Kill is running against wind guys.

Nov 20, 2008
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Hanging your hat on having winning programs at Southern Illinois and Northern Illinois for the most part just doesn't cut it with a high 3 star and above recruit. While I think that Brookins values a good education, football is number one in his it is with many kids. Many of you have said that Kill will get the kids that want to be at Minnesota. At this stage you have to be resigned to the fact that some of these kids will only have MAC offers and even some from lesser schools.There will be a Harbison or McDonald in the mix to balance out the class, but for the most part until Coach Kill starts winning recruiting is going to be tough. Currently, I think Coach Kill and his staff are better coaches than recruiters .Winning will make them better recruiters. So put yourself in the shoes of a 17 year old kid who has the thoughts of New Year Day bowl games spinning in his head. Where would you you choose to play football? A historically bad football program that can only promise to get better, or a school that heads south or west every New Years Day. Win, and Kill will get his share of top notch recruits.
Go Gophers

Hanging your hat on having winning programs at Southern Illinois and Northern Illinois for the most part just doesn't cut it with a high 3 star and above recruit. While I think that Brookins values a good education, football is number one in his it is with many kids. Many of you have said that Kill will get the kids that want to be at Minnesota. At this stage you have to be resigned to the fact that some of these kids will only have MAC offers and even some from lesser schools.There will be a Harbison or McDonald in the mix to balance out the class, but for the most part until Coach Kill starts winning recruiting is going to be tough. Currently, I think Coach Kill and his staff are better coaches than recruiters .Winning will make them better recruiters. So put yourself in the shoes of a 17 year old kid who has the thoughts of New Year Day bowl games spinning in his head. Where would you you choose to play football? A historically bad football program that can only promise to get better, or a school that heads south or west every New Years Day. Win, and Kill will get his share of top notch recruits.
Go Gophers

Historically bad in what way?

Can we just ban all these Badger trolls? Good grief; get a life man.

He isn't incorrect. It's great that the Gophers have their black and white national championships, but players want to play at schools that are winning, not that were winning when their parents were in diapers.

Easy Rupert come down off the ledge. Its July. Just last year about this time Mr. McDonald decomitted and verbaled to Vanderbilt, come signing day it was Minnesota. And as Coach Kill has said, until a kid personally says don't contact me they will continue to recruit all the targets no matter what they verbal. I am not shure who is specially contacting Brookings but certainly a call from McDonald could not hurt.

husker70 said:
Easy Rupert come down off the ledge. Its July. Just last year about this time Mr. McDonald decomitted and verbaled to Vanderbilt, come signing day it was Minnesota. And as Coach Kill has said, until a kid personally says don't contact me they will continue to recruit all the targets no matter what they verbal. I am not shure who is specially contacting Brookings but certainly a call from McDonald could not hurt.

It is only July, however kids are committing earlier and earlier each year. Virtually every coach will tell you this and it is reflected when you look at the size of the commit lists for programs that traditionally recruit well. I agree it is not time to jump off the ledge but it is fair to be concerned even though it is only July.

As much as I disliked Mason. His recruiting methods had some merit. Going to Ohio and taking the b list players so to speak and in many cases taking chances on kids with a red flag or two is about the only way to get top talent here. Even Brewster suscribed to this to some degree. That along with discovering diamonds in the rough in state. In the case with Brookins,not many Minnesota high school d backs are in the NFL or even at high D1 schools. Kids like him are a dime a dozen in Florida or Texas. It hurts a little to lose him but it's not like a Michael Floyd .Who is about the only kid I feel was major loss that easily surpassed any group of in state guys we have lost.
The question is does Kill take chances on a lot of marginal kids? Be it grades or character. I think we have tried that with very little success. Give him three years and think this thing will turn around. The only thing that worries me about coach is his health as he is so driven. I don;t think anything else will stop him.

ruppertflywheel said:
Hanging your hat on having winning programs at Southern Illinois and Northern Illinois for the most part just doesn't cut it with a high 3 star and above recruit. While I think that Brookins values a good education, football is number one in his it is with many kids. Many of you have said that Kill will get the kids that want to be at Minnesota. At this stage you have to be resigned to the fact that some of these kids will only have MAC offers and even some from lesser schools.There will be a Harbison or McDonald in the mix to balance out the class, but for the most part until Coach Kill starts winning recruiting is going to be tough. Currently, I think Coach Kill and his staff are better coaches than recruiters .Winning will make them better recruiters. So put yourself in the shoes of a 17 year old kid who has the thoughts of New Year Day bowl games spinning in his head. Where would you you choose to play football?


Coach Kill is 20-months into the process of turning around a program that the so called experts considered a basket case. So a 17-year old kid decides to head elsewhere. Should anyone be surprised when a 17-year old demonstrates youthful decision making skills?

