.

A good journalist never reveals his sources. And the story evolves when it evolves, nothing more, nothing less. GW has been spot-on on a number of occasions, so yes, I would also agree that your "Kill the Messenger" mentality has taken over.
A good story evolves when it evolves.And it evolved right afer midnight madness.Give me a break!

We actually know when it evolved thanks to Blizzard. And why now? Seems obvious enough.

We actually know when it evolved thanks to Blizzard. And why now? Seems obvious enough.

FTB, what is so obivous? GW is mad at Mwakbe for transferring 3 or 4 years ago? maybe something is up maybe not but I seriously doubt this is some personal vendetta.

We actually know when it evolved thanks to Blizzard. And why now? Seems obvious enough.

I have no clue if there is an imminent development that is going to impact Mbakwe's playing status but, given GW's track record of accuracy, I think that he has sufficient credibility to warrant you not jumping down his throat on this one.


GW comes off as a complete weirdo in his posts. I would bet he is not very socially accepted in his "offline" life.

Who ever said Jesse was a well-balanced individual? He also had a bizarre anti-crean vendetta.

His signature is asking people to follow him on Twitter. There have been at least a couple of occasions in the past where someone posted a link to an article that GW had already tweeted about a day or more prior and he asked why they aren't following him on Twitter. Then he proceeded to quote his own Twitter account to show everyone that he already knew. He seemed annoyed that people weren't following him as he promoted himself. There very well might be something here with the Mbakwe situation, I'm not doubting his accuracy, but I think it's prett clear that he likes the attention and wants to be viewed as an expert.

I have no clue if there is an imminent development that is going to impact Mbakwe's playing status but, given GW's track record of accuracy, I think that he has sufficient credibility to warrant you not jumping down his throat on this one.

I agree with Jammer. GW is generally spot on regarding facts.

Like others, I do not like these facts. I admit to being surprised, but I had forgotten that this whole mess was not already a done deal.

The October 25 court date could bring this back into the news so why complain about GW bringing it up?

Tweets from Marcus:

"Nothing new to report on Mbakwe. Whatever is floating around has been public. Trial is on call Monday. Might be postponed though."

"I'm hearing that Mbakwe and his attorney will not be in court Monday. There's a chance that his trial will be this week but maybe not."

Go Gophers!!

Perhaps Marcus could be more specific in his reporting to include which charges this trial relates to where the trial will take place. The chaos Twitter causes drives me crazy.

Tweets from Marcus:

"Nothing new to report on Mbakwe. Whatever is floating around has been public. Trial is on call Monday. Might be postponed though."

"I'm hearing that Mbakwe and his attorney will not be in court Monday. There's a chance that his trial will be this week but maybe not."

Go Gophers!!

Whatever is floating out there isn't related to this then, that is the good thing, the bad thing is that its probably related to breaking internal team rules because there has been nothing in the news, do we have another Devoe situation hanging out their.

jovs said:
Whatever is floating out there isn't related to this then, that is the good thing, the bad thing is that its probably related to breaking internal team rules because there has been nothing in the news, do we have another Devoe situation hanging out their.

GW tweeted about the drama. He said his tweet was about the Trevor trial. So yes, that's what the "bad news" was referring too. Marcus is basically saying, no bad news ... Yet. There are no other issues.

To be clear, I am telling you that it appears to me that Miami-Dade is not messing around anymore.

At this point in time, I believe Miami-Dade is very tired of waiting to get this case handled.
The wheels of justice spin slowly, but this case looks to have a brand spanking new set of tires on and the engine is getting revved up.

What exactly is your source for your feelings about the thought process of the Miami-Dade DA? They are notorious for taking forever to do anything, as we saw in how this was handled initially. Miami-Dade is basically the Joel Maturi of DA offices. Now suddenly they're 'not messing around' and can't wait to move swiftly because of a post on Facebook?

I'm not denying that Trevor stepped in it there and he has additional crap to deal with. But you're making it sound like the Great Miami DA is about to send the Calvary to round him up and nothing we've seen in the past with this case or any other suggests this.

(*) Some of my past, heavily doubted comments, that are now easy to verify... a reasonable level of skepticism is healthy, but at some point don't you say... "hmmm, this guy's words may have some truth behind them"?

Pastner's NCAA violation in the Twin Cities
They called me names and said I was crazy. They had 'proof' and 'knew for sure' that I was wrong. They complained, "that ***** is still going on about pastner and NCAA rules even after being shown the rule". Until Memphis reported the violation.

Maurice Walker - additional year of eligibility
Multiple news organizations and even coaches at the U state an additional year is likely. My explanations of why I strongly disagreed and offers of cash if I was wrong weren't enough to convince some people... "I trust the coaches over you"... more name-calling, etc. But ultimately, there was no additional year of eligibility.

