"Koi Perich is a Star in the Making"

Upchuch stats are better. He was all-pro and in probowl many times.

Who is the best judge as to when Koi Perich should play, and how much he should play (multiple choice question):

A) The Gopher football coaching staff

B) An anonymous poster on Gopher Hole
All Depends who the anonymous poster is. :)

C)It's a message board. It is perfectly acceptable for people to post their opinions.

Yes, and nobody said it wasn't acceptable.

In fact, my little survey was a request for people to vote, i.e. give their opinion.

Who was that Michigan guy several years back who seemed to play about half the positions on the field (defense, offense, and special teams)? Even if not as effective as that player, do we think in the long run Koi could be used similarly? A guy who can impact all three phases?

As much as I hate Michigan, I remember being impressed every time the TV folks would put up the graphic listing all the positions he played during the season.
I saw Peppers play at TCF vs the Gophers. He was an amazing player, if Perich is that good we are in good shape for a couple of years. The Michigan coaches had Peppers on offense that game and direct snapped the ball to him, and he ran it in for a TD. Maybe that would be another chance for Perich to show his talent if he has the skill and I think he does. You know the coaches are thinking about this too.

Perich is similar to DT last year. Many of us wanted DT to be the starter right away. Now many of us wanted Perich to start right away. If they have the talent play them! What are they waiting for?
There is more too it than just talent. They have to understand the schemes and know what to do. Seems highly likely that Koi will be starting on D sooner rather than later but it will all depend on how quickly he picks things up.

For a safety like Koi if you put him out there before he is ready it could lead to a TD for the other team on a busted coverage.

Sherels NFL punt return career can't be matched by any other Gopher

Agreed. I think AWJr would have been an unreal returner in the nfl but obviously not the best use of his skill set.

Yes, and nobody said it wasn't acceptable.

In fact, my little survey was a request for people to vote, i.e. give their opinion.
Fair enough.

I personally would like to see Perich more on defense but we have no idea where he is at with knowing the calls and assignments, so that can come with time.

With the punt returning I would think he could pick that up quickly and let's face it, even if all he does is go out there and fair catch it, we are about where we were Redding out there.

He got hurt in track last spring I believe, right and wasn't able to do a lot until pretty recently? So he's just a little bit behind the 8 ball. But he'll get more and more playing time as the season goes on I'm guessing.

He got hurt in track last spring I believe, right and wasn't able to do a lot until pretty recently? So he's just a little bit behind the 8 ball. But he'll get more and more playing time as the season goes on I'm guessing.
Special teams is an easy place to work him in while he catches up on defense. If I had to guess he is probably starting or seeing heavy playing time on D by mid season but time will tell.

Exciting to have a high level athlete like that, those guys are tough to come by.

He got hurt in track last spring I believe, right and wasn't able to do a lot until pretty recently? So he's just a little bit behind the 8 ball. But he'll get more and more playing time as the season goes on I'm guessing.
Yeah, that’s what they were talking about on the GGR podcast this week. Plan seems to be working him in on ST and a specific dime package on D since he couldn’t really practice until July and is likely way behind. Hopefully he forces his way into more playing time…especially in the return game. Clearly an explosive athlete!

Perich is an electric football player ... I could easily see him playing both sides of the ball on a limited basis. If he stays healthy he has a chance to be an all time Gopher great.

Fair enough.

I personally would like to see Perich more on defense but we have no idea where he is at with knowing the calls and assignments, so that can come with time.

With the punt returning I would think he could pick that up quickly and let's face it, even if all he does is go out there and fair catch it, we are about where we were Redding out there.
Except Redding often doesn’t fair catch it. He often lets the punt drop and then backs away while the punt rolls another 15 yards downfield, forfeiting a lot of field position.
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Playing football is not rocket science. I’m sure Perich understands the defense just fine and a lot of times incredible athletes make up for any lack of experience by just being physically and mentally better than everybody else. The kid should be out there full-time.

