Leidner Injured?

Studwell you appear to be a pragmatic poster. you would agree it's still early in an undefeated season.

KSTP reporting that Mitch has a strained MCL

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I hope he can go and expect he'll be dressed and it'll be a gametime decision. If he can't then next guy up and frankly our next guy threw for over 2,000 yards and nearly a 70% completion percentage in HS so if they stack the box then let's mix in 15-20 high percentage passes and let the kid play. I think one of the things that bugged/hindered Nelson and is probably not helping here is what appears to me to be a complete lack of confidence the coaches place in our QBs; which is obvious to everyone and even more so to them. The gameplans are generally focused around not letting our QB screw up vs. putting them in a position to make plays and thrive. It seems to have sucked some of the juice out of our fellas.

The gameplans are generally focused around not letting our QB screw up vs. putting them in a position to make plays and thrive.

Would you agree that game plan was successful last year and in their coaching history? Yes, the game plan is 'boring', but isn't success what really matters? I sometimes think some folks would be happier if we played like Indiana??!!??

Studwell you appear to be a pragmatic poster. you would agree it's still early in an undefeated season.

I am a realist (and an enthusiast).

We don't have a credible starter for the guy who gets the ball every play.

I'm not throwing the towel in on Mitch quite yet.

Phil was a legitimate B10 talent. Until our offensive coaching staff got inside his head.

Do people honestly not see that we broke the one real QB we've hand on campus in years?

Would you agree that game plan was successful last year and in their coaching history? Yes, the game plan is 'boring', but isn't success what really matters? I sometimes think some folks would be happier if we played like Indiana??!!??

Well we did sh#t the bed against Iowa and Michigan back to back and then we did go 13 quarters in a row at the end of the year without scoring a TD so I could say overall no, I don't think that it was successful last year. If you want a team that's going to win 7, 8 games a year then we can probably do that playing scared in the passing game. If we ever want to take a next step then that needs to stop, doesn't it?

I am a realist (and an enthusiast).

We don't have a credible starter for the guy who gets the ball every play.

I'm not throwing the towel in on Mitch quite yet.

Phil was a legitimate B10 talent. Until our offensive coaching staff got inside his head.

Do people honestly not see that we broke the one real QB we've hand on campus in years?

Phil wasn't broken, he broke himself.
Kill's staff has a history of mentally testing their QB's, there's nothing wrong with that.

I am a realist (and an enthusiast).

We don't have a credible starter for the guy who gets the ball every play.

I'm not throwing the towel in on Mitch quite yet.

Phil was a legitimate B10 talent. Until our offensive coaching staff got inside his head.

Do people honestly not see that we broke the one real QB we've hand on campus in years?

Mitch just had his last start as QB for the U of M.

I am a realist (and an enthusiast).

We don't have a credible starter for the guy who gets the ball every play.

I'm not throwing the towel in on Mitch quite yet.

Phil was a legitimate B10 talent. Until our offensive coaching staff got inside his head.

Do people honestly not see that we broke the one real QB we've hand on campus in years?

I think you have this partially correct. Yes, Phil possesses B10 talent. I think that he absolutely does, from a physical standpoint. That doesn't mean he's a B10 QB.

The cream rises to the top, one way or another. It's not always the most talented player that gets the gig.

It's obvious to me that Phil does NOT possess the mental fortitude to be a successful QB, at least not for this Gophers program. When the going got tough, or wasn't to his liking, he bailed. Period. That's about all that really needs to be said at this point.

Phil spent too much of his life reading his own headlines, thought his reputation and his past success should warrant being handed something. Sorry he found out that's not how it works.

Well we did sh#t the bed against Iowa and Michigan back to back and then we did go 13 quarters in a row at the end of the year without scoring a TD so I could say overall no, I don't think that it was successful last year. If you want a team that's going to win 7, 8 games a year then we can probably do that playing scared in the passing game. If we ever want to take a next step then that needs to stop, doesn't it?


I am a realist (and an enthusiast).

We don't have a credible starter for the guy who gets the ball every play.

I'm not throwing the towel in on Mitch quite yet.

Phil was a legitimate B10 talent. Until our offensive coaching staff got inside his head.

Do people honestly not see that we broke the one real QB we've hand on campus in years?

We broke Phil? Did we break the other QBs we have that don't live up to your definition of credible? Sounds like you wish Phil hadn't transferred. Would you like to have that mess staining our program? I'm having a hard time finding realism or enthusiasm in your posts.

I am a realist.