Ralph Sampson - NBA

He was gone. A Gopher career was over. My claim that, despite multiple reports to the contrary, he's coming back was made via a GopherHole article and was met with tempered excitement, but some wanted something 'more official'. "Why isn't it on any of the major newspaper sites or ESPN", they asked. Eventually, it was. "Big Change", the headlines said, in the status of Sampson.

Justin Morneau - cervical spine surgery
I said Morneau would be having cervical spine surgery and his career is forever changed. Sound the sirens. Some ignored, most brushed it off. Some weeks later, he landed on the DL, but the team only reported a "sore wrist". Some mocking of me ensued. But by the end of the month, that had stopped due to... cervical spine surgery (and it's still a much bigger deal than most people understand).

Mbakwe - Arrest in January
No big deal they concluded. My view differed. Now in October I say things are heating up and I don't like where things may be headed. The felony case in Miami does not look pretty. Some thank me for my thoughts and the information. Many throw out insults, names and unfounded accusations. Others make up reasons in their minds why what I'm saying just can't be right. I'm not surprised at that type of reaction. They'll believe when the masses catch up.

Look, you have hit on some breaking news over the years, but you seriously can't think that you were "the only one" who had the thoughts you just claimed as your own.

I don't think you were a lone ranger on Pastner. The Memphis people may have been calling you names and I think some local posters who liked Pastner (Gopher Lady) was defending Pastner, but I think most thought you were right on. No need to try to be a victim when you get it right.

Many people knew Mo Walker wasn't going to get his year back. Many. In fact, when you put your article out, my first thought was, "who thinks Mo Walker had another year coming?" It was impossible for him to get it back. Literally. Anyone who knew the rules, knew this.

Many people felt Sampson was never going to leave. Saying you were getting criticized for thinking he was coming back? Then, so would many of people. In fact, my recollection was that Myron was the guy getting ripped for suggesting Ralph would stay in the draft.

Morneau was a good one, I had not heard much about that.

As for Mbakwe's January arrest, your view was different. No matter how you spin it, you were fairly hard-line in your stance that Mbakwe had a "real chance" of never playing again. You posted it more than once. As it turned out, he was the Big Ten's leading rebounder after your claim that he might never play again for Minnesota.

In addition, I distinctly remember you proclaiming that Mo Walker was a "lock" to end up at a Big East school, no chance was he coming here. You had Pitt coming to the Big Ten. Add in several misses that I recall regarding specific recruiting info and you certainly aren't 100% accurate. (No one is, no one).

And, I'm not suggesting you aren't well connected or that your info isn't accurate sometimes, or that you could well be right and Trevor could be found guilty and in jail by Halloween for all I know. And, I could be wrong in my recollection about how things unfolded in your above examples, and if so, I apologize. But, you don't need to play the victim card with everything, nor, do you need to break your own arm patting your own back. There is some history on both sides of the "credibility" spectrum here.

And, I do appreciate the ample information you provide the board, particularly in hoops. But, the level of hubris you show in your posts is unequalled on the board, which I'm sure is why you feel some of the heat you proclaim to feel even when you are right.

What a despicable post. It serves no purpose other than to crearte anxiety.

Look, you have hit on some breaking news over the years, but you seriously can't think that you were "the only one" who had the thoughts you just claimed as your own.

I don't think you were a lone ranger on Pastner. The Memphis people may have been calling you names and I think some local posters who liked Pastner (Gopher Lady) was defending Pastner, but I think most thought you were right on. No need to try to be a victim when you get it right.

Many people knew Mo Walker wasn't going to get his year back. Many. In fact, when you put your article out, my first thought was, "who thinks Mo Walker had another year coming?" It was impossible for him to get it back. Literally. Anyone who knew the rules, knew this.

Many people felt Sampson was never going to leave. Saying you were getting criticized for thinking he was coming back? Then, so would many of people. In fact, my recollection was that Myron was the guy getting ripped for suggesting Ralph would stay in the draft.

Morneau was a good one, I had not heard much about that.

As for Mbakwe's January arrest, your view was different. No matter how you spin it, you were fairly hard-line in your stance that Mbakwe had a "real chance" of never playing again. You posted it more than once. As it turned out, he was the Big Ten's leading rebounder after your claim that he might never play again for Minnesota.

In addition, I distinctly remember you proclaiming that Mo Walker was a "lock" to end up at a Big East school, no chance was he coming here. You had Pitt coming to the Big Ten. Add in several misses that I recall regarding specific recruiting info and you certainly aren't 100% accurate. (No one is, no one).

