Maybe I'm wrong, but this is how you know Fleck needs to go


Well-known member
Aug 25, 2021
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Maybe I'm missing it, but it doesn't seem to me there is a lot of anger about losing again to a rival. It's almost like people have lost any expectations.

It's like we lost to Iowa again and it's Ho Hum.

Huh? Have you read a single post?

Go Gophers!!
Yes, it's like no one is pissed or cares.

It's like an acceptance of how bad we are.

The boredom and apathy is now complete.

Maybe I'm missing it, but it doesn't seem to me there is a lot of anger about losing again to a rival. It's almost like people have lost any expectations.

It's like we lost to Iowa again and it's Ho Hum.
A lot of Fleck apologists still think he's good, I've seen more and more people be angry and want him fired. Glad it's finally catching on.

A lot of Fleck apologists still think he's good, I've seen more and more people be angry and want him fired. Glad it's finally catching on.
It's now turned to apathy.

I think folks are shocked at how brutal the second half went after a competent first half on both sides of the ball.

It's really inexplicable
I was thinking at 14-7..........the most they could score is 7 and if we did anything, we win.

Maybe it's my age, but I'm just sort of accepting of it because this is Fleck ball.

time to move on, but we can't/won't........Minnesota Sports

Yes, coming off a terrible year and seeing more of the same, except with healthier players, leads to apathy. Winning only 2 of 5 home games against Power 4 opponents the past two years doesn't help with fan excitement either.

My friend, you need to embrace the pain. Being a Gopher football fan is an annual exercise in masochism.
There are 4 tiers:

1. You play exciting football and win.

2. You play exciting football and lose.

3. You play boring football and win.

4. You play boring football and lose.

We are number 4, and it's just brutal.

that's my whole point

No one cares anymore.
I care way less than I used to. You would have to be masochistic to watch the games last year and I think that they were any fun they were I thought the worst of my lifetime and then you get subjected to shit like tonight. It’s just sad that PJ is the guy we hitched our wagon to. I thought it was easy to see this coming a mile away.

There are 4 tiers:

1. You play exciting football and win.

2. You play exciting football and lose.

3. You play boring football and win.

4. You play boring football and lose.

We are number 4, and it's just brutal.
5. You watch the other team just physically maul your players and realize we don't recruit the talent they do.

I have come to the conclusion at age 62, that this TOWN and STATE does not and will not garner the support for a winning football program at the U of M. You see the desire in other B1G states and communities, but not here. I care, but the average person does not give 1/2 of a damn.

I enjoy the college game and atmosphere, but will have to accept that as things stand, that will be the top end for me.

Maybe I'm missing it, but it doesn't seem to me there is a lot of anger about losing again to a rival. It's almost like people have lost any expectations.

It's like we lost to Iowa again and it's Ho Hum.

There are 4 tiers:

1. You play exciting football and win.

2. You play exciting football and lose.

3. You play boring football and win.

4. You play boring football and lose.

We are number 4, and it's just brutal.
I disagree! We went for and got a fourth down in our own end in the third quarter today (before the game was even out of hand) and threw the ball a ton today, just not effectively. Ha! We had over 200 passing yards to Iowa’s 62.

We’re now trending towards level #2! Last year was 4 and a few years previous was 3.

I agree with Dakota2 that we don’t recruit that well (now or historically)…so our margin for error is small.

I love that joke someone posted:

Mack Brown is contacting the Gophers to get another game on the schedule.

I disagree! We went for and got a fourth down in our own end in the third quarter today (before the game was even out of hand) and threw the ball a ton today, just not effectively. Ha! We had over 200 passing yards to Iowa’s 62.

We’re now trending towards level #2! Last year was 4 and a few years previous was 3.

I agree with Dakota2 that we don’t recruit that well (now or historically)…so our margin for error is small.
We are now throwing more because it's basically hopeless to run the ball.

This is a boring product and has been for years.

We threw it all over the field and scored 14 points. YAWN

Fleck found success with momentum when his program was new. He reached a high in 2019. He lost the momentum during the Covid year and while occasionally competent does not have momentum nor any sense that the program will achieve 2019 again.

Oh, and as fun as 2019 was, it was getting punched in the mouth by Iowa that left that the Gophers short of the Rose Bowl. Win 2019 Iowa and the Gophers are in a new tier and perhaps the recruiting level goes up and sustained success is possible.

So, yeah apathy has set in. You can like Fleck, I do, but honestly is he going to recapture the upward trajectory?

Doesn’t help that the college game continues to be screwed to chase dollars. The University of Minnesota is a phenomenal asset not just to Minnesota but to the world. I don’t see how the Gophers get a shot at the top of college football but then again I don’t get how the direction of college football fits with the mission of the U of MN.

When Iowa had one more play at the end of the half and then we stopped them BUT the ref says Fleck had called a timeout so they got another shot. First of all, why did he wait till the last second to call a timeout? Then Iowa ran it again and I thought it would be so Fleckian for Iowa to score on that 2nd chance. Alabama is playing a 17-year-old receiver but Fleck refuses to start Perich. WHY?? And why isn't he recruiting Mason West?

I'm never going to another Gopher game...NEVER. I'm so sick of the Fleck cliches like, "athletically, academically, socially and spiritually." HE HAS TO GO.

Fleck needs to go now. Enough is enough. Head coaches at competitive schools get fired for a whole heck of a lot less, let alone being punched in the mouth by our rivals year after year. It’s pathetic and it’s time to pull the bandaid off!

Fleck needs to go now. Enough is enough. Head coaches at competitive schools get fired for a whole heck of a lot less, let alone being punched in the mouth by our rivals year after year. It’s pathetic and it’s time to pull the bandaid off!
I just don't know how this gets better without him evolving his offensive strategy.

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