Kill: No Starters Locked in Now; says he needs 3 recruiting classes to turn around


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Nov 11, 2008
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Kill: No Starters Locked in Now

Gophers football notes following a recent conversation with coach Jerry Kill.

Spring practice begins March 26 and no player, regardless of experience or ability, is a certain starter. The emphasis will be on competition and opportunity at all positions, with nothing guaranteed. “You’re going to put your best players out there (eventually),” Kill said.

The Gophers will have 15 practices including the annual spring game open to the public on April 27. For Kill and his assistants this will be the third spring practice but the coach’s perspective on the program is shaped by recruiting classes. Kill wasn’t hired until December of 2010 so his impact on the 2011 recruiting class was minimal.

“We need about three recruiting classes to get this thing turned around,” he said. “I think we’re moving in the right direction.”

The 2011 Gophers were 3-9 while last fall’s team was 6-7 and played in the program’s first bowl game since 2009. The most improvement was defensively where the Gophers went from allowing 31.7 points per game to 24.7.

The offense was often ineffective but in a Meineke Car Care Bowl loss to Texas Tech, Minnesota scored 31 points and had 368 yards total offense. To be better in 2013 than last fall, Kill said the offense needs to play like the bowl game performance.

Going into spring practice later this month Kill not only has most of his players returning, but the entire coaching staff. In the “musical chairs” world of head coaches and assistants changing jobs, that’s an indicator of the stability in the Minnesota program and a plus for the players who don’t have to adjust to new personalities and schemes.

Kill said other programs come after his assistants but he’s been able to keep his staff together at Minnesota. Not long ago another Gopher assistant turned down an opportunity to leave, Kill disclosed.

Go Gophers!!

JK uses the same strategy on the public that he uses on the better opponents. Play as close as you can and in the last minute...surprise..we win. Handles the fans the same way- just says we are getting better....then surprise..10 wins.

JK uses the same strategy on the public that he uses on the better opponents. Play as close as you can and in the last minute...surprise..we win. Handles the fans the same way- just says we are getting better....then surprise..10 wins.

Can you point to any game that this strategy worked?

Agree with Coach Kill in part. The question is can the worm turn if these classes are ranked 12th in the B1G? I guess we will find out.

Agree with Coach Kill in part. The question is can the worm turn if these classes are ranked 12th in the B1G? I guess we will find out.

If the players fit his system, I see no reason why MN won't get better with his recruiting classes.

I point to Kansas State. Bill Snyder's classes are never rated very high, the last four classes at KSU that have seen the field (2013 not included) ranked #92, 63, 68 and 58 according to Rivals. KSU was ranked dead last in the Big 12 each of those years except they were second to last in 2012. They did pretty damn well last year playing for the conference championship and played in the Fiesta Bowl.

Snyder recruits to his system and develops players. I have no reason to believe Kill won't do the same.

Its all about keeping players in the system and playing a bunch of 4th and 5th year guys...we won't compete with our Fr and So against Wiscy's Jrs and Srs...but I think we can compete with our 4th and 5th year guys against Wiscy's 3rd and 4th year guys. We need to be able to redshirt as many players as possible in year one.

If the players fit his system, I see no reason why MN won't get better with his recruiting classes.

I point to Kansas State. Bill Snyder's classes are never rated very high, the last four classes at KSU that have seen the field (2013 not included) ranked #92, 63, 68 and 58 according to Rivals. KSU was ranked dead last in the Big 12 each of those years except they were second to last in 2012. They did pretty damn well last year playing for the conference championship and played in the Fiesta Bowl.

Snyder recruits to his system and develops players. I have no reason to believe Kill won't do the same.

Big difference is Snyder had already proved his system and development had worked previosuly at K-State. Kill has never done it at a BCS school. Still a long ways to go before believing Kill can accomplish what Snyder has.

Agree with Coach Kill in part. The question is can the worm turn if these classes are ranked 12th in the B1G? I guess we will find out.

One of the things Coach Kill said at signing day was that they specifically asked kids who commit not to attend any other events where they would be evaluated (camps, etc.). He stated often times many of the kids aren't seen by nearly as many people as other schools' kids. Because of that, they are often rated lower than they could have been.

I really question the accuracy of this statement, but we'll see in a couple years. If our 12th place classes play like 5th place classes...

Hope he's right! :)

do a lot of recruits listen to JK and then not go to toher camps?

Seriously, 3 more classes? Sounds like ol Jerr can't coach em up all the way. Sounds more like an excuse than a plan. After reading 24 and now this, I may be waning in my support of the skipper and the crew of the Minnow.

I think he meant 3 recruiting classes after beginning the job, next year will be his 3rd recruiting class, he's not saying he needs 3 more years...that's my interpretation anyway.

