The standard for Coach Kill IS the combination of brewster, Mason, Wacker, Gutty, hoax, Salem, Stoll AND Warmath. WHAT is your problem with that? They were the coaches who Coach Kill is following. Do you ask me to manufacture a NEW set of coaches to compare Coach Kill to???????? How about Bo, Woody, Joe PA, Fry, Bryant, Osborne, and Royal????????
You want to manufactre some new set of standards other than Big Ten record??????????
Coach Kill will be compared against other coaches who were football coaches here at the University of Minnesta Football Program. They are the ONLY coaches we have had to compare him with.
And, darn it, until Coach Kill has coached a game or two here at Minnesota, he has NO record. How can anyone in his/her right mind start talking "greatness" when there is NO record??????????
Hype is one thing. Hope is another thing. But, your "hyped-hope" is a total crock of crap, killjoy.
I will balance all of the crazy talk based on NO record...based on total "hyped-hope" by reminding people that there is a VERY simple way to actually rate, rank and evaluate a coach. That is by the body of that coaches work in terms of the number of Big Ten wins/losses that coach achieves at the University of Minnesota. We will be able to evaluate Coach Kill by comparing his record against people who have coaching records here at the University of Minnesota. Certainly, when he has a record, he can be compared against his peers in the Big Ten Conference. However, the ONLY apples to apples kind of approach to take is to compare him to the other coaches records AT the University of Minnesota.
It will NOT be your opinion vs. my opinion or Joe Blow's opinion. It will be actual numbers.
But, BEFORE any statements of geatness can be hung on Coach Kill as the University of Minnesota Football Coach, he HAS to have established a record here at the Univesity of Minnesota. THAT means he has to actually have coached some football games here at the University of Minnesota. THAT is the deal. Your over-hyped-hope crapola just doesn't cut it killjoy. ; 0 )