Laptop theft case send to Mpls prosecution attorney

Kleptomaniac because one incident (that we know of at least)? Bully because...why? And I wonder if people on here know what the word thug means or if they just toss the word around because others do. I can understand if you've lost your faith in Royce, but none of those 3 words describe him. Just saying...

Is ANYBODY else ready to cut ties with this thug???

Do we really want a kleptomaniac/thug/bully representing our school and state?

There's a reason the police haven't cleared his name....He's a 6-8, non-caucasion and obviously NOT hard to identify on videotape among the normal sized Minnesotans named Gustafson or Olson....Yes, I know...Innocent until proven guilty, right? Well, I'm not associated with any court...I've seen enough from this guy to know that he doesn't deserve to represent the Gophers. Its a priviledge and NOT a god-given right just because you stand 6-8 and weigh 240 lbs and can hit better than 55% on your free throws.

I don't need to wait for the police report or charges...Lets move on, sans this scumbag.

Is ANYBODY else ready to cut ties with this thug???

Do we really want a kleptomaniac/thug/bully representing our school and state?

There's a reason the police haven't cleared his name....He's a 6-8, non-caucasion and obviously NOT hard to identify on videotape among the normal sized Minnesotans named Gustafson or Olson....Yes, I know...Innocent until proven guilty, right? Well, I'm not associated with any court...I've seen enough from this guy to know that he doesn't deserve to represent the Gophers. Its a priviledge and NOT a god-given right just because you stand 6-8 and weigh 240 lbs and can hit better than 55% on your free throws.

I don't need to wait for the police report or charges...Lets move on, sans this scumbag.

Why not disband the whole basketball program so as not to offend your delicate sensibilities.

How come Trevor Mbakwe isn't making Youtube videos and whining to the local scribes about being innocent?

Kleptomaniac because one incident (that we know of at least)? Bully because...why? And I wonder if people on here know what the word thug means or if they just toss the word around because others do. I can understand if you've lost your faith in Royce, but none of those 3 words describe him. Just saying...

so in your opinion, what is your definition of "thug"? NOT saying royce is one, i am just courious because i have my own definition

People who are innocent generally will want to cooperate with the police to clear their name, not hide behind their attorneys. What is also quite amazing is the police knew who to talk to, to get the the laptop returned. ESP? Maybe the people who stole the laptop and went into other rooms showed remorse and their conscience got the best of them, so they returned items taken. Or perhaps when Royce and friends were confronted about the theft they were so disgusted by this theft, that they did their own investigation and found the laptop and forced the thieves to return it thus saving the day.

What I hope and believe will happen is that the first to talk will walk. Let the thieves squirm.

A long time ago I was told the wise story about a guy walking down a country road who came upon a pile of dung. After picking it up he said it feels like dung, still not sure he smelled it and it smelled like dung, not totally convinced yet he tasted it and it tasted like dung. This man was able to reach the conclusion that if it looks like dung, smells like dung, and tastes like dung it must be dung!

If it was Royce White being thrown to the ground instead of the security guard at the mall, White's attorney would have been screaming brutality instead of disorderly conduct and they would be suing the mall.

If White is capable of knocking down the security guard 2X after stealing at the mall, (yes stealing, White did plead guilty), this behavior alone is not worthy of a MN basketball scholarship. This kid then gets involved one way or another in the theft of a laptop from a dorm. (Look at the evidence Mr Maturi, charge or no charge White needs to be dismissed from the team. Because there might not be enough evidence to charge White, the evidence also will say White isn't innocent.)

I had looked forward to watching White play ball this year but now I believe the only ball White is heading to playing is prison ball.

After knowing more then your grandfather, who did the best he could to raise you, perhaps maybe someday you will realize he was right about the "friends" you keep. Maybe it will be too late.....

Prison ball, you are an idiot. He has misdemeanors on his record that could go away. Unless you are a racist nazi, you don't put him in prison.

