Let's try this again...

Bigger Point

Dave Lee is horrible! (as the Gophers radio play by play guy) If the fox was told by Learfield they are not expecting to make a change. What would your reaction be? Just to say ok and crawl away?

Personally if I had confidence in my ability, passion to be the Gophers play by play guy I'd do all in my power to change their minds, under the circumstances. Nobody has supported Dave Lee as a play by play guy or said they like and or admire his work during Gopher games. (him as a person...nice guy likely) It's very likely Dave Lee's dream too.....but he can't do play by play. We need a new Gopher play by play guy.

This guy would be a significant improvement. Like he said, he may not get the job but if we got somebody better than Dave Lee he'd have done Gopher fans a valuable service.

Wow...simply wow! I can see if you were told that they were considering a change in the broadcasting team and you are throwing your hat in the ring but you were not. I agree that the broadcasting team is not the best and you may have the qualifications but I think it's pretty sad that after you were told personally that they were not considering a change that you want to wave the flag for change and rally the troops to have the current broadcasting team fired...and by the way, if you make a change - look at me, aren't I great. :rolleyes: Probably it was Jerry Kill who solicited disgruntled Gopher football fans to pressure Maturi to fire Brewster so he would have a shot at the job:rolleyes: No, I would guess he has a lot more class than that.

Jeez. Little over the top in your bentness. Would you too like to call Gopher games? I'm not sure why this bothers you so much.


*Self-promoting for a open position via an Internet message board - different, but fine by me
*Chasing your dream - very cool
*Getting your material out for an employer and fans to hear for an open position or even one that may come up at a later time - cool
*Wanting a better play-by-play broadcast team - most agree, including myself
*Soliciting folks on a message board with similar views to send messages asking for a change - cool
*Soliciting folks on a message board to send messages asking for change (someone getting fired) when you are the one that hopes to get that very position of the person that would be fired - not cool at all IMHO

Thank-you, but no, I have no interest in such a position.

*Soliciting folks on a message board to send messages asking for change (someone getting fired) when you are the one that hopes to get that very position of the person that would be fired - not cool at all IMHO

I agree to a point. The U of M is a public school and as taxpayers/alumni, and I think if the product we are putting on the field (or the airwaves) is shoddy, it is entirely fine to drum up some grassroots support. The fact that Silverfox's motive isn't all that altruistic, that's where I'm with you. If someone else who doesn't stand to profit is leading the charge, then that is fine.

I'm just bugged that Learfield is so content with mediocrity.

Eker, I'm in total agreement with your statement, "If someone else who doesn't stand to profit is leading the charge, then that is fine". It was the fact that someone looking to benefit directly from a firing and then hopefully filling the position was leading the charge that I didn't think was cool. Oh well, to each his own. I also agree with your frustration with Learfield.

I believe this thread is dead.

Thank you to all who posted and gave your honest opinion and feelings whether positive, negative or both. I have learned a lot about what to post, what I should have posted and what I wish I hadn't posted but all and all it was a very interesting and informative excursion into the world of message boards and especially the "Gopher Hole".

What I have learned:
1. Not all posters will respond to private messages and just because a poster is adamant on a particular subject does not mean they will support that subject written by a different poster.
2. This forum is full of loyal and passionate fans of the Minnesota Gophers football program who are hungry for a successful team and will absolutely go through the roof (oops, don't play there anymore and the roof is gone anyway) to cheer their beloved team when, I believe, Coach Kill leads the Gophers to victory after victory.
and finally,
3. That I have made some new friends, and ticked off some others on how this thread progressed but it seems that all who listened to my broadcast have appreciated the effort I put forth and for that I am very pleased.

Also, I believe that that Gopher sportscaster Dave Lee, while often criticized on these pages, has given his best effort on every broadcast.

As I have stated on previous posts that in no way am I discrediting he or any part of the radio broadcast but rather I am responding to threads and posters who expressed their displeasure against the Gopher radio coverage.

Maybe someday I will be afforded the opportunity to broadcast Gopher football but until then, "true I will forever be....".

Rich Roste

...just because a poster is adamant on a particular subject does not mean they will support that subject written by a different poster.

Translation: Thanks for nothing ya bunch of hypocrites

Silver Fox to Announce Gopher Football Games?

6 Nov 1999: I graduated in 1976. CMU Ballroom, Healh Sciences-MortSci, BS - the Bi-Centennial year and by the time graduation came around we were so sick of hearing about the Bi-Centennial we had nothing about it during our ceremony.

Silver Fox,

1. Now that Golden Gopher Football has moved to KFAN / Learfield, do you think you will get a shot at play by play announcing / broadcasting of Golden Gopher Football games?

2. I hope a door has been opened for you. Let us know please. Good luck and God bless you!

Thank you for re-opening this thread and your positive comments.

We'll just have to see what happens.

Good luck, Rich!

After listening to your voice and presentation and learning about your history I will definitely be one to advocate for your employment as the new radio voice of Golden Gopher Football.


I don't know if I care for the self-promoting but I guess you do what you can to get yourself noticed. The H.S. kids do it with these recruiting services. That said, I don't think this is really the forum.

I don't know if I care for the self-promoting but I guess you do what you can to get yourself noticed. The H.S. kids do it with these recruiting services. That said, I don't think this is really the forum.

So apparently does Oregon. :)

I don't know if I care for the self-promoting but I guess you do what you can to get yourself noticed. The H.S. kids do it with these recruiting services. That said, I don't think this is really the forum.

How else does one move up in life? Sit back and hope luck finds them? I'd rather go out and find it myself. Good luck Silver

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