The important questions are:

1) Are coach Kill and his staff competent?
2) Do they have a plan for moving Minnesota football forward?
3) How does this evolve? Is it like a light switch where most everything turns our way at once or is it a process that takes time?

It gets tiring reading the ADD post from people expecting overnight miracles. And a lot of such posts are from folks who have substantial front-line football experience (at least they describe themselves as such). But may such people apparently never learned the basics of organizational leadership and coaching. Such skills are very rare, involve hard work and it take time to implement. A lot of time.

If after a few years we haven’t seen meaningful progress, then it’s time to be asking if we have the right staff in place. But if you’re a true fan, look a bit deeper into what’s going on and hold off on the negativity. My opinion is we are very fortunate to have Coach Kill leading the Gopher football program and I can’t wait for the season to begin.

It gets tiring reading the ADD post from people expecting overnight miracles.
Who are these people? This board has an overwhelmingly supportive and patient attitude towards Kill.

Coach Kill is 20-months into the process of turning around a program that the so called experts considered a basket case. So a 17-year old kid decides to head elsewhere. Should anyone be surprised when a 17-year old demonstrates youthful decision making skills?

The important questions are:

1) Are coach Kill and his staff competent?
2) Do they have a plan for moving Minnesota football forward?
3) How does this evolve? Is it like a light switch where most everything turns our way at once or is it a process that takes time?

It gets tiring reading the ADD post from people expecting overnight miracles. And a lot of such posts are from folks who have substantial front-line football experience (at least they describe themselves as such). But may such people apparently never learned the basics of organizational leadership and coaching. Such skills are very rare, involve hard work and it take time to implement. A lot of time.

If after a few years we haven’t seen meaningful progress, then it’s time to be asking if we have the right staff in place. But if you’re a true fan, look a bit deeper into what’s going on and hold off on the negativity. My opinion is we are very fortunate to have Coach Kill leading the Gopher football program and I can’t wait for the season to begin.

Post more often. You seem reasonable.

How is this post critical of Kill? If anything, it's one in a on-going series of "give Kill time" posts. Where in the world do you get that he is expecting "overnight miracles"? His post is the exact opposite of that.

How is this post critical of Kill? If anything, it's one in a on-going series of "give Kill time" posts. Where in the world do you get that he is expecting "overnight miracles"? His post is the exact opposite of that.

I was answering the question of "who are these ADD people" and when I parse your previous post, it appears that you were asking about the people "expecting overnight miracles"

My bad, and sincere apologies.

I'm sick of these people who think the pyramids were built in the same time frame that the Amish put up barns. We hired a football coach, not a magician who is going to deceive Gopher fans by building a program using all the wrong methods.

Growing up in 1-AA Football territory and being a youth living 12 minutes away from Stambaugh Stadium when the place was packed 17,000 strong when Tressell had Youngstown State winning national titles left and right, believe me I know how impressive it is that Jerry Kill turned around Southern Illinois. That program was a joke, boarder-line non existent and now they have brand new stadium which I can tell you would not of happen without Jerry Kill.

When a guy has a track record like Coach Kill does, builds a relationship with the fans and media like Coach Kill does, and has over-come obstacles including health problems like Coach Kill don't pick out all the negatives, you pick out the posotives and realize how lucky we are to have a man like Jerry Kill coach and representing the University of Minnesota.

I can tell you this much, after beating kidney cancer and not letting his well documented problems with seizures last season get in his way.... I bet you their is no wind this guy can't run against and if a 17 year old wants to go play for that team who better enjoy the ax while they still have it, then so be it. It's not the end of life, and it's not the end of Gophers football. Let's see what Jerry Kill does this season, and where kids actually sign before we make this out to the end of the world.

Ok, so here's the thing.

I like Coach Kill, I think he's got a good shot at winning a lot of football games at Minnesota.

That said, I have a hard time bringing myself to commit to Minnesota when playing as a high school student in a damn video game.

If you have offers from a school like Michigan, Ohio State, or even Wisconsin--- there has to be something outside of football that gets you to the U at this point. For some, it's clear they don't feel sentimental ties to the university or pride in their home state. So what else do we sell? Urban campus? Playing time?

I'm sick of these people who think the pyramids were built in the same time frame that the Amish put up barns. We hired a football coach, not a magician who is going to deceive Gopher fans by building a program using all the wrong methods.

Growing up in 1-AA Football territory and being a youth living 12 minutes away from Stambaugh Stadium when the place was packed 17,000 strong when Tressell had Youngstown State winning national titles left and right, believe me I know how impressive it is that Jerry Kill turned around Southern Illinois. That program was a joke, boarder-line non existent and now they have brand new stadium which I can tell you would not of happen without Jerry Kill.

