Kind of off topic, regarding Manti Te'o. I hope this isn't true

He seems like he has to be in on it, but what is weird is that they casually flirted for years before this entire story blew up. It's psychotic but I could see someone conspiring with some friend to make up a story to gain publicity. However, I think it's really weird (even weirder than it is now) to say "hey, lets flirt for a couple of years online and then when Notre Dame is having a dream season, make up a story about your death.".

I would think he was in on it 100% if this person popped up THIS season, but he might just be really gullible and he lied to make himself not look so dumb. Like he didn't want to deal with people saying "what if it's a dude" or all of that mess. I don't know, it's too weird.

He seems like he has to be in on it, but what is weird is that they casually flirted for years before this entire story blew up. It's psychotic but I could see someone conspiring with some friend to make up a story to gain publicity. However, I think it's really weird (even weirder than it is now) to say "hey, lets flirt for a couple of years online and then when Notre Dame is having a dream season, make up a story about your death.".

I would think he was in on it 100% if this person popped up THIS season, but he might just be really gullible and he lied to make himself not look so dumb. Like he didn't want to deal with people saying "what if it's a dude" or all of that mess. I don't know, it's too weird.

Makes no sense for someone to make the hoax last so long, and what do they gain from it? if it was publicity than why didn't the "pranksters" come out and say ha we got you guys, not kill her off. Second, "she" died before the dream season started, and they started dating before te'o was a household name. And for real, who has an online relationship for 3years but never meets the person(claims that they meet in prevouis interviews), I just don't buy the story te'o is throwing at us now. I don't know the exact story, but something is fishy here if they are still trying to cover it up

When she "Died" months ago you didnt realize that when no funeral was announced, or you didnt attend a funeral of someone you had a deep emotional connection, nothing sprung into your head that something was wrong?

by far one the craziest stories I have ever seen

Makes no sense for someone to make the hoax last so long, and what do they gain from it? if it was publicity than why didn't the "pranksters" come out and say ha we got you guys, not kill her off. Second, "she" died before the dream season started, and they started dating before te'o was a household name. And for real, who has an online relationship for 3years but never meets the person, I just don't buy the story te'o is throwing at us now. I don't know the exact story, but something is fishy here if they are still trying to cover it up

by far one the craziest stories I have ever seen

I don't get it either, but there are literally millions of situations where people lie about who they are online and get people to talk to them for years. I'm not saying Te'o is innocent, but it's so common that they made a TV show about the phenomenon. It's just a really weird thing that has started to happen because of the internet.

Either Te'o is extremely gullible and a bit of a liar or he's a psychotic and malicious liar.

ESPN is reporting that his fake dog was run over today.

George Glass = Classic!

Thanks Williams. I was going to suggest that was his girlfriend's real name. Maybe we can get the guy who makes the t-shirts to make a Mai Tai Te'O = George Glass or something.

Just watched entire press conference on WNDU TV. Was disappointed that NOBODY in media asked, "Why would you NOT pursue legal action both as University and individual over this." Of course, the "results" from the private, independent investigative firm won't be made public, we'll let Mai Tai tell his story, etc. While a completely different situation, in my opinion, they are deeply wrapped up in protecting the "Brand".

Was waiting for someone to ask "Where can I purchase some of those Magic Beans you're selling me right now?"

Let this be a warning to any girl who thinks about dating Te'o. If you get a terminal disease he won't visit you. Or go to your funeral

Thanks Williams. I was going to suggest that was his girlfriend's real name.

Just watched entire press conference on WNDU TV. Was disappointed that NOBODY in media asked, "Why would you NOT pursue legal action both as University and individual over this." Of course, the "results" from the private, independent investigative firm won't be made public, we'll let Mai Tai tell his story, etc. While a completely different situation, in my opinion, they are deeply wrapped up in protecting the "Brand".

Was waiting for someone to ask "Where can I purchase some of those Magic Beans you're selling me right now?"

This is a bran new area of law, but it's really doubtful that either Te'o or Notre Dame would have any sort of case. Unless Te'o sent "her" anything of value, he could sue for those damages (whatever the price of the white flowers). Te'o might have a case for Int'l Infliction of Emotional Distress, but that's tough. With all of the hoopla surrounding this case, I suppose it's possible.

Notre Dame would have absolutely no case. They have no damages besides being lied to.

The real woman probably doesn't have a case either. Her photos weren't used for a commercial purpose by the kid. I suppose you could do this by proxy through all of the media coverage (usually you need to like take a picture of Derek Jeter and put him on a boz of Wheeties without permission).

So Te'o might have a case, but the law is really not settled. Notre Dame couldn't take legal action.

This is a bran new area of law, but it's really doubtful that either Te'o or Notre Dame would have any sort of case. Unless Te'o sent "her" anything of value, he could sue for those damages (whatever the price of the white flowers). Te'o might have a case for Int'l Infliction of Emotional Distress, but that's tough. With all of the hoopla surrounding this case, I suppose it's possible.

Notre Dame would have absolutely no case. They have no damages besides being lied to.

The real woman probably doesn't have a case either. Her photos weren't used for a commercial purpose by the kid. I suppose you could do this by proxy through all of the media coverage (usually you need to like take a picture of Derek Jeter and put him on a boz of Wheeties without permission).

So Te'o might have a case, but the law is really not settled. Notre Dame couldn't take legal action.

