Kind of a funny thing for Mizzu fans to get riled up about

The only thing learned from that thread on the Mizzou board is that they like to say frick and s***e a lot.

Fricken right, dood! They ain't sh*te-ing around over there!

And Bike Shorts is clearly an 'altar'-ego, but whose, whose????? The world waits to find out...

That's some really heavy-duty stuff going on over there.

A few guys there get it.

Its not ****e reedus. Its fricking old and tiresome. Maybe when not if, when we win a ccg, play in the new playoffs we can beat off about respect or disrespect.

Until then ita a useless, worthless topic. A lady who runs a Minnesota based company is pro Minnesota....oh my fricking god.

Talk mizzou, fine. But talk mizzou. Some ladies fandom is not a talking point

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