Lawrence Journal World: Mangino hired by Minnesota as consultant

Remember, that Mangino watched from the sideline for a reason... otherwise, he could've been with Kathy in the Brewster suite.

Yes, but you are completely speculating as to the reason. When Adam Duritz was on the sideline at the Cal game last year I'm sure there was a reason, but I doubt it was consulting. You are speculating, period.

Ummmm, I could be completely missing something here but WHO CARES what anybody calls him?

Mangino's helping out apparently. Period. Big deal. Paid, not paid, just a friend of Brewster's, whatever.

Please tell me the MSP media has something better to talk about than whether or not Mangino's a "consultant" or not?

This board is classic. Usually we whine about how the Gophers can't get media coverage in this town. Everyone loves the Vikings and Twins. There's no love for the Gophers. We need the Vikings to move LA to succeed.

Now a minor blip during the sports portion of a newscast about a fairly well known ex-coach being on the sideline and it's 'Please tell me the MSP media has something better to talk about.' The over-sensitivity about the media on this board is amazing. Apparently we want more Gopher coverage, but only about things that are absolutely positive. If it's negative or even might be, as is the case here, then please ignore it. And if you say anything we don't want to hear, we will dismiss you as a know-nothing hack.

Yes, but you are completely speculating as to the reason. When Adam Duritz was on the sideline at the Cal game last year I'm sure there was a reason, but I doubt it was consulting. You are speculating, period.

Adam Duritz is to Jeff Tedford as Matthew McConaughey is to Mack Brown as Will Ferrell was to Pete Carroll as Mark Mangino is to Tim Brewster. We now have our very own celebrity fan boy!

This board is classic. Usually we whine about how the Gophers can't get media coverage in this town. Everyone loves the Vikings and Twins. There's no love for the Gophers. We need the Vikings to move LA to succeed.

Now a minor blip during the sports portion of a newscast about a fairly well known ex-coach being on the sideline and it's 'Please tell me the MSP media has something better to talk about.' The over-sensitivity about the media on this board is amazing. Apparently we want more Gopher coverage, but only about things that are absolutely positive. If it's negative or even might be, as is the case here, then please ignore it. And if you say anything we don't want to hear, we will dismiss you as a know-nothing hack.

I've actually never complained about the lack of Gopher coverage in any way. I don't live in that area any more so it's inconsequential to me for the most part.

I don't even recall saying that this "story" was somehow negative or positive or that I had any feeling one way or the other on it.

I'm just a little surprised that the "story" seems to be largely whether or not Mangino is getting paid a few bones or not for his time. Just didn't quite see how that mattered. Sorry, nothing more, nothing less....

Arguing semantics over the definition of "consultant" ... and not saying anything in this particular case, but if you think in all areas of sports that coaches/management/players tell the truth 100% of the time... I would like to sell you some oceanfront property in International Falls.

If it keeps raining, my property will be ocean front!:rolleyes:

Adam Duritz is to Jeff Tedford as Matthew McConaughey is to Mack Brown as Will Ferrell was to Pete Carroll as Mark Mangino is to Tim Brewster. We now have our very own celebrity fan boy!

A true sign that we've made it!

This board is classic. Usually we whine about how the Gophers can't get media coverage in this town. Everyone loves the Vikings and Twins. There's no love for the Gophers. We need the Vikings to move LA to succeed.

Now a minor blip during the sports portion of a newscast about a fairly well known ex-coach being on the sideline and it's 'Please tell me the MSP media has something better to talk about.' The over-sensitivity about the media on this board is amazing. Apparently we want more Gopher coverage, but only about things that are absolutely positive. If it's negative or even might be, as is the case here, then please ignore it. And if you say anything we don't want to hear, we will dismiss you as a know-nothing hack.

62 posts 10 of which (plus Doogie's counters) where about the fact that is was a non-story. take out mine and it drops to a handful. So that makes what, 40 some puzzling over, or guys like you, grasping onto the move as another Brewster mistake? Yeah, I'm over-reacting!:clap:

Nope, I just want the story to be true before it's printed or broadcast. What's wrong with that? I've yet to complain about any of the many stories castigating Brewster for mistakes made in games, or the lousy performance of his team. You've spent how much time defending what's a bullbleep story? Doogie certainly didn't come on here to say that the Lawrence story about MM being hired was wrong until it was pointed out to him. The Media demands honesty from everybody they cover and scream when they don't get it. They do a damn poor job of admitting when they make a mistake though. Does anybody reading this stuff expect that there would have been the same response if the phony story made Brewster look good? My god people would have been squealing to high heaven about the media screwing-up and blasting the story as being speculation gone rampant!

Much like the glee shown when Brewster's name came-up going after the Kansas job and the dismissal of the same source when he said that T.B. was a finalist!:D

None of this has "gone away" because many posters still really, REALLY want it to be true. you're wrong about this but can't let it go because you just want all stories to begin and end with "everything sucks, fire Brewster"?

Okay, but the story and speculation weren't true despite all the "smoke and mirrors" being thrown-up around here.

Interesting enough, the other board, the one people pay for, doesn't seem to have so many "I don't CARE if it's true!" defenders.

What's with that?:confused:

I've actually never complained about the lack of Gopher coverage in any way. I don't live in that area any more so it's inconsequential to me for the most part.

I don't even recall saying that this "story" was somehow negative or positive or that I had any feeling one way or the other on it.

I'm just a little surprised that the "story" seems to be largely whether or not Mangino is getting paid a few bones or not for his time. Just didn't quite see how that mattered. Sorry, nothing more, nothing less....

Wasn't really directing the comment at you in particular, though I guess it seemed that way.

The most basic fact of this story, that Mangino was brought onto the sidelines, is not in dispute. And I don't think anyone here is arguing that it's a normal occurance for something like this to happen. Onto itself, it's not a huge deal. Given the turmoil the program is in, it's at the least 'interesting' and at most a red flag. If you think it's a non-story, fine. Maybe it is.

I just find it irritating that rather then acknowledge it and move on, so many here instead want to jump all over Doogie/'the media' over insignificant things like what the word 'consultant' does or does not mean and cast it as another 'media out to get the Gophers' moment.

The most basic fact of this story, that Mangino was brought onto the sidelines, is not in dispute. And I don't think anyone here is arguing that it's a normal occurance for something like this to happen. Onto itself, it's not a huge deal. Given the turmoil the program is in, it's at the least 'interesting' and at most a red flag. If you think it's a non-story, fine. Maybe it is.

I just find it irritating that rather then acknowledge it and move on, so many here instead want to jump all over Doogie/'the media' over insignificant things like what the word 'consultant' does or does not mean and cast it as another 'media out to get the Gophers' moment.

Yeah, 10 -12 posts out of 60 plus. It's a g-damn lynch mob...

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