Kill on 1500ESPN

I'm still a big Kill guy, and I absolutely think he has a right to be upset at Kaler for not offering him a job (my dad met Kill a couple of weeks ago and Kill told him that exact thing: Kaler didn't want him around because he had "too much power" and could be a distraction).

But has anyone mentioned the obvious conflict of interest Jerry Kill now has as a coach for a rival B1G school? Of course he has a reason to badmouth the U - he's in a position to make his current school look attractive to potential U of M recruits, and transfers.

If Kaler told you that, would you actually believe him? Just sayin'...

No. Kaler doesn't have a backbone. You can't believe anything people like him say because it will change with the wind.

New ADs always want to bring in their own guy. Honestly not surprising. Hopefully the next coach will get the support they need.

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"You don't know what you don’t know, which is fine. Others don't know what they don't know, which is the administration at the University."
~ Glen Mason

Kimberly Hewitt and Mark Coyle also attacked Jerry Kill's integrity during that press conference. I'd guess the venom is real and this isn't just coachspeak for Kill in support of Claeys.

Ding, ding, ding.

Like I said last night, the thinly veiled attacks at Claeys and co during the presser were head-scratchers to me. I always thought that prior to "the incident," our program was one of the tops in the conference as far as character, integrity, and off-field behavior. Hell, we about lead the nation in APR and graduation rate.

Either Coyle knows far, far more than he's willing to share, or he's just throwing sh!t at the wall, hoping something will stick.

Will be used against Kill in recruiting. Dumb comment to make. Basically implying he won't be at Rutgers long enough to play in every stadium.
LOL, Rutgers has a better chance to recruit well than Minnesota does. Coyle just cut off the arms and legs of the program purely out of personal arrogance.

Either Coyle knows far, far more than he's willing to share, or he's just throwing sh!t at the wall, hoping something will stick.
I'd go with Coyle tossing sh!t, except snakes have no arms and legs. Perhaps he eats sh!t and vomits it back out.

LOL, Rutgers has a better chance to recruit well than Minnesota does. Coyle just cut off the arms and legs of the program purely out of personal arrogance.

Do you know that often Rutgers is competing against more than Minnesota?

Do you really think Rutgers wants Minnesota recruits?

Why would you bring in a new coordinator and then tell the new coordinator to ignore the state he had just spent four years recruiting in?

I'm still a big Kill guy, and I absolutely think he has a right to be upset at Kaler for not offering him a job (my dad met Kill a couple of weeks ago and Kill told him that exact thing: Kaler didn't want him around because he had "too much power" and could be a distraction).

But has anyone mentioned the obvious conflict of interest Jerry Kill now has as a coach for a rival B1G school? Of course he has a reason to badmouth the U - he's in a position to make his current school look attractive to potential U of M recruits, and transfers.
I would imagine at some point there would be a line where a comment is made and then if ten conference might fine him. I don't think he is close to that line yet

Do you know that often Rutgers is competing against more than Minnesota?
Minnesota has dropped so far below Rutgers at this point that MN will be competing with St Thomas for talent. Thank you Mr Coyle.

Minnesota has dropped so far below Rutgers at this point that MN will be competing with St Thomas for talent. Thank you Mr Coyle.

You might be right, but that doesn't conflict with what I said even if it is true

Minnesota has dropped so far below Rutgers at this point that MN will be competing with St Thomas for talent. Thank you Mr Coyle.

So if Shannon Brooks or Tyler Moore or Rodney Smith announce a transfer and they see that Jerry Kill has their back, Rutgers would pass on them?

So if Shannon Brooks or Tyler Moore or Rodney Smith announce a transfer and they see that Jerry Kill has their back, Rutgers would pass on them?
I'm not sure how you came to that conclusion.
Rutgers will have a better opportunity to recruit than Minnesota and that is completely on Mark Coyle's plate. He has destroyed all the work that was put in over the past four years.
What will nor surprise me is if players choose to leave or if parents choose to remove their children from such a caustic environment.
Most athletes will never play in the NFL so going elsewhere is a very viable option.

Minnesota has dropped so far below Rutgers at this point that MN will be competing with St Thomas for talent. Thank you Mr Coyle.

The hyperbole gets better everyday on this board.

If you were or still are a Kill fan, the interview is vintage and I highly recommend listening to the podcast. Unlike the PC crowd, Kill shoots straight. He was somewhat cautious, but also didn't hold back on some great points. There are lots of people who don't really understand what this group of coaches did for the program, the school, the community, the state, and some charitable causes.

Carter Coughlin and his dad also revealed some interesting nuggets about the culture, that Mr. Coyle wanted to trash.

The thing that stuck out to me was Kill's comment about having to fight more (multiple daily) battles inside the university walls than outside. That, my friends, did not improve by the firing of this staff and may ultimately be too large an issue to fix. Might be time to burn it down and start over.

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