Mick Cronin Post-Game (sarcastically): We Didn't Play Well, We're Poorly Coached


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Nov 5, 2008
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Mick Cronin: "I feel like we didn’t play well, and if I say anything, then I throw players under the bus. We didn’t play well, we’re poorly coached. That’s why we didn’t play well. So poorly coached, we didn’t know Dawson Garcia was gonna spin back to his left hand, we had 2 guys on him and let him lay it in. I guess we didn’t go over that. I guess we didn’t go over, don’t just let him stand there and shoot it….it’s all on me. Let the other team’s leading scorer get 32, we deserve to lose."

I don't know know a ton about him, but I do know that we have a coach that NEVER does this. He NEVER plays the victim. He's never this sarcastic and rude, and he's sat there like a grown man after the most excruciating losses. I can't imagine that this motivates his team, but only time will tell.

He is so disrespectful to the media and speaking about his players, I highly recommend you watch this all.

"Exhausted from what?"
"I do this for a living"
"Even if we'd of won this game, I'd of been sick to my stomach about our lack of toughness tonight."
"Two straight games, Dylan's 1-6 and 2-7"

I acually found it refreshing. Did he say anything that was not true? We all go after PJ for "coach speak", isn't this what we are looking for?
I thought he was a jerk who gave no credit to the effort and execution of the Gophers. He only sarcastically took any responsibility himself. I understand him being ticked off, but his passive aggressive sarcasm was obnoxious and fitting for the meanest mother in law in Minnesota. Not a good look.

Posted in the game thread.....this interview and the other one that went viral earlier in the year are very clear indications that UCLA has a very fractured locker room and that Cronin is not a big fan of the current mix of players he has on this squad.

He didn't call his guys out by name in this post game but his message was 100% directed at his players for not doing what they were coached to do.

Kind of an ass. On the other hand.....his team crumbled in the second half. And that was a Gophers against OSU level terrible free throw shooting game for UCLA. Under 50% with missed front ends down the stretch while the Gophers hit over 90% (12/13). That's a really rough loss made worse by the fact that he had his old folks reanimated and propped up like scarecrows in the stands to see his 500th win.

Actually have to give him some credit for not whining about the (obvious) charge call at the end.

His name comes up for the Indiana job and he lays an egg.

Cronin is an unlikable spastic midget.

Great suits though, I'll give him that. Fire jacket last night.

No doubt Cronin comes across as a petulant ass in some of his interviews including this one. Not included in this particular rant was his decision to go big in the first half which destroyed ball movement and his team's momentum. This looked like an Illinois-like beatdown prior to that decision. He clearly doesn't handle losing very well

But big picture is his team will win about 13 games in their first B1G conference season and be about a 6th seed in the NCAA tournament. I'd take him leading our team even if he's hard to deal with.

Kind of an ass. On the other hand.....his team crumbled in the second half. And that was a Gophers against OSU level terrible free throw shooting game for UCLA. Under 50% with missed front ends down the stretch while the Gophers hit over 90% (12/13). That's a really rough loss made worse by the fact that he had his old folks reanimated and propped up like scarecrows in the stands to see his 500th win.

Actually have to give him some credit for not whining about the (obvious) charge call at the end.
I think if you want to whine about that then we have a legitimate whine about the non call on Patterson’s drive to the basket. The camera view from under the basket clearly shows the UCLA defender holding his arm on the way by.

Mick Cronin: "I feel like we didn’t play well, and if I say anything, then I throw players under the bus. We didn’t play well, we’re poorly coached. That’s why we didn’t play well. So poorly coached, we didn’t know Dawson Garcia was gonna spin back to his left hand, we had 2 guys on him and let him lay it in. I guess we didn’t go over that. I guess we didn’t go over, don’t just let him stand there and shoot it….it’s all on me. Let the other team’s leading scorer get 32, we deserve to lose."