Thank you for the clarification. I appreciate it.

Just a couple of further questions:

Would he (Te'O) have a case as a result of dropping to the 3rd or 4th rounds in the NFL Draft resulting in the loss of millions? I suppose that would be difficult as well.

Could ND look at the Butler case involving the Anonymous Blogger (2009) for aspects of it to pursue or to, at the very least, recover the costs of having to investigate a fabricated story?

Thank you for the clarification. I appreciate it.

Just a couple of further questions:

Would he (Te'O) have a case as a result of dropping to the 3rd or 4th rounds in the NFL Draft resulting in the loss of millions? I suppose that would be difficult as well.

Could ND look at the Butler case involving the Anonymous Blogger (2009) for aspects of it to pursue?

This is not my area of expertise....

I don't think Te'o could possibly have a case for that situation. He might have a case IF he could argue that he was so distraught by thinking that his EX GF died and that he was the victim of a hoax that he couldn't play, he couldn't perform and it cost him. If you could find the defendant (that weird kid) liable for Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress (that'd be really tough) then you';d have to prove that his drop was the result of him being so distressed that he dropped all of that money. Keep in mind that he'd have to collect from this kid who probably doesn't have much money.

As for Notre Dame, the blogging thing, I couldn't see how it would have any impact. That was a case of someone stating lies about the University and the administrators. It was actually classic libel (written defamatory statements that are false, etc.). This case, this person never said anything about Notre Dame, they lied to someone who was a Notre Dame student and Notre Dame ran with it. Notre Dame is simply a sucker in this scenario, but they weren't really lied about.

This is not my area of expertise....

I don't think Te'o could possibly have a case for that situation. He might have a case IF he could argue that he was so distraught by thinking that his EX GF died and that he was the victim of a hoax that he couldn't play, he couldn't perform and it cost him. If you could find the defendant (that weird kid) liable for Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress (that'd be really tough) then you';d have to prove that his drop was the result of him being so distressed that he dropped all of that money. Keep in mind that he'd have to collect from this kid who probably doesn't have much money.

As for Notre Dame, the blogging thing, I couldn't see how it would have any impact. That was a case of someone stating lies about the University and the administrators. It was actually classic libel (written defamatory statements that are false, etc.). This case, this person never said anything about Notre Dame, they lied to someone who was a Notre Dame student and Notre Dame ran with it. Notre Dame is simply a sucker in this scenario, but they weren't really lied about.

Sounds good and thanks again. I'll sit back and watch the next Chapter in this thing play out.

Part of me thinks this could hurt Te'o in the draft.

And then I remembered the NFL doesn't care about your actions, as long as you can play.

By the way, this line isn't getting enough credit.


Think if the national media spent 1/2 as much time on this story as that one. The a-hole fb player that raped that poor girl would be brought to justice.

It is starting to smell at ND.

Why not just come out at the end of the season? He'll still be drafted, it'll still be a huge story (although really by now it shouldn't be; this is 2013), and he won't look so bat sh*t crazy.

Twitterverse is buzzing, I think we all know what the implication of this is...

An openly homosexual player being drafted and playing in the NFL would be the story of the decade in sports probably.

Part of me thinks this could hurt Te'o in the draft.

And then I remembered the NFL doesn't care about your actions, as long as you can play.

He might have been hurt more in the draft (and on the field) by those Alabama backs who ran through and over him.

This whole thing is just beyond bizarre. If he was in on it (whatever "it" is), then why on earth did they choose to kill off the girlfriend right after the Grandma died? Was it to deflect and prevent anyone asking questions about the girlfriend.

Twitterverse is buzzing, I think we all know what the implication of this is...

An openly homosexual player being drafted and playing in the NFL would be the story of the decade in sports probably.

Maybe I just don't know how to read twitter, but all I see is people arguing about how important it would be if Te'o was gay or not. I don't see how this bizarre situation has anything to do with being gay, but I'm probably missing something.

Maybe I just don't know how to read twitter, but all I see is people arguing about how important it would be if Te'o was gay or not. I don't see how this bizarre situation has anything to do with being gay, but I'm probably missing something.

well the theory is, that Te'o made up the girlfriend to hide the fact that he is gay, because he went to Notre Dame(catholic school) and they don't approve of that behavior

I really hope that this theory is not true, not that I care if someone is gay or not, but because I would rather not have the first openly gay person in the NFL be such a coward, I want someone who has pride in himself for who he is

What is interesting is how the mainstream media is soft-pedaling how completely incompetent they were on this. They wanted the story so much, they didn't do any fact checking. How do you not check if the woman died? Presumably you would want shots of the funeral and interviews with friends/ family. Nobody was assigned to do this? I understand families often want privacy but to not even ask if they could cover the fumeral? Pathetic.

This is a bran new area of law, but it's really doubtful that either Te'o or Notre Dame would have any sort of case. Unless Te'o sent "her" anything of value, he could sue for those damages (whatever the price of the white flowers). Te'o might have a case for Int'l Infliction of Emotional Distress, but that's tough. With all of the hoopla surrounding this case, I suppose it's possible.

Don't see how he can have any kind of a case at all. Seems like he perpetuated the mythical story on his own and continued to fabricate things that weren't true on his own. In other words he brought this on himself. This girlfriend never existed yet he claimed he met her and talked to her. He may have been duped online by someone but went to the effort to make parts up on his own for some reason.

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