Leidner Injured?


Section 211
Nov 12, 2008
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Maybe I missed it in another thread but Joe C. with the Strib is reporting that Mitch injured his knee. Here's the link:


I saw him limping off the field in that last series before Streveler took the field.

Mrs. Billd was concerned on each of his runs.

Here's to hoping it's minor.

Go Gophers! On to TCU!

Maybe I missed it in another thread but Joe C. with the Strib is reporting that Mitch injured his knee. Here's the link:


I saw him limping off the field in that last series before Streveler took the field.

Mrs. Billd was concerned on each of his runs.

Here's to hoping it's minor.

Go Gophers! On to TCU!

He looked okay after coming back with the brace. He probably could have gone back in. I understand the concern by the missus, but Mitch got hurt on a drop back for incomplete pass. I would much rather see him run.

Heard it on the post game drive home. I was wondering why they brought Strevler in, but still had the entire first team offense in.

Mrs. Billd was concerned on each of his runs.

Here's to hoping it's minor.

I think he got hurt on a pass play. Listening to the post-game interviews with Kill an Limegrover on KFAN they sounded concerned but I didn't get any sense it was a real severe injury. (just reading into their tone)

Getting an MRI...according to Marcus, Kill is concerned.

Well, if you believe the posters on Gopherhole, we'll be better off if he is out.

It looked like a defensive end fell into his knee at the end of the play and maybe applied a little force on the side of the knee. This is just from memory. He walked off the field, and they said he didn't have problems going forward or backwards but he had some problems doing the drop-back motion.

Well, if you believe the posters on Gopherhole, we'll be better off if he is out.

Don't think anyone would be happy to see us Leidner out no matter how frustrating his performance has been at times over the first 2 weeks.

Well, if you believe the posters on Gopherhole, we'll be better off if he is out.

We certainly don't need a revolving door at QB for the 4th straight year, but that said, Leidner doesn't look like the answer at QB. We heard all the coaches talking him up, the players talking about his leadership, but he doesn't appear to have the IT factor.

Was at the game with the Mrs. Leidner definitely seems to have issues with his 'touch' for longer passes. Led & overthrew a number of long range pass attempts when the WR wasn't totally open. He won't be able to sell a credible long-range passing attack to Big10 competition with the sorts of throws I saw today.

Not exactly jazzed about the idea of heading into Fort Worth with a RS Freshman with zero starts under his belt. Yikes.

Not exactly jazzed about the idea of heading into Fort Worth with a RS Freshman with zero starts under his belt. Yikes.

To be honest, he can do everything Leidner can. He can run, he can hand the ball off and he can't be any worse at passing (200 yards total versus are two easiest opponents of the year).

Was at the game with the Mrs. Leidner definitely seems to have issues with his 'touch' for longer passes. Led & overthrew a number of long range pass attempts when the WR wasn't totally open. He won't be able to sell a credible long-range passing attack to Big10 competition with the sorts of throws I saw today.

You went to the game with Mrs. Leidner?

Is Mr. Leidner aware of this?

Somewhat agree. Just worried about the nerves (eg fumbles, yips) in a hostile environment.

Mitch has held the offense back but he hasn't hurt us. I honestly see those as two different things.

Or maybe throwing a frosh in there is like putting in the rookie to break up a no-hitter.

Who knows.

correct again. hey, he didn't have it last year so no surprise.

To be honest, he can do everything Leidner can. He can run, he can hand the ball off and he can't be any worse at passing (200 yards total versus are two easiest opponents of the year).

As bad as it's been, it can definitely get worse.

he can't be any worse at passing

I wouldn't be so sure about that....seriously.

Plus there's the whole getting the offense lined up, making the calls, being a leader in the huddle, etc. We need Leidner. If Streveler is our QB against TCU we're in trouble.

re: gophers in iowa. thats true. i expect if strev plays well....leidner has nagging injuries.

Sparlimb must not have watched the fall scrimmage. Streveler can and most likely will be much worse at passing.

Sparlimb must not have watched the fall scrimmage. Streveler can and most likely will be much worse at passing.

Well I know that was reported by most of the folks who watched practice, but I meant he likely can get to 50 yards too.

I'm not happy with Leidner, but if he can't play on Saturday, we won't win at TCU and it won't be close. Cross your fingers that he is ready to go on Saturday.

To be honest, he can do everything Leidner can. He can run, he can hand the ball off and he can't be any worse at passing (200 yards total versus are two easiest opponents of the year).

Strangely enough, this made me feel okay. Thank you sir.

Unless Leidner's done for the year, I can't imagine Kill giving his good friend Coach Patterson a full assessment of his status. Like Nelson making first start being found out the night before. Could be a long week.

Well I know that was reported by most of the folks who watched practice, but I meant he likely can get to 50 yards too.

But is throwing for 120 yards and 3 INT any better? Not saying that is what I'd expect from Steveler, just that things absolutely can get worse.

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Different people react differently to injuries but I think this is relatively good news as it isn't a tear or sprain and I would think Leidner should be ready for TCU.

Leidner got hurt standing in the pocket and throwing the ball. We all wanted to restrict his running to prevent injury, but it just shows how you can't prevent injuries.

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