Seriously, 3 more classes? Sounds like ol Jerr can't coach em up all the way. Sounds more like an excuse than a plan. After reading 24 and now this, I may be waning in my support of the skipper and the crew of the Minnow.
Not "3 more" classes, pretty sure he was saying you need 3 classes of recruits total.

Seriously, 3 more classes? Sounds like ol Jerr can't coach em up all the way. Sounds more like an excuse than a plan. After reading 24 and now this, I may be waning in my support of the skipper and the crew of the Minnow.

Why read what Coach Kill has to say when you can insult him for something he didn't say. It's a strategy I guess.

Not "3 more" classes, pretty sure he was saying you need 3 classes of recruits total.

Then, he should have referenced needing just one more class. He didn't. He was even speaking, what I believe to be the present tense, which would directly translate to 3 more classes. "We need", being in the present tense, requires it to mean 3 more classes. Or, did you all flunk English grammar. I think he stated it accurately and with good ol' country Jerr accuracy.

Then, he should have referenced needing just one more class. He didn't. He was even speaking, what I believe to be the present tense, which would directly translate to 3 more classes. "We need", being in the present tense, requires it to mean 3 more classes. Or, did you all flunk English grammar. I think he stated it accurately and with good ol' country Jerr accuracy.

Is that why the author set up the quote he got directly from Kill by preparing the reader to not count the 2011 recruiting in Kill's upcoming statement re: 3 years?

Then, he should have referenced needing just one more class. He didn't. He was even speaking, what I believe to be the present tense, which would directly translate to 3 more classes. "We need", being in the present tense, requires it to mean 3 more classes. Or, did you all flunk English grammar. I think he stated it accurately and with good ol' country Jerr accuracy.

Just stop digging and crawl out while you can still see the top of the hole...

Its all about keeping players in the system and playing a bunch of 4th and 5th year guys...we won't compete with our Fr and So against Wiscy's Jrs and Srs...but I think we can compete with our 4th and 5th year guys against Wiscy's 3rd and 4th year guys. We need to be able to redshirt as many players as possible in year one.


The three recruiting classes comment makes sense. This year most of the players will be his recruits but still pretty young. In the 2014 season nearly all the starters should be guys that Kill recruited so if his players are going to be good enough to win in the Big Ten the evidense should start to become clear some this season and especially in 2014.

Then, he should have referenced needing just one more class. He didn't. He was even speaking, what I believe to be the present tense, which would directly translate to 3 more classes. "We need", being in the present tense, requires it to mean 3 more classes. Or, did you all flunk English grammar. I think he stated it accurately and with good ol' country Jerr accuracy.

When did football coaches begin using proper grammar?

If the players fit his system, I see no reason why MN won't get better with his recruiting classes.

Snyder recruits to his system and develops players. I have no reason to believe Kill won't do the same.

The entire premise on this board hinges on Kill's foolproof "system" but if you're great coaching guys up, shouldn't you be able to take who you have and make them excel in your system? These kids are good athletes. It's not as if he's taking the team from the wishbone offense into the fun-n-gun. Retaining players and coaches are going to be most important along with upgrading talent, not some magical "system" that will suddenly win 12 games with under-the-radar recruits.

Another question - how do these job offers he refers to never seem to surface from any other source, even in rumor form? Perhaps they were not for top spots - if the offers were for FBS head coach or BCS AQ coordinator jobs you'd think the rumor would pop up somewhere, anywhere.

The entire premise on this board hinges on Kill's foolproof "system" but if you're great coaching guys up, shouldn't you be able to take who you have and make them excel in your system? These kids are good athletes. It's not as if he's taking the team from the wishbone offense into the fun-n-gun. Retaining players and coaches are going to be most important along with upgrading talent, not some magical "system" that will suddenly win 12 games with under-the-radar recruits.

Another question - how do these job offers he refers to never seem to surface from any other source, even in rumor form? Perhaps they were not for top spots - if the offers were for FBS head coach or BCS AQ coordinator jobs you'd think the rumor would pop up somewhere, anywhere.

I am sure some of them have gotten offers but like you I don't think any of them have gotten great offers. Why would they? You aren't going to hire them away based on what we have done on the field and based on our recruiting class rankings I don't see any of them getting sniped from us because they are known as top notch recruiters.

I said it in a differnt thread the only guy I can see right now that would get any attention would be Claeys based on how the defense preformed last year and the length of time he has been a DC but even there I would think the top jobs would like to see him sustain the improvement this coming year before any top offers would come rolling in.

The staff continuity is awesome but I highly doubt it has been tested all that much over the years given where these guys have coached and the fact that they have not really been on the national radar. That will change if they win at Minnesota at which point we will find out just how loyal they really are to Kill or if they have just stayed with him because he was moving up the ranks and the job security was far better than what you typically get in coaching.

