Look - I hope whoever the QB is next year, that they have a great season and the team wins a lot of games.
I think everyone wants exactly the same thing to happen. I don't see anyone saying "I want us to lose the next 2 and the bowl so TC gets fired" - instead, you see "I think we will lose the next three based on what I see on the field". At the end of the day, this is a discussion forum and if the only comments you see are "Go team Go! or, I love this team even if they are 0-12", the discussions would stop and no one would post here. So, while I understand that you don't like anyone being critical of the team or players, you need to understand that you are participating on a forum where you will 100% see DISSENTING OPINIONS.
Again - I think we all like Mitch as a person. He has given every indication that he is a great human being off the field. But, he is not doing charity work by playing QB at the U of Minnesota. He receives a scholarship and has more aid/assistance in his studies and career than 99% of college students as a result of playing football. So, he is not exempt from criticism but we should keep that criticism to rational arguments based on his on-field results.
The reality is that this season has been a HUGE disappointment personally for Mitch - this was supposed to be a truly special season and instead we are limping to the finish line as we often do as Gophers. I think he would tell you as much. The stats don't lie and the expectations for Mitch were much higher than he delivered. If you think the expectations were unrealistic - so be it. But I think most would expect a senior 4 year starter to be a asset to the team rather than a liability in the passing game. Worst - Mitch saved his worst for the biggest games where we hope he can deliver that truly special performance. Against team with a .500 or better record (22-8 combined), his stats are:
ATT: 120
Comp: 71
Yards: 761
TD: 1
INT: 5
QB Rating (NFL): 63.22
Now - we all know that winning teams have a winning record because they are tougher competition and we can expect his stats to dip against these teams, but a 63.22 QB rating and 1TD vs. 5 INT (especially when they were thrown) is simply not getting the job done when we need him the most.
Maybe you are correct that we need to project our anger at the coaching staff that has delivered these results after 4 years of development and is bringing in poor quality talent at the WR positions. However, TC has built this team around the run which means Mitch should have much better stats as teams stack the box and give him better match-ups on the outside.
So - do I hate Mitch? Absolutely not! Do I want him to fail? Absolutely not. But, I am calling a spade a spade and saying that Mitch needs to step up his game for the University that has given him this opportunity and his teammates that are counting on him to do his part - again - playing QB on scholarship is not an act of charity. I think Mitch is not very athletically gifted throwing the ball (I think we all realize this) - so we need him to make MUCH BETTER DECISIONS. My expectations for Mitch have gone from offensive threat, to game manager, to below-average game manager that hopefully does not do something completely stupid. So yes, I am ready to move on from that to the next guy - but I will HOPE for Mitch to play lights out for the rest of his time here. But that is the difference between hope and rational prediction.