"Major" program to get hit with "major" accusations


Captain of Awesome
Nov 20, 2008
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Please not PSU. That would be a terrible end to the JoePa era.

If it wasn't for their funny-as-hell message board, I'd want it to be Texas.

In that case, we'll just hold out hope that it's wisconsin... and I hope that hockey is tied up in it too.

It said major, so that would rule out the Gophers.

gotta be Ohio State. I've been saying for 8 months that that program is gonna get hit hard with something eventually

I think it would be great if it was Notre Dame. Despite their decades of mediocrity the Irish fans still need to be knocked down a peg.

It said major, so that would rule out the Gophers.

Would something be considere "major" despite never being the best..... ever......

I know the NCs are elusive, but I think you gotta win one to be considered "major"

It depends on what is considered a "Major" program. For me those programs in the Big Ten area are: Ohio State, Michigan, Penn State, Notre Dame and soon to be Nebraska. The unexpected ones are Penn State and Notre Dame.
To me Notre Dame makes the most sense since they continually recruit way above their performance. It could be a deathblow for them since they have no conference to fall back on and could lose TV rights. Where would their money come from?
Penn State is a close second as it seems as though the boosters could do a lot without JoePa's knowledge.
Ohio State and Michigan as well as any "Major" program in the south are pretty much automatically ruled out as it wouldn't be much of a surprise for them to finally get caught. My money would be on ND or PSU.

What about a school like Oregon or Oklahoma State? Rivers of donor money going to those schools' athletic programs... some of it under the table?

Gotta think that Oregon is as dirty as any program with all that Phil Knight money going in.

It's going to be Princeton. Seven of their national titles will be rescinded on allegations of using professional ringers in the 1920s.

:clap: :clap: :cool: :cool02: LMAO...wouldn't lakesbison crap his pants.

I would think he'd be liable to do something else in his pants when it's suggested that his program is "major."

I would think he'd be liable to do something else in his pants when it's suggested that his program is "major."


I'd be praying for Michigan, but it wouldn't be surprising since DickRod was just there.

These are probably just rumors put out by a site looking for clicks. My $$ says this "information" never materializes.

It's going to be Princeton. Seven of their national titles will be rescinded on allegations of using professional ringers in the 1920s.

Major allegations for Princeton would most certaintly be the final death blow to their program. The Ivy league would suddenly be a wide open race.

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