The entire premise on this board hinges on Kill's foolproof "system" but if you're great coaching guys up, shouldn't you be able to take who you have and make them excel in your system? These kids are good athletes. It's not as if he's taking the team from the wishbone offense into the fun-n-gun. Retaining players and coaches are going to be most important along with upgrading talent, not some magical "system" that will suddenly win 12 games with under-the-radar recruits.

Another question - how do these job offers he refers to never seem to surface from any other source, even in rumor form? Perhaps they were not for top spots - if the offers were for FBS head coach or BCS AQ coordinator jobs you'd think the rumor would pop up somewhere, anywhere.

I don't think Kill's system is foolproof by any means. I think a program like ours needs to take chances on guys like Jerry Kill. He is a guy whose system has worked before and it depends on slowly making us decent, then good, then we'll see. If there was a coach like Jerry Kill (had a staff together for that long with that amount of success) but also was a top notch recruiter and turned programs around instantly, he wouldn't have come to MN. We are stuck with having to have a bit of blind faith because we aren't going to get a proven commodity at MN.

As to your point, I think the answer is YES and that Jerry has done this. Michael Carter was fantastic last year (many people considered him a zero factor going into the year), DL Wilhite was fantastic, Kirkwood played well, AJ Barker was greatly improved, Hageman was a force. . .etc. You could argue that some of these players had success because of Kill and his staff.

However, we should expect more from his own players. Coaching players up is often about putting them in positions to succeed. When you recruit a player for a certain role and groom him for that role, you should have higher expectations for that player than a player from an earlier regime that was shoehorned into a certain role.

I think "coaching 'em up" is an entire process, from recruiting players who have a certain trait to knowing how to cultivate that trait for a specific role on a football team. But you're right, we do need to have a lot of hope in our prognostications because we aren't going to get an Urban Meyer, Nick Saban, or even a Dan Mullins or Kevin Sumlin.

if you're great coaching guys up, shouldn't you be able to take who you have and make them excel in your system?

False premise. Mike Leach is great at coaching guys up, but he'll never be able to take 330 lb. linemen, a running QB with no arm, and 6'5", 230 lb. possession receivers and run his offense. When it's said that someone is "great at coaching guys up" it's understood that the missing phrase is " their system". Everyone has a system, it's just a matter of how rigid or flexible the system is. Some systems are more flexible than others, but that doesn't necessarily make them better. It just means that they potentially have a greater margin for error.

I don't think Kill's system is foolproof by any means. I think a program like ours needs to take chances on guys like Jerry Kill. He is a guy whose system has worked before and it depends on slowly making us decent, then good, then we'll see. If there was a coach like Jerry Kill (had a staff together for that long with that amount of success) but also was a top notch recruiter and turned programs around instantly, he wouldn't have come to MN. We are stuck with having to have a bit of blind faith because we aren't going to get a proven commodity at MN.

As to your point, I think the answer is YES and that Jerry has done this. Michael Carter was fantastic last year (many people considered him a zero factor going into the year), DL Wilhite was fantastic, Kirkwood played well, AJ Barker was greatly improved, Hageman was a force. . .etc. You could argue that some of these players had success because of Kill and his staff.

However, we should expect more from his own players. Coaching players up is often about putting them in positions to succeed. When you recruit a player for a certain role and groom him for that role, you should have higher expectations for that player than a player from an earlier regime that was shoehorned into a certain role.

I think "coaching 'em up" is an entire process, from recruiting players who have a certain trait to knowing how to cultivate that trait for a specific role on a football team. But you're right, we do need to have a lot of hope in our prognostications because we aren't going to get an Urban Meyer, Nick Saban, or even a Dan Mullins or Kevin Sumlin.

Very insightful and spot on.

A good coach will identify the talent he has and the talent he needs. He will create offensive and defensive schemes to maximize the talent he has and recruit the talent to maximize the offensive and defensive schemes he HOPES to run.

There were obvious holes in both the offensive and defensive schemes in Kills first and second season. I assume it was based on the level of talent in the program versus the talent of the coaches. You can't pass if your QB isn't accurate or can't remain upright. You can't run if there are no holes or your team is one dimensional. You can't stop the run if players can't tackle.

It's Kills responsiblility to get players into the program who can do the things to win football games and like I said before, I believe it takes one full recruiting cycle (4 years) and I'm willing to give 5 years.

Then, he should have referenced needing just one more class. He didn't. He was even speaking, what I believe to be the present tense, which would directly translate to 3 more classes. "We need", being in the present tense, require it to mean 3 more classes. Or, did you all flunk English grammar. I think he stated it accurately and with good ol' country Jerr accuracy.
Don't be mad because your reading comprehension skills are lacking. Also more would be future tense, not present.

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