I don't know know a ton about him, but I do know that we have a coach that NEVER does this. He NEVER plays the victim. He's never this sarcastic and rude, and he's sat there like a grown man after the most excruciating losses. I can't imagine that this motivates his team, but only time will tell.
Cronin is great. He gets ignorant questions from the media and is sarcastically funny with his response. He also is not wrong in what he says. His players stopped defending down the stretch. Patterson's first easy layup near the end of the game was set up because big Frank was able to seal his defender and part the blue sea for Patterson. The game winning layup was just awful defense by the Bruins. I have seen better defense in a YMCA pickup game than was seen in the last minute by UCLA.
Cronin's analysis of this Gopher team is spot on. His squad is worrying about the wrong things. You win with defense and his squad was horrible in the 2nd half. Consequently the junkyard gophers won the game.
Cronin's interview here was brilliant. Kudos to Cronin for mocking the ignorance of reporters and patrons who don't understand the game.

I acually found it refreshing. Did he say anything that was not true? We all go after PJ for "coach speak", isn't this what we are looking for?
The spectrum between coach speak and just going up there and bitching and moaning is wide. You can give insightful and refreshing answers at the podium without being a total a-hole.

Ya haters of Cronin must of all despised Bobby Knight. Cronin's postgame is great.

"I'm not sure what to tell you, Boss. I realize that I'm the guy that interviewed them. I'm the guy that hired them. I'm the guy that trained them. I'm the guy that runs our meetings. I'm the guy responsible for motivating them. It's just not fair to say this failure has anything to do with my abilities as a Manager."

You got beat at home by a coach on his way out the door that's managing a manufactured roster of "throwaway" players from other schools with arguably the least amount of talent in the league.

But none of it is your fault, Coach.

Cronin is great. He gets ignorant questions from the media and is sarcastically funny with his response. He also is not wrong in what he says. His players stopped defending down the stretch. Patterson's first easy layup near the end of the game was set up because big Frank was able to seal his defender and part the blue sea for Patterson. The game winning layup was just awful defense by the Bruins. I have seen better defense in a YMCA pickup game than was seen in the last minute by UCLA.
Cronin's analysis of this Gopher team is spot on. His squad is worrying about the wrong things. You win with defense and his squad was horrible in the 2nd half. Consequently the junkyard gophers won the game.
Cronin's interview here was brilliant. Kudos to Cronin for mocking the ignorance of reporters and patrons who don't understand the game.
sarcastically funny? I don't know anyone could take that away from that press conference.

sarcastically funny? I don't know anyone could take that away from that press conference.
You found one. Cronin's contempt for ignorance is extremely funny. He oozes sarcasm and yet bluntly speaks truth. It's like watching Monte Python.

Posted in the game thread.....this interview and the other one that went viral earlier in the year are very clear indications that UCLA has a very fractured locker room and that Cronin is not a big fan of the current mix of players he has on this squad.

He didn't call his guys out by name in this post game but his message was 100% directed at his players for not doing what they were coached to do.
Dylan begs to differ.

I acually found it refreshing. Did he say anything that was not true? We all go after PJ for "coach speak", isn't this what we are looking for?
That was a lot more words to say the same thing as PJ's "It's all on me" but comes off a lot more whiny.

I thought he was a jerk who gave no credit to the effort and execution of the Gophers.

That's par for the course especially when you lose to a disrespected team. I routinely browse our opponents' fan forums after wins and the people who give us any credit are the exceptions. Actually, one of the UCLA fan boards I checked out expressed more respect, mostly for Garcia, than I'm used to seeing.

This is also part of the homer mind frame. I was once a regular poster on a NBA franchise board. The owner and primary blogger was very knowledgeable about basketball and wrote a lot of good essays. One time after our team won in overtime in a game where we were clear favorites, he went on an extended and harsh rant against the players on our team. I told him that I didn't agree and that I thought our players played fairly well. The main reason for the struggle in my mind was that one of the players on the opposing team had a career type game and some others were pretty good in support. He answered: "You're probably right. I'll admit that I don't really watch the other team."

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