Who is talking about a prison ball?? Maybe u need to go to the old folks home killer

Sorry, my bad. I was trying to respond to something Runext07 said not anything you posted. I deleted my original post and responded directly to Runext's post.

How come Trevor Mbakwe isn't making Youtube videos and whining to the local scribes about being innocent?

Several Differences. Because Trevor isn't being maligned the way Royce is by the media and on the GH boards. Plus, Royce feels he deserves to be playing now as he took care of his MOA charges and Trevor still has to face the charges.

I just think that thug is too harsh of a word to describe Royce. I guess with rappers calling themselves thugs proudly it might not sound the same to everyone. When I think of a thug I think of someone who is extremely violent and a ruthless criminal (not the only 2 parts but the main parts that I don't think describe Royce). As for what the definition of thug actually is, if you look up a dictionary's version I think that you'll find that it doesn't accurately describe Royce.

so in your opinion, what is your definition of "thug"? NOT saying royce is one, i am just courious because i have my own definition

I just think that thug is too harsh of a word to describe Royce. I guess with rappers calling themselves thugs proudly it might not sound the same to everyone. When I think of a thug I think of someone who is extremely violent and a ruthless criminal (not the only 2 parts but the main parts that I don't think describe Royce). As for what the definition of thug actually is, if you look up a dictionary's version I think that you'll find that it doesn't accurately describe Royce.

Thug according to Webster's: a person, often a criminal, who treats others violently and roughly

Hmmmm....Ask that security guard how he got treated??? at least 1 case of theft and another likely....hmmmmm?

If the shoe fits....THUG, THUG, THUG!

Thug according to Webster's: a person, often a criminal, who treats others violently and roughly

Hmmmm....Ask that security guard how he got treated??? at least 1 case of theft and another likely....hmmmmm?

If the shoe fits....THUG, THUG, THUG!

Thug according to Webster's: a person, often a criminal, who treats others violently and roughly
Moses87: THUG

Prison ball, you are an idiot. He has misdemeanors on his record that could go away. Unless you are a racist nazi, you don't put him in prison.

Let me help you with the tough words.."heading to"....not that far down the road

I really enjoy hearing how Royce is the victim in all of this. The mall has it's jeans priced so high we should be allowed to steal them if you are an athlete or politician. And the nerve of the security personal trying to prevent the theft, he should be fired because Royce is an athlete and is above the law. And the young woman who had her laptop stolen, she should not have had all her class assignments or school work on her computer it wouldn't have been a big deal. Or maybe she shouldn't have had a computer so there wouldn't have been a theft. Let's blame her!

I can't believe the mentality on this board. When the computer was returned the case should have been dropped. So if someone would rob a bank and when the police came to interview the suspects, if the suspects gave back the money should all be forgiven? Or how about if a woman was raped. If the suspect(s) took their sperm back should all be forgiven? Get real people. Look at White's track record. Had the security guard hit the back of his when White knocked him down, White might be looking at manslaughter charges instead of disorderly conduct.

Until White seriously hurts someone or commits a violent felony he should be allowed to play basketball because he was highly rated in high school. Royce is obviously the victim here.

Let me help you with the tough words.."heading to"....not that far down the road

I really enjoy hearing how Royce is the victim in all of this. The mall has it's jeans priced so high we should be allowed to steal them if you are an athlete or politician. And the nerve of the security personal trying to prevent the theft, he should be fired because Royce is an athlete and is above the law. And the young woman who had her laptop stolen, she should not have had all her class assignments or school work on her computer it wouldn't have been a big deal. Or maybe she shouldn't have had a computer so there wouldn't have been a theft. Let's blame her!

I can't believe the mentality on this board. When the computer was returned the case should have been dropped. So if someone would rob a bank and when the police came to interview the suspects, if the suspects gave back the money should all be forgiven? Or how about if a woman was raped. If the suspect(s) took their sperm back should all be forgiven? Get real people. Look at White's track record. Had the security guard hit the back of his when White knocked him down, White might be looking at manslaughter charges instead of disorderly conduct.

