Kind of off topic, regarding Manti Te'o. I hope this isn't true

AJ Barker is pretty psyched that this news came out today.

Geez whats next? Are we gonna find out Rudy was mostly fictional...oh wait.

Notre Dame Statement: Manti Te’o

On Dec. 26, Notre Dame coaches were informed by Manti Te’o and his parents that Manti had been the victim of what appears to be a hoax in which someone using the fictitious name Lennay Kekua apparently ingratiated herself with Manti and then conspired with others to lead him to believe she had tragically died of leukemia. The University immediately initiated an investigation to assist Manti and his family in discovering the motive for and nature of this hoax. While the proper authorities will continue to investigate this troubling matter, this appears to be, at a minimum, a sad and very cruel deception to entertain its perpetrators.

Dennis Brown
University Spokesman | Assistant Vice President

Notre Dame Statement: Manti Te’o

On Dec. 26, Notre Dame coaches were informed by Manti Te’o and his parents that Manti had been the victim of what appears to be a hoax in which someone using the fictitious name Lennay Kekua apparently ingratiated herself with Manti and then conspired with others to lead him to believe she had tragically died of leukemia. The University immediately initiated an investigation to assist Manti and his family in discovering the motive for and nature of this hoax. While the proper authorities will continue to investigate this troubling matter, this appears to be, at a minimum, a sad and very cruel deception to entertain its perpetrators.

Dennis Brown
University Spokesman | Assistant Vice President

Except his own quotes in the deadpsin article contradict the statement......this is going to get uglier before it gets over

Maybe Kekua was Te'o's version of a "girlfriend in Canada" like so many frustrated jr. high boys declare.

If true:

S*** is f***ed up.

Sports story of the year 2 weeks into 2013.

Lance Armstrong is probably thanking his lucky stars.

I remember when I first heard the "Teo's dead girlfriend" story that my BS detector went off a little bit. I remember thinking, "What are the odds that a super-famous football player happens to have a girlfriend who died of leukemia in her early 20s?" And then I slapped myself and said, "Of course it's a real story." I am now utterly dumbfounded that my initial premonition was correct. Whether Teo is complicit or a victim, it's an unbelievable story.

(P.S. He has to be involved -doesn't he?)

Unreal...I didn't follow the whole Te'o stuff in the first place, but if that article is even kinda on point, this is messed up

Someone help me understand - how, possibly, is Te'o not in on it somehow?

I remember when I first heard the "Teo's dead girlfriend" story that my BS detector went off a little bit. I remember thinking, "What are the odds that a super-famous football player happens to have a girlfriend who died of leukemia in her early 20s?" And then I slapped myself and said, "Of course it's a real story." I am now utterly dumbfounded that my initial premonition was correct. Whether Teo is complicit or a victim, it's an unbelievable story.

(P.S. He has to be involved -doesn't he?)

Absolutely has to be. His quotes about her are pretty damning.

Someone help me understand - how, possibly, is Te'o not in on it somehow?

The only thing that I can possible understand, is if Manti had never met her. I thought that had originally met after a Stanford/ND game where they exchanged numbers.

If he had never met her, and only communicated over the phone and online, maybe someone else could have been playing the role of his girlfriend? I'm mind-blown either way...

His dad mentioned they met in Hawaii before:

2010-2011: Te'o and Kekua are friends. "She was gifted in music, multi-lingual, had dreams grounded in reality and the talent to catch up to them" (South Bend Tribune). "They started out as just friends," Te'o's father, Brian, told the Tribune in October 2012. "Every once in a while, she would travel to Hawaii, and that happened to be the time Manti was home, so he would meet with her there."

And you're right about the Stanford-ND thing:

Nov. 28, 2009: Te'o and Kekua meet after Stanford's 45-38 victory over Notre Dame in Palo Alto, according to the South Bend Tribune: "Their stares got pleasantly tangled, then Manti Te'o extended his hand to the stranger with a warm smile and soulful eyes.

Did he lie to his parents then? Is the South Bend Tribune THAT far off in their reporting? Or is he in on it?

He knew. No doubt.

Unfortunately for ND, the wrong dead girl turned out to be a fake.

If Teo wasn't involved, who was he talking to all those nights? And who was the mystery girl he met in Palo Alto? Bizarre!

After reading the article, it seems clear to me that Manti Te'O was in on this as was his father and perhaps other members of his family. My theory is that Te'O is gay and is either in a relationship with Tuiasosopo or another man. This fictitious gf was being used as a cover and Te'O/Tuiasosopo felt the story was going to unravel at some point and made the stupid decision to have the fictitious gf die.

Some reports / observations about Mai Tai:
1) SI ran cover story on him without checking facts (as did other news outlets),
2) Deadspin reported the hoax - they dug deep,
3) Some "theorists" on call in shows are questioning that maybe he is hiding something (not my words, theirs),
4) Other "theorists" claiming he raked in on Awards with sympathy votes,
5) Clay Travis has written that 2 sources claim ESPN has known about this for 10 days, and
6) Mai Tai may be new president of the Milli Vanilli fan club.

I should add

7) It's one thing to make up you have a "girlfriend" (aka George Glass Syndrome). But then, to fake your fake girlfriend's death................WOW

Yea, I remember when I did this. But, I was 10.

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