Kind of off topic, regarding Manti Te'o. I hope this isn't true

I wonder why our resident Notre Dame ball-washer hasn't chimed in with his two cents. Perhaps he hasn't yet received his marching orders from CenCom.

I wonder why our resident Notre Dame ball-washer hasn't chimed in with his two cents. Perhaps he hasn't yet received his marching orders from CenCom.

That will just be a parsing of the BS from Jack Swarbrick and his crocodile tears. I wonder is Jacky-boy was that emotional about Lizzy Seeberg?

What is interesting is how the mainstream media is soft-pedaling how completely incompetent they were on this. They wanted the story so much, they didn't do any fact checking. How do you not check if the woman died? Presumably you would want shots of the funeral and interviews with friends/ family. Nobody was assigned to do this? I understand families often want privacy but to not even ask if they could cover the fumeral? Pathetic.

Fact checking is becoming less and less important in today's media. Look at twitter and facebook now days. They just throw any rumor out there without checking anything first. Not much different here. It's pathetic.

Fact checking is becoming less and less important in today's media. Look at twitter and facebook now days. They just throw any rumor out there without checking anything first. Not much different here. It's pathetic.
Dinero Moss has flipped to the Hawkeyes!

Fact checking is becoming less and less important in today's media. Look at twitter and facebook now days. They just throw any rumor out there without checking anything first. Not much different here. It's pathetic.

Here is another Deadspin article on ESPN writer Gene Wojcekski (sp) talking about his story on the girlfriend. You can tell he had some doubts but didn't see any other option. Apparently not running the story never entered into his decision making process.

This whole thing is just beyond bizarre. If he was in on it (whatever "it" is), then why on earth did they choose to kill off the girlfriend right after the Grandma died? Was it to deflect and prevent anyone asking questions about the girlfriend.

I agree. Never seen anything quite like this. As to your other questions, I'm not sure. I would think it would be an effort to distance himself from this as fast as possible and be done with it. But for what its worth, I have checked some of the domers' fans sites and many of them are thinking the worst here. It seems Teo had supposedly spent some time with this girl in Hawaii and also had met her after one of their Stanford games. At least, that's the story, which I admittedly know very little about.

At this point, my reaction reaction can be summed up this way: What the #@$!@#$?

Don't see how he can have any kind of a case at all. Seems like he perpetuated the mythical story on his own and continued to fabricate things that weren't true on his own. In other words he brought this on himself. This girlfriend never existed yet he claimed he met her and talked to her. He may have been duped online by someone but went to the effort to make parts up on his own for some reason.

Yeah, if he was in on it, he obviously has no case at all. I was assuming that the other guy was asking if Te'o could have a case if he wasn't in on it. Yeah, you can't sue for the badpress from your own actions.

Here is another Deadspin article on ESPN writer Gene Wojcekski (sp) talking about his story on the girlfriend. You can tell he had some doubts but didn't see any other option. Apparently not running the story never entered into his decision making process.

There are other things that they could have done. They could have done almost all of the things that deadspin was able to do with 1/1000th of the resources.

Of course he was in on it... Ever heard of skype? Even if he was duped in the beginning, he told an endless series of lies to friends, family and the media that have now blown up in his face. Religious/cultural background is irrelevant, no one would continue a relationship with someone they had never met in person and in this case he had opportunities to meet her whether in person in California or online via skype. She didn't exist and he knew it.

And it keeps on getting better. Now, at least one nfl player claims to have met her and knows her family. Evidently at noon pacific today, there's going to be a big announcement from Kekua's twitter account.

Anything written on Kekua's account?

Edit: This was the statement. Although funny, this is all just weird.

My statement: This is incredibly embarrassing to talk about, but I have been told by Alabama’s offense that Manti Te’o is not real.


Fact checking is becoming less and less important in today's media. Look at twitter and facebook now days. They just throw any rumor out there without checking anything first. Not much different here. It's pathetic.

CNN closed their investigative journalism unit.

Read that again.

News is a shadow of it's former self. They decided that investigative journalism did not provide a high enough profit margin to continue.


CNN closed their investigative journalism unit.

Read that again.

News is a shadow of it's former self. They decided that investigative journalism did not provide a high enough profit margin to continue.


CNN closed their investigative unit in 1992.

CNN closed their investigative unit in 1992.

This would say otherwise:


David Letterman just said "the only other athlete I can think of with an imaginary girlfriend is Kris Humphries."

Okay, if this is the case, what's the story with him talking about meeting her and stuff? Again, somewhere along the line, some lies were told.

I still don't believe Te'o is innocent, but one thing that is a possibility is that he was embarrassed about it being an internet relationship so he told lies to not make it not sound so weird. Probably not true, but you never know I guess.

Te'o is either the biggest liar (next to Lance) or the biggest idiot on the planet. I'm not sure which is worse?

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