Until White seriously hurts someone or commits a violent felony he should be allowed to play basketball because he was highly rated in high school. Royce is obviously the victim here.

I don't think that's what 90% of the people 'defending' Roce are saying. My only point is if they had any real evidence he would have been charged and kicked out of school long ago. A petty theft in a dorm, which happens all the time, is not the same as a bank robbery and doesn't warrant a 2 month-long drawn out investigation. The way the UMPD has handled this can hardly be called ideal.

So if someone would rob a bank and when the police came to interview the suspects, if the suspects gave back the money should all be forgiven? Or how about if a woman was raped. If the suspect(s) took their sperm back should all be forgiven?
Are you really equating these things?

Someone taking a $600 laptop for 3 hours and returning it before being caught vs. robbing a bank or raping someone? Wow.

Treats others violently and roughly? One example? So I guess if someone got into a fight once and punched someone then that would make them a thug, right? Another case of theft likely? Says you the psychic?

Thug according to Webster's: a person, often a criminal, who treats others violently and roughly

Hmmmm....Ask that security guard how he got treated??? at least 1 case of theft and another likely....hmmmmm?

If the shoe fits....THUG, THUG, THUG!

Thug according to Webster's: a person, often a criminal, who treats others violently and roughly

Hmmmm....Ask that security guard how he got treated??? at least 1 case of theft and another likely....hmmmmm?

If the shoe fits....THUG, THUG, THUG!

Another moronic post. Is it just me, or is this board absolutely overflowing with trolls right now? I'm guessing there's probably an even ratio of Gopher fans to fans of other schools with a grudge against the U currently commenting on the Royce White situation.

Another moronic post. Is it just me, or is this board absolutely overflowing with trolls right now? I'm guessing there's probably an even ratio of Gopher fans to fans of other schools with a grudge against the U currently commenting on the Royce White situation.

All I know is that if a poster has less than 150 posts,they are definitely under suspicion for being a troll. Even if a newbie is not a troll, their opinion doesn't count for much in GopherHole. Unless you have at least 1,000 posts it is best to keep quiet when important issues are being discussed and debated.

All I know is that if a poster has less than 150 posts,they are definitely under suspicion for being a troll. Even if a newbie is not a troll, their opinion doesn't count for much in GopherHole. Unless you have at least 1,000 posts it is best to keep quiet when important issues are being discussed and debated.


All I know is that if a poster has less than 150 posts,they are definitely under suspicion for being a troll. Even if a newbie is not a troll, their opinion doesn't count for much in GopherHole. Unless you have at least 1,000 posts it is best to keep quiet when important issues are being discussed and debated.

This may be the craziest thing posted on a very crazy thread.

Even if a newbie is not a troll, their opinion doesn't count for much in GopherHole. Unless you have at least 1,000 posts it is best to keep quiet when important issues are being discussed and debated.
Verbosity is not necessarily synonymous with intellectual discourse.

Or maybe Royce White was walking past the dorm on his way to the library and he saw a group of 4 or 5 suspicious looking people hanging around. He followed them into the building with the intention of trying to prevent them from committing a crime. Unfortunately, Royce's efforts at being a Good Samaritan were unsuccessful. But we all know that Royce feels bad that he was not able to do more to stop the thieves. The U should probably give him an award for his heroic action that night, and then get him back on the basketball team as quickly as possible. Because we are really going to need Royce when the Big 10 season starts.

That's a distinct possibility! I was also thinking maybe White was actually helping that security guard at MOA up off the ground twice and the damn racist police are just playing the tape backwards to make him look bad?

How close am I to 150 posts? When will I become a real member of this community? What an a-hole thing to say.

I think this is actually a positive development for Royce. If the UMPD is sending the case to the city attorney, their investigation is done. It is now up to the city attorney to decide if there is a case. Based on what we know or have read, there does not appear to be enough to proceed with the case. So the city attorney decides not to prosecute and that is finally the end of the case. Prosecutors make charging decisions, not police departments.

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