Mason on Brewster: "Mickey Mouse could have recruited Vince Young to Texas"

Brewster was an absolute disaster. Unmitigated, total, unequivocal disaster. They opened a new stadium with a chance to take the program to the proverbial "next level". And absolutely flamed out. Kill brought the program back from the ashes. My favorite Mace quote on Brewster, he didn't specifically call him out by name but you knew who he was referring to by the context -- "a guy why was born on third base and thought he hit a triple."

Of course smug ass Mason thought he left the program in great shape. Brewster inherited a new stadium, but zero players thanks to Mason.

And KFAN drags out the battered corpse of Tim Brewster once again. He's been gone 6-7 years, let it go.

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Of course smug ass Mason thought he left the program in great shape. Brewster inherited a new stadium, but zero players thanks to Mason.

Mason said again and again his last season that fans better be ready for a "long rebuilding period". Wrong to say Mason said he "left the program in great shape" when he was very vocal about saying the exact opposite.

Particularly when he took a huge amount of criticism for saying it in the first place.

And KFAN drags out the battered corpse of Tim Brewster once again. He's been gone 6-7 years, let it go.

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Brewster barely was mentioned in the interview and Mason was the one who brought it up, if memory serves.

Brewster barely was mentioned in the interview and Mason was the one who brought it up, if memory serves.

Yep. Mason was making the point that somebody who knows football needs to be in on the coaching search/hire. Otherwise, what looks great on the surface might not cut it in reality. He gave a quick example of Brewster - apologetically. People (I think Maturi among others) made a big deal of Brewster being the guy who recruited Vince Young to TX...and we know the rest of the story.

FWIW - one year at the State Fair, I had a chance to talk to Tim Brewster and Brad Childress on the same day. Ironically, Brewster has the reputation as Mr Personality, and Childress as a sourpuss - but in my interaction with them, it was the exact opposite. Brewster wouldn't give me the time of day, even though I said up front I was a big Gopher fan. Childress, on the other hand, was a really nice guy - personable and friendly, and showed a sense of humor.

Now, that's one meeting on one day - people can have a bad day, etc - but from my limited perspective, I thought Childress seemed like a nice guy, and Brewster seemed like a prick.

Yep. Mason was making the point that somebody who knows football needs to be in on the coaching search/hire. Otherwise, what looks great on the surface might not cut it in reality. He gave a quick example of Brewster - apologetically. People (I think Maturi among others) made a big deal of Brewster being the guy who recruited Vince Young to TX...and we know the rest of the story.

Important to note in the whole "Tim Brewster Recruited Vince Young" rhetoric is that Mack Brown, his newer recruiting tactics @ time, his personal visits with both Young and his coaches had a far greater impact on Vince Young choosing TX than Brewster. Brewster was assigned to communicate with Young that he would play QB and not Safety @ UT and he did. Mack visited face to face with him on a number of occasions on and off campus. He was Top recruit in TX and nation at time and Brew made it sound as if he was sole reason for landing him which people got hook-lined and sinkered on. Now, Brew is Nation's No. 1 Recruiting Coordinator. Put Billy Glasscock in that role and he would be as well. It was all about and will always be about the narrative Brew was allowed to create for himself. Great position coach though, I'll give him that.

Mason should have hired Mickey Mouse. Perhaps he would have recruited some decent defensive players and he would still be coaching.

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