Legends and Leaders

Terrible. Leaders and Legands? WTF?

Just go East / West and be done with it. For Cripes Sake.

Stupid is as Stupid does....

why didn't they just name them "Stuck in the past" and "Bright shining example of how it should be done"

So dumb!! should have gone black and blue to more exemplify our style of smash mouth football.

I thought that Delaney would squash any attempt at 'cuteness' with these. Fail.

They should have hired the same firm the PAC 12 did because their new logo is pretty cool.

Lame names. Would have been better as East and West. What is the significance of the names? Nothing as far as I can tell. At least East/West would have had some meaning. Somebody thought way too hard about this. I am sure it has some meaning to somebody but to everyone else who doesn't know where it comes from it has none. So what at Minnesota we aren't leaders or something?

Lame. Even worse then the 'Atlantic' and 'Coastal'. Just go East/West so non-Big 10 folks have a clue who is in each division.

geez, why not wizards & warlocks?? seriously, i can NOT believe they are going with leaders and legends... childish & ridiculous.

a twitterer named Kegsneggs has this to say, which I agree with:

"Why waste the time and resources? The Big Ten should have just gone with DERP and DERRRRP."

Lame names. Would have been better as East and West. What is the significance of the names? Nothing as far as I can tell. At least East/West would have had some meaning. Somebody thought way too hard about this. I am sure it has some meaning to somebody but to everyone else who doesn't know where it comes from it has none. So what at Minnesota we aren't leaders or something?

The names are interchangable. This means they are meaningless. Now, east and west, those are not interchangable, despite Wisconsin's placement, east could only be meaningfully applied to one of the divisions, and west could only be meaningfully applied to one of the divsions.

Anyone else have it pass through their minds that for us Legends is appropriate. Our glory days in football happened so long ago that Legends is more accurate than anything.

Anyone else have it pass through their minds that for us Legends is appropriate. Our glory days in football happened so long ago that Legends is more accurate than anything.

Troll. Our glory days are ahead of us.

The names are interchangable. This means they are meaningless. Now, east and west, those are not interchangable, despite Wisconsin's placement, east could only be meaningfully applied to one of the divisions, and west could only be meaningfully applied to one of the divsions.

Isn't that what I said?

Which will happen first? We learn to accept the division names... or... the bigten scraps them.

I think the logo, while horrible looking now, might be something i get used to... those division names are God-awful and meaningless.

I cnat beleive someone actually got paid to think of these names...

I'm surprised it took Delany that long to come up with these ridiculous division names. Was Maturi part of the decision committee?
why not just West/East?

Anyone else have it pass through their minds that for us Legends is appropriate. Our glory days in football happened so long ago that Legends is more accurate than anything.

Not to mention Michigan and Nebraska

Well our Championships are so far behind us they may as well be legends.

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