Kudos on academic success, Pt.2: NO "HOBBY COURSES" FOUND.


Sep 7, 2009
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Recently, a poster calling himself, MNGophers11, responding to the post of mggoph praising the academic efforts of Gopher football team members:
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honored us with the following words and thoughts of one of the uninformed No Nothings of this world:

"Gee, coach, you are aware that the "courses" being pursued by many of the underclassmen are more like hobbies than academics??"

The above words of wisdom sent me on a little investigative mission to determine just exactly what these so called "hobby courses" were that the Gopher football underclassmen were pursuing instead of legitimate academic programs and majors offered by the University of Minnesota. I took as my sample, the 22 football players who will be Juniors this fall, 2010, the much maligned "Underclassmen", at the present time. In the chart below, I have listed the names, the academic Majors, and the Academic Honors of the 22 listed players. All of them, with the exception of the new transfers, have been accepted into legitimate program majors, as listed in the University of Minnesota website, at:
Twin Cities Undergraduate Programs,


You can look them up yourselves, I was unable to find any "Hobby Courses" among the declared majors of the 22 juniors to be.

The graduation numbers speak for themselves, over 89% of senior football players graduated, over the last three years, due to the efforts of the players themselves, Coach Tim Brewster, his coaching staff and the Academic Counseling Staff.



1.) Bunders, Chris Civil Engineering HONOR STUDENT

2.) Edwards, Jewhan Communications Studies

3.) Eskridge, DeLeon Sports Management

4.) Eure, Tiree Undecided, Transfer

5.) Green, Brandon Youth Studies

6.) Jacobs, Anthony Applied Economics

7. Johnson, Johnny Youth Studies

8.) Kirksey, Brandon Sociology

9.) Klitzke, Bryan Political Science

10.) Lair, Eric Youth Studies

11.) Lewis, Christyn Undecided, Transfer

12.) McKnight, Da'Jon Business Marketing Ed.

13.) Orton, Ryan Mass Communications HONOR STUDENT Big Ten
All-Academic Team

14.) Salamon, Shady Kenesiology

15.) Schwerman, David Finance, Carlson School of Management HONOR

16.) Stoudermire, Troy Youth Studies

17.) Thornton, Herschel Undecided, Transfer

18.) Tillman, Dwight Undecided, Transfer

19.) Tinsley, Gary Business Marketing Ed.

20.) Tow-Arnett, Nathan Business Marketing Ed.

21. Wynn, Ryan Biology HONOR STUDENT

22.) Bennett, Duane Sociology

But you don't understand, these ARE their hobbies. They just have hobbies like marketing, economics, sociology, civil engineering, etc. :D

Not to be a smart arse, but the easy major thing is somewhat true

Both Youth studies and Business Marketing Education are two of the easiest disciplines and majors at the U to be accepted too. They are easily the closest thing that the U has to offer to the sports management classes Sid railed and pouted about for years to have the U start. Sports management is not the pushover major at the U that Sid was pushing for though. Youth studies and business marketing education are the two closest to less time consuming ,hobby like majors the University has to offer. Kudos to the guy's if they get there degrees, 89 % graduation the last three years is a good number.

The guy's that took the hardest, challenging path, kudos to them for trying that with all of the time they have consumed.

Perhaps they are easier majors, but what about it? How in the world is any marketing degree "hobby like". Who has marketing for a hobby? If they go into sales, that might be a good degree for them.

If you seriously want to talk about bogus classes, here's a link http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/ugatest1.html

It's a "test" from a "class" that Georgia once had that was popular with basketball players. It had "questions" like how many halves are there in a college basketball game".

Wait a second, football jocks taking easy classes? Fire Brewster now!!!!

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