And, I'm not suggesting you aren't well connected or that your info isn't accurate sometimes, or that you could well be right and Trevor could be found guilty and in jail by Halloween for all I know. And, I could be wrong in my recollection about how things unfolded in your above examples, and if so, I apologize. But, you don't need to play the victim card with everything, nor, do you need to break your own arm patting your own back. There is some history on both sides of the "credibility" spectrum here.

And, I do appreciate the ample information you provide the board, particularly in hoops. But, the level of hubris you show in your posts is unequalled on the board, which I'm sure is why you feel some of the heat you proclaim to feel even when you are right.

tj is thin skinned GW. Dont let it get to you. He seems to have info at times and does the same thing. Do as I say....

Kill the messenger. I really don't understand the venom toward GW on this. He's not the guy who was arrested twice.

As for the timing, and whether this is "old news" ... according to Blizzard's posting of events, the court date was set in late August. Is there a link someone can post here showing that this has been discussed since that time? It's been pretty slow around here for a long time, and I don't remember seeing it. It was news to me, and I appreciate GW bringing it up.

Hates Monikers said:
Kill the messenger. I really don't understand the venom toward GW on this. He's not the guy who was arrested twice.

As for the timing, and whether this is "old news" ... according to Blizzard's posting of events, the court date was set in late August. Is there a link someone can post here showing that this has been discussed since that time? It's been pretty slow around here for a long time, and I don't remember seeing it. It was news to me, and I appreciate GW bringing it up.

The hate for GW is because he is a huge Marquette fan. Many assume he is a Marquette fan first, Gopher second, and hates Trevor (and Tom crean) for leaving Marquette.

I think the rage is focused on the wrong person.

We should be exiling howeda7!!! He started this thread.

Doogie tweet: "Maturi on if he has any concern w/ Mbakwe's Miami situation: "From what I know all is ok." #Gophers"

Go Gophers!!

Doogie tweet: "Maturi on if he has any concern w/ Mbakwe's Miami situation: "From what I know all is ok." #Gophers"

Go Gophers!!

Good to hear. Doesn't necessarily mean anything, but I'd rather hear that than something like "we're still evaluating the situation" or something. Hopefully nothing comes of this.

agreed, if it is an accurate statement from him. what i mean by that is with maturi most should know by now the stinking turd is master of overly qualified speech and quotes. so, i personally don't really put a lot of stock in quotes that he gives to the media on topics.

i have rarely ever seen him quoted without using a term such as: "i think", "from what i know", "it is my belief", "unless i mistaken", "i am a freaking idiot of an AD who is just a bean counter!" ;-)

I think the rage is focused on the wrong person.

We should be exiling howeda7!!! He started this thread.

That truly would be killing the messanger. But go right ahead. I would regret starting this thread if I wasn't 95% sure someone else would have done it anyway.

I can only remember one time when GW was completely wrong on a matter-of-fact statement. He said Mo was going to Pitt or staying in the Big East, I forget which one.

Anyway, the man is usually pretty damn accurate. I'm concerned.

I can only remember one time when GW was completely wrong on a matter-of-fact statement. He said Mo was going to Pitt or staying in the Big East, I forget which one.

Anyway, the man is usually pretty damn accurate. I'm concerned.

I think the comment was, "Mo Walker will play in the Big East." When he joined the Gophers, I made a deliberate decision not to 'guess' why he didn't wind up in the Big East. Super pleased he's in the Twin Cities, just hope he can get healthy. I cringed when he dunked on Friday, worried his leg was going to fall off, but in hindsight it was kind of nice to see. He's an important piece this year.

More for future reference than an excuse, but as I've said numerous times when commenting on recruiting in the past, it's important to remember these are young kids and decisions can and do change with the wind. You never know a kid is going to play for a certain school until you actually see them checking in at the scorer's table during a game.

On Maturi's comments... ask yourself, especially with the cast of characters involved, if you think it's possible/probable that Maturi has not been told of, and is ignorant to, the status of the felony charge and current stance of Miami-Dade.

if you think it's possible/probable that Maturi has not been told of, and is ignorant to, the status of the felony charge and current stance of Miami-Dade.

No chance in hell. As also, there isn't a chance in hell this would go to trial, if it does, during the basketball season. They would be facing the same issues they did before of not being able to round people up due to basketball commitments. Otherwise, Maturi's a lame duck and he knows it.

The timing sure is a red flag to me.Wait till the first day of practice to start slowly leaking the story.Seems like you like blowing your horn on how great a reporter you are.Like a big ego trip it seems.Maybe I'm reading you wrong and the kill the messenger mentality has taken over.
As far as the University's stance is concerned I'm of the opinion they stand by Trevor and this whole thing waits legally to get resolved until after the season.I'm hoping anyway.It sounded like their case wasn't that strong previously.Maybe that has changed.I don't see why the kid didn't take care of his probation.Where was his support system.Aka the coaching staff among others.


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