Kill Hire=Get More With Less?

I know you think that all of this "I'm a coach" talk gives your posts some sort of instant legitimacy (or else you wouldn't do it on virtually every post), but in reality it just makes you come off like a d*uche.

You're welcome for the free advice.
That's a funny comment coming from the most arrogant poster on this board (you).

I like you, but I'm not going to take tips on message board modesty from you.

I love how the only defense people have to people being critical of the coaching staff's schemes is
"we should have hired you"

That really is a good way of refuting my points.

Then do us a favor and don't watch. There fixed it for you.


I'm a football fan, so now I don't watch the gopher expecting them to win, I watch them now to see some young good talent develop under a real head coach. It's enjoying to watch and decide who are the real men on the team and who's the cream puffs..

I love how the only defense people have to people being critical of the coaching staff's schemes is
"we should have hired you"

That really is a good way of refuting my points.

From my perspective it just seems like I've seen a lot of "gameplan sucks" type posts, but few have actually taken the time to outline why the plan sucks and what things could be done that would yield more success from this crop of players. Early in the year, I thought yes, the staff screwed them out of a win against NMSU (clearly weren't fully prepared, playcalling blew, and they even admitted it), but beyond that, I don't know how much could be done differently to yield any more wins. At this point, you just gotta prep your younger guys so they're ready for showtime once they get their full opportunity to shine in the coming years.

I thought overnight Kill and all of his assistants could come in and bring some much needed order to the situation

Then you obviously haven't been listening to Kill, who has said the exact opposite from the beginning...that this is going to take some time to turn this program around, and may get worse before it gets better!

If I was paid to come up with game plans I'd take the hours necessary to do so.
Kill and his staff are paid. And their gameplans have sucked. They don't take advantage of their strengths (running qb, backs who can catch (at least Bennett), big play wr (has McKnight run a route over 15 yards other than a fade this year?), they don't move McKnight in formations to get him looks.
I could go on but I won't.
Its pointless talking to certain people.

If you don't think the gameplans have been below average at best you can keep living in fantasyland. I think kill himself might tellyou some of his gameplans have been bad.
From my perspective it just seems like I've seen a lot of "gameplan sucks" type posts, but few have actually taken the time to outline why the plan sucks and what things could be done that would yield more success from this crop of players. Early in the year, I thought yes, the staff screwed them out of a win against NMSU (clearly weren't fully prepared, playcalling blew, and they even admitted it), but beyond that, I don't know how much could be done differently to yield any more wins. At this point, you just gotta prep your younger guys so they're ready for showtime once they get their full opportunity to shine in the coming years.

If you don't think the gameplans have been below average at best you can keep living in fantasyland. I think kill himself might tellyou some of his gameplans have been bad.

I don't disagree, however, I don't think Kill wants to do things the help make games closer this year when that could hinder the learning process for the young future of the team. They are paring things down and thought they would be more competitive then they are. If they did what you are asking, the young players would be learning one way this year and as talent gets better, learning another way. I know that is simplistic, but this program is starting all over.

Then you obviously haven't been listening to Kill, who has said the exact opposite from the beginning...that this is going to take some time to turn this program around, and may get worse before it gets better!

Oh I've been hearing him. Trust me. And this isn't a fire kill thread. It's a thread about a frustrated fan that sees a third season out of five being flushed down the toilet before the first home Big Ten game. The reason for the sliver of optimism this year was the fact that Kill brought along all his assisstants and the fact they have been in this situation before. I figured there would be huge growing pains against the likes of wisky, msu, Iowa, and Nebraska but would win games against ndsu because of coaches putting our guys in positions to succeed. Never in my mind would I have thought kill and his staff would have been at the helm of 3 of the worst losses in the history of the program.

The season isn't half over and I hope to hell there is something this team can hang it's hat on for 2012.

I would love to complain on and on about Kill but just like it has been before it is getting old because he is here for at least 3 seasons. The thing I will complain about for days is the terrible play calling on the offensive side of the ball, this is the worst offense I have ever seen at the U. We have had our fair share of sub .500 seasons but we never had a problem scoring points we just could never stop anybody. Now both are a problem. It will be interesting what happens if the offense is still a problem next year and we start complaining for Kill to get rid of some of his so loyal staff.

In all honesty we look like a high school offense. It is so predictable and easy to prepare for. We have no big play capabilities nor do we have even have plays geared for big plays. We have a terrible O-line and a mobile QB so what do? We consistently keep him the pocket? We consistently try to run a zone read, a play that requires an O-line. People were complaining about lack of TE play, I think we do have good TEs but we never use them.

Like Kill has said, they cannot do what they did at NIU, which I'm guessing