A "realist" is "correct" when things go wrong and gets to point it out to everyone. It's the easy road. When things go right, a "realist" gets to jump right on the bandwagon and say "I told you so!" It's a mental two way street.

Being a "realist" affords a person a mental victory every time.

I guess it's as good a defense mechanism as any. I just feel that it's sure sign of the "loser mentality" that we need to expunge from Gopher football.

I am a realist (and an enthusiast).

We don't have a credible starter for the guy who gets the ball every play.

I'm not throwing the towel in on Mitch quite yet.

Phil was a legitimate B10 talent. Until our offensive coaching staff got inside his head.

Do people honestly not see that we broke the one real QB we've hand on campus in years?
Because you were in on all of the practices and film sessions to notice the "breaking" of PN.

I am a realist (and an enthusiast).

We don't have a credible starter for the guy who gets the ball every play.

I'm not throwing the towel in on Mitch quite yet.

Phil was a legitimate B10 talent. Until our offensive coaching staff got inside his head.

Do people honestly not see that we broke the one real QB we've hand on campus in years?

We all got to see Phil play for almost a full two years, and he kept getting pushed for playing time by Mitch Leidner, who isn't any good. That's all you need to know about Phil Nelson's "B10 talent."

The staff is not to blame for Phil Nelson being the mental midget he is. Nelson thought he shouldn't have to compete to be the starter here and it should just be handed to him, and that's not how it works. The fact that you blame the staff for Nelson sucking is absurd.

Who cares who 'broke' Phil. He's going to be in prison...I can't believe people just gloss over that fact. We could have coddled both him and his father telling them everyday how thankful we were for the two of them to grace our presence and all we would have been doing is coddling a meathead that has the propensity for felony level assault. Whether or not the incident would have happened if he never quit the team doesn't matter. He would have been the same man, and I'm glad to have that bad apple away from our program.

Oh...poor Phil. Crushed so much by the evil coaching staff that he can't hit a wide open Maxx Williams up the seam. Well - better get drunk and try to kill a guy!

Phil wasn't broken, he broke himself.
Kill's staff has a history of mentally testing their QB's, there's nothing wrong with that.

Well so far this staff has a history of mismanaging the QB position during their 3+ years here.

A combination of scheme (asking them to run 8-15 times a game) and misfires on talent evaluation (Shortell could sling it but wasn't built to run like they prefer - Nelson threw more flutter balls than Billy Kilmer)

Leidner has a chance to develop into a competent QB but I fear Streveler will never be a productive passer at the B10 level.

Well so far this staff has a history of mismanaging the QB position during their 3+ years here.

A combination of scheme (asking them to run 8-15 times a game) and misfires on talent evaluation (Shortell could sling it but wasn't built to run like they prefer - Nelson threw more flutter balls than Billy Kilmer)

Leidner has a chance to develop into a competent QB but I fear Streveler will never be a productive passer at the B10 level.

No, they have not developed a QB like you expect, so you criticize. Passing is overrated frankly, winning matters.
Ever think they WANT a qb to run 10-15 times a game? They don't have the depth for that now, but they WANT Jordan Lynch 2.0 eventually.
Kansas state, Ohio state(all urban's teams), Oregon, Auburn, and many more have built successful programs with a runner at QB who can throw a little bit, when they can both run and throw well you can win a ton of games.

I maintain they simply got up early on EIU and MTSU and went into ground and pound mode. Why pass when they could run it as well as they did, especially with the defense piling up injuries and with guys cramping up. They only attempted 2 passes in the second half. Leidner was hurt on a simple pocket pass BTW.
You'll say the passing game needs to be developed, why? Win the game, move on to TCU.
It might be boring but if our qb doesn't attempt a single pass and we win every game so what?

Sure sounds like Leidner will be playing on Saturday based on Kill's and Limegrover's comments at the press conference.

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Well so far this staff has a history of mismanaging the QB position during their 3+ years here.

A combination of scheme (asking them to run 8-15 times a game) and misfires on talent evaluation (Shortell could sling it but wasn't built to run like they prefer - Nelson threw more flutter balls than Billy Kilmer)

Leidner has a chance to develop into a competent QB but I fear Streveler will never be a productive passer at the B10 level.

Yet, Minnesota is 2-0 and your, sorry tOSU are 1-1.

Mitch just had his last start as QB for the U of M.

my prediction will be wrong oh well, pride goeth before the fall. dang, i am not so good. again, Mitch does provide good clean handoffs which is a skill of much practice.

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