Hmmmmm. There you go, BleedGopher, reading in between the lines again.
Just what do you mean by your remark: “…Go Concise Wren…”
I don’t know whether to like it, feel offended by it, resent it OR to start getting ready to pack my keyboard and leave. I fear this site has given me a severe PTGHS (post traumatic gopher hole syndrome)
during my long on and off association with you and some others on GH. Of course you realize what a long, strange trip, interactions between posters, can produce.
So, if you really mean: “…go concise wren…” I certainly can go if you wish. There has never been much of anything concise about me OR countless other posters here in the past and certainly not currently with some of the posts here on an every day basis. So, if my time here is not concise enough for you, just let me know and I can hit the road…
Wink, wink, wink. ;0)