Maturi indicates that extension talks underway with coach Brewster

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Nov 20, 2008
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AD Maturi indicated on WCCO radio show with Dave Mona and Sid Hartman that extension talks
informally have begun with coach Brewster and that something should get done after the Bowl game but before February. Sounds like sooner than later, just need the lawyers to hammer out the final details. This should end the speculation by Souhan and Reusse or increase there rhetoric.

My understanding is that a verbal agreement may already be in place, or if not, will not take more than a couple hours to hammer out. The key for the "U": The buyout will either not increase, or increase ever so minimally. If Maturi wanted to make a move after next season, the buyout = $400,000. Again, that number may not change.

makes sense

If they can keep the buyout low (i.e., not increase it), then I'm all for an extension. It helps the recruiting angle (coach got his extension, he will be here..blah blah) but if he doesn't perform, its easy to make a change without much cost. If coach does turn program around, I'm sure they would negotiate another extension with more lucrative terms for Brew.

If they can keep the buyout low (i.e., not increase it), then I'm all for an extension. It helps the recruiting angle (coach got his extension, he will be here..blah blah) but if he doesn't perform, its easy to make a change without much cost. If coach does turn program around, I'm sure they would negotiate another extension with more lucrative terms for Brew.

Nicely put! This team has to show improvement next year, offensive execution, better record which would give them a better bowl etc. If not, Brew will be walking on thin ice and may be on his way out. I am not saying were going to the rose bowl or should win the big ten anytime soon, but this will be his 4th season and he needs to start backing up all the talk about gopher nation and winning the Big Ten and going to the rose bowl etc. He set the bar high with all his talk he needs to put up or shut up.

I have a feeling

Samsonite was correct the other day when he said Brewster had his extension. And yes i think it was verbal so he could tell his recruits that. Remember when Mason wouldnt actually sign his contract for about six months after the verbal agreement took place? Its something like that I would guess and when he says the lawyers have to examine the fine print Maturi is telling the truth.

Brewster and the U financial picture

I'm not sure what to think of this--in a typical economic environment, I'd wait to see what happens in 2009; however, the U (big picture) has big, big, big financial challenges ahead and I don't think that Maturi would be able to justify big money on a new coach. I know the pots of money are different, but the number of people losing their jobs at the U in the next 2-3 years will be very high and spending multi-millions on a new coach wouldn't be a wise move.

I heard the buyout will be between 1.5 and 2 million, which is up to the market price.

The cost is in not having a winning football team. Minnesota's problem is that it can't find or even more so keep an established winning coach. When Brewster succeeds, he is gone.

The cost is in not having a winning football team. Minnesota's problem is that it can't find or even more so keep an established winning coach. When Brewster succeeds, he is gone.

besides lou holtz, what are you basing this off of?????????????????????????? Back up your statements please.

Name one we got hired in the last 2000 years other than Holtz? And what happened? Oh, and those 1000 tickets we sold for the Insight Bowl put an ! on it. Could you have asked a dumber question?

That would be news to me, but I'll trust you.

Doogie and I are hearing the same thing - minimal amount / change in the buyout.

What has not been said is that I heard Brewster, himself offered that up front. He really wants to stay here. I like that attitude a lot! I hope he continues to improve as a coach.

I don't know why but it seems as though Brewster really wants to stay here. Maybe just to tell phat pat to "shove it". I have this inexplicable feeling that if he is succesful he'll be well rewarded and will be glad to stay. I guess I really need to lay off the egg nog.

Maturi said basically the same thing last time I heard him on the show. I think it was 2 weeks ago.

He wants to stay because he's otherwise unemployable as a head coach.

Some kind of extension with minimal buyout is a good idea if he's not fired. He's not otherwise warranted an extension.

I heard the buyout will be between 1.5 and 2 million, which is up to the market price.

Only makes sense if this is the amount Brewster has to pony up if he decides to move on while he's still under contract...

1. At this late date, an extension with low buyout is understandable. Not a good option now
2. Brewster has NO negotiating position right now. He has nowhere to go, and his loss of a job here is the end of his HC career.
3. For all the hype, interest in the program is terrible. Little interest in both radio and TV audiences, low support for the bowl game. And terrible press in the Twin Cities.
4. Where were the writeups in the Sunday papers?
So give him his year, and assess. If dramatic improvment in coaching ability doesn't occur, he has to go.

1. At this late date, an extension with low buyout is understandable. Not a good option now
2. Brewster has NO negotiating position right now. He has nowhere to go, and his loss of a job here is the end of his HC career.
3. For all the hype, interest in the program is terrible. Little interest in both radio and TV audiences, low support for the bowl game. And terrible press in the Twin Cities.
4. Where were the writeups in the Sunday papers?
So give him his year, and assess. If dramatic improvment in coaching ability doesn't occur, he has to go.

He has already worked magic to get this program to .500 with the terrible players he inherited. And his ability to recruit will always be employable.

The only problem with a low buy-out is that the first sign of on field success makes him an insta-target for any program wanting to make a bigger comittment to building a top twenty program. Every AD knows the most critical element to winning in football is recruiting. If Brew has just one good year he becomes highly sought after. And any serious program is going to come with an offer big enough to make the paltry buy-out a non factor.

And Brew seems to me to be a little thin skinned, I'm not so sure he'll be able to forget the lack of community support and minimal comittment from the University when the lure of bigger money and adulation is just an ink scribble away.

The only problem with a low buy-out is that the first sign of on field success makes him an insta-target for any program wanting to make a bigger comittment to building a top twenty program. Every AD knows the most critical element to winning in football is recruiting. If Brew has just one good year he becomes highly sought after. And any serious program is going to come with an offer big enough to make the paltry buy-out a non factor.

And Brew seems to me to be a little thin skinned, I'm not so sure he'll be able to forget the lack of community support and minimal comittment from the University when the lure of bigger money and adulation is just an ink scribble away.

Well noted concerns. However, they are not enough to warrant anything other than a low-buyout, minimal extension, if there is to be one at all. It would be a good problem if other programs come looking at Brew. Right now, such talk is pie-in-sky.

Recruiting or not, other than his friends floating his name in Lawrence, Brew has not exactly been swatting away offers here.

You know, tomorrow will show up. And when it does I just hope we haven't sealed our fate with mistakes we make today.

Buy-outs serve a purpose. It's to keep either party from making rash hasty decisions. To create a higher threshold for departure. A buy-out is a protection for the program. A low buy-out protects the universities budget, it does not protect the program. Just saying, if you love the program a low buy-out is high risk for the program. It gives us no protection at all.

It only makes sense if we suck and we always will suck. I really hope thats not how Maturi sees this program.

It doesn't take a mental giant to figure out pretty quickly that the U is not comitted to building a top football program, since they are not protecting the program.

Sansavere just reported Brewster has an extension, but didn't give any details. I'm guessing nothing's been announced yet, he's just reporting on rumors he's heard. Again.

Maturi's main task is to keep the program out of the red. In todays economy, that is a short term project and requires a ton of frugality. Keeping the buyout minimal is the right move at this time. The deman is not there for a large buyout and basing it on what ifs won't happen with Maturi. If the program succeeds and Brewster becomes a hot ticket, that will bode well for the Gophers even if he leaves. In the meantime, there is a big knot on the purse strings.

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