Meet QB Philip Nelson the Renegades starting quarterback for Week 1

I am looking forward to Nelson having success and the eventual article with Jerry Kill quotes. 'I always knew the kid had it.'

I am looking forward to Nelson having success and the eventual article with Jerry Kill quotes. 'I always knew the kid had it.'
Has Jerry ever said that before or even commented on PN9 at all since he left? I guess if you run out of things to rip on Jerry for you can start on hypotheticals.

I am looking forward to Nelson having success and the eventual article with Jerry Kill quotes. 'I always knew the kid had it.'
Who was the walkon WR we had that was our best WR and Kill yelled at him and said when he was at Northern Illinois he had 8 better WR's than him? The kid wrote a huge, ill-advised letter that got publicized and left the team. That was the strangest story I heard when Kill was coaching. Here was a kid who was paying his own way, was starting on the team, and then got into a huge fight with Kill and left the team. Do you remember who this was?

Who was the walkon WR we had that was our best WR and Kill yelled at him and said when he was at Northern Illinois he had 8 better WR's than him? The kid wrote a huge, ill-advised letter that got publicized and left the team. That was the strangest story I heard when Kill was coaching. Here was a kid who was paying his own way, was starting on the team, and then got into a huge fight with Kill and left the team. Do you remember who this was?

AJ Barker

AJ Barker

Who was the walkon WR we had that was our best WR and Kill yelled at him and said when he was at Northern Illinois he had 8 better WR's than him? The kid wrote a huge, ill-advised letter that got publicized and left the team. That was the strangest story I heard when Kill was coaching. Here was a kid who was paying his own way, was starting on the team, and then got into a huge fight with Kill and left the team. Do you remember who this was?

AJ Barker


Who was the walkon WR we had that was our best WR and Kill yelled at him and said when he was at Northern Illinois he had 8 better WR's than him? The kid wrote a huge, ill-advised letter that got publicized and left the team. That was the strangest story I heard when Kill was coaching. Here was a kid who was paying his own way, was starting on the team, and then got into a huge fight with Kill and left the team. Do you remember who this was?
Yeah that was Barker.

It was a really meandering rant he posted online too. Lots of insinuation but no specifics that you could nail down.

I kinda chalked it up to a personality conflict. Some folks just don't take certain types of coaches well.

He transferred and then got caught with pot one day at the new school... But he wasn't on the other school's football team (at least not yet) and I never heard of him resurfacing in football again.

It appears Nelson made a full recovery from his concussion following the Mankato attack.

Thanks -- AJ Barker - of course!! I wonder whatever happened to that guy. You really hate to see that - he had some good games for us, too.

Thanks -- AJ Barker - of course!! I wonder whatever happened to that guy. You really hate to see that - he had some good games for us, too.

I don’t know what he’s up to now, but I found his Twitter account. He’s clearly a Gopher fan.

I hadn’t seen this before, but this was on there. Watch this ridiculous catch by PJ.


I don’t know what he’s up to now, but I found his Twitter account. He’s clearly a Gopher fan.

I hadn’t seen this before, but this was on there. Watch this ridiculous catch by PJ.

Wow -- great find - and good detective work, too!

First, Streveler then Nelson. Up next, Leidner! Let’s get all theee of these guys in the NFL.

Pretty much what I meant by “a moment”

I know what you meant. I’ve wondered whether being in a camp or playing in a preseason game really counts as “making it to the NFL.” In my opinion, they need to at least make a practice squad.

He pls
. He played well. Nelson, streveler and leidner are rewriting Jerry’s qbs recruiting history.
Must have been watching a different game than me. Despite completing over 75% of his passes he averaged less than 5 yards an attempt- ugh. Longest play 21 yards. A couple longer pass attempts late in game looked like noodle arm throws with one easily picked off.

Has Jerry ever said that before or even commented on PN9 at all since he left? I guess if you run out of things to rip on Jerry for you can start on hypotheticals.
Why you always argue with people for no reason?

Didn't see him play. Did he cut his hair? If yes then he made another terrible decision


Boy, I am stomped as to why Nelson developed a prima donna complex if true, and supposedly gave JK a "declare me a starter or else" ultimatum.

He had all the physical tools. Had he stayed behind and had the right attitude, who knows if the Gophers would have risen to greater heights under JK.

Leidner took a lot of slack. But, he had the right attitude and was a leader who took in all the criticisms. He worked hard and won quite a few games in spite of some shortcomings.

Wow, Tanner Morgan and Zack Annexstad. You couldn't ask for better leaders on your team.
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I think it was the bowl game against Syracuse where Nelson could not hit on the easiest of passes. There was a throw to a wide open receiver towards the sidelines that went over the target's head by a good 5 feet. Leidner played much better in relief and the Gophers would have won had Drew W secured the deep pass in the end zone. That was his last game as a Gopher.

I think it was the bowl game against Syracuse where Nelson could not hit on the easiest of passes. There was a throw to a wide open receiver towards the sidelines that went over the target's head by a good 5 feet. Leidner played much better in relief and the Gophers would have won had Drew W secured the deep pass in the end zone. That was his last game as a Gopher.

I think when Nelson left and said he wanted to go to a team more committed to the pass ... it was a fair reason to go.

At the same reason his stats were hardly something that would make you'd say "We should pass more." ...

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