little recruiting updates

Better check your sources on playing for Pump N Run. Already on board with WI Playground Warriors.

Johny may have been referring to the younger brother? You Wissports folk would likely know better than anyone else on here though :D

Love the AAU rumor mill. I've heard the whole family (3 brothers) are playing for Pump and Run this summer with the 8th grader playing 15U in a "package deal". I've also heard the dad is on par with Kris Humphries father, Todd Marinovich's dad etc. Good luck to the kids playing Pump and Run this year. Looks like the PnR director sold his "sole" again.

(And yes the "sole" was intentional - basketball reference)

why arent we looking at this kid. I mean seriously perfect played the gophers need. they desperatley need a shooter for next years class. think of andre hollins, zierden, coleman, mo, ellison in a couple years. that would be pretty dominant. We would have everything:
ball handling
post game

it is AAU so kids could still change there minds but Pump N run is pretty sure all brothers are playing with them next year

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