When a guy has a track record like Coach Kill does, builds a relationship with the fans and media like Coach Kill does, and has over-come obstacles including health problems like Coach Kill don't pick out all the negatives, you pick out the posotives and realize how lucky we are to have a man like Jerry Kill coach and representing the University of Minnesota.

I can tell you this much, after beating kidney cancer and not letting his well documented problems with seizures last season get in his way.... I bet you their is no wind this guy can't run against and if a 17 year old wants to go play for that team who better enjoy the ax while they still have it, then so be it. It's not the end of life, and it's not the end of Gophers football. Let's see what Jerry Kill does this season, and where kids actually sign before we make this out to the end of the world.

Good post.

Yep there's a headwind around here, but that doesn't mean it can't get turned around.
Obviously it starts with simple things. Win games you should, be competitive in conference games, play smart football, etc.
The recruiting aspect is going to be a challenge. It has been for a long time.
We got a bump from Kill's honeymoon last year and I think made the most of it.
The group of in state kids last year had pride in their home, and wanted to do something special for their state and home school.

Obviously this group couldn't care less about loyalty, homestate pride, and forging their own path.
My only hope is that the talented group next year can see what Kill is capable of, and want to join in on building this program back to where is deserves to be.
It will take more time than most expect, and more time than most are ok with, but I think we'll see everything come around in the coming years.

JK can get a surprise win if he can coach the kids to play as a unit similar to how NDSU beat the Gophs last year. Yes, the Gophs goal this year is to play like NDSU. Some BT teams will field a super talented athlete and beat inferior teams via that one kid but Minny will need 'flow' on both sides of the ball.

My opinion only, but you guys are way to worried about the whole national recruiting BS. I think coach Kill can and will build a program right here in Minnesota. This whole recruit thing is overblown. When the University of South Dakota can come in and beat the Gophers, and every one of their kids was recruited as a Division II athlete, and every Gopher, (more than twice the amount of scholarships as the South Dakota team) were Division 1 recruits, well, tells the whole story. Kill will build the program and the rest of this BS will take care of itself.

Who are these people? This board has an overwhelmingly supportive and patient attitude towards Kill.
I wpuld hope people would be patient. He's been here ONE year! I wouldn't give members of this board a medal for being patient quite yet. lol

I'm all in with Coach Kill, never bought into Brewster, but the Brookins situation shouldn't surprise anyone who is realistic and not driven by emotion.

Madison and Eugene are what Boulder and Knoxville once were. Anyone who has spent time in Madison with an open mind understands it is special, especially now that they are winning. I imagine Washington and Cal fans are experiencing the same frustrations with Oregon now too.

We had a few good years under Mason and the campus experience just isn't there. That said, Iowa, Northwestern, and Purdue have gone on runs during the past 15 years, so it is possible to get it done here.

My thinking has always been that zip codes don't matter. There are many Brookins types out there. Coach Kill's plan is to find the best players he can that best fit his scheme and system no matter their zip.

Coach Kill knows how to run against the wind. He has done it before.

We may have a "42 year of mediocrity" head wind. But Wisconsin overcame a "never good in their existence" head wind to become a very good second tier big ten team. I think its reasonable to hope for the same.

We may have a "42 year of mediocrity" head wind. But Wisconsin overcame a "never good in their existence" head wind to become a very good second tier big ten team. I think its reasonable to hope for the same.

Madison had some advantages that made the conditions for their program blossoming more possible. It was more of an untapped resource, rather than a miracle. Alvarez and Shalala saw it and executed the vision.

Because of that, I don't think Madison is an appropriate model for the University to follow. I think Northwestern or the past success and present momentum at Washington are more appropriate.

Let's not quickly forget that we signed 10 Minnesota kids in a deep 2012 class, and only missed on 1, who decided he wanted to spend the next 5 years in West Virginia. Coach Kill and staff out-recruited a lot of other programs for some of these kids, Pirsig, McDonald, Hayes, etc. 2013 is a down year, and 2014 is looking to be another big year, similar to 2012. Brookins wanted to move away, sometimes it happens. Wisconsin lost their #1 in-state recruit this year to Nebraska, same reason, he wanted to move away. Let's see what ends up happening with Brookins and Rucker come February, and who else we get at CB, before we think the sky is falling.

I don't think that there was a miracle in Wisconsin, and I don't think Wisconsin had any significant inherent advantages. Before Alvarez was hired, you couldn't look at the two programs and tell which was going to be successful. They went with Alvarez, Minnesota went with Wacker. There was untapped potential in Wisconsin, and there is here as well.

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