Playing football is not rocket science. I’m sure Perich understands the defense just fine and a lot of times incredible athletes make up for any lack of experience by just being physically and mentally better than everybody else. The kid should be out there full-time.
I agree!

Playing football is not rocket science. I’m sure Perich understands the defense just fine and a lot of times incredible athletes make up for any lack of experience by just being physically and mentally better than everybody else. The kid should be out there full-time
Patience there pilgrim! People can not under estimate the importance of understanding the defense. Its not just about talent. Give him some time. Our safety play has not been horrible to date.

My take is he will be playing more this weekend.

At least the thread isn't titled a star is born (Joe Coleman jinx).

Fun to see someone both catch a punt and move forward on Saturday!

Patience there pilgrim! People can not under estimate the importance of understanding the defense. Its not just about talent. Give him some time. Our safety play has not been horrible to date.

My take is he will be playing more this weekend.
Hey....you heard him....football is easy......he's been playing in small town Minnesota, that is essentially exactly the same as Big Ten football so he should be fully ready to start right now with no concerns at all.

I mean some would argue that it is smart to bring him along slowly, gradually increasing his role so that when he does finally start he is fully ready to go.....but that's crazy talk.....play him every snap now....it just makes sense. :)

Play him or lose him. When Alabama or Georgia come calling with mega dollars available and guarantee playing time what do you think he is going to do. Can you say M. Irving.?

Play him or lose him. When Alabama or Georgia come calling with mega dollars available and guarantee playing time what do you think he is going to do. Can you say M. Irving.?
You play him if it's the best thing for the team, not because he might pout and leave if he doesn't play.

I can't imagine a lot of guys who aren't good enough to play here that could walk into the starting lineup at Georgia.

Play him or lose him. When Alabama or Georgia come calling with mega dollars available and guarantee playing time what do you think he is going to do. Can you say M. Irving.?
If they come with enough money I doubt playing time will be the main factor

Play him or lose him. When Alabama or Georgia come calling with mega dollars available and guarantee playing time what do you think he is going to do. Can you say M. Irving.?
Bucky got almost the exact same average number of carries per game in his first year at Oregon that he got at Minnesota. He didn't leave because of playing time he left because he was offered a crap ton of money.

As for Koi, you play him if he is ready to play you sit him if he isn't. It would be foolish for a coach to play a player who was going to hurt the team just to hopefully keep them happy so that they don't transfer.

I fully expect to see Koi play a big role this season but it won't happen until the coaches feel he is ready for it. That might be this Satruday or it might be in a couple of weeks.

There seems to be no real enforcement against poaching players so the sharks are going to be circling no matter how much playing time he gets. That said, if the kid was drawn to big money or the bright lights he would most likely have just taken Ohio State's offer out of high school as opposed to coming here.

I would think schools like OSU offered him good coin to sign with them and he chose to stay home despite that. Perhaps DTA upped the offer enough to satisfy Koi, who knows! But there's a solid chance that getting a big payday isn't his top concern.

Play him or lose him. When Alabama or Georgia come calling with mega dollars available and guarantee playing time what do you think he is going to do. Can you say M. Irving.?
Zero chance Alabama or Georgia offer guaranteed playing time.

As Sid would say, there’s a lot of genius’s on here!

“He just got here mid June. I wish he had got here in January so he could have developed more”-Fleck on Perich

I paraphrased. But it’s close to that.

Playing football is not rocket science. I’m sure Perich understands the defense just fine and a lot of times incredible athletes make up for any lack of experience by just being physically and mentally better than everybody else. The kid should be out there full-time.
Yes and Amen. What have we got to lose? My gosh...if he has that much promise of stardom, start him all four years...we are the Gophers...we have to take bold risks or remain mired in mediocrity.

If he's better than the guy in front of him, play him. If not, let him learn more.

I would argue that playing him more actually would showcase his talent and lead to MORE high level NIL offers.

If he's better than the guy in front of him, play him. If not, let him learn more.

I would argue that playing him more actually would showcase his talent and lead to MORE high level NIL offers.
Your first statement is dead on. Your second is an absurd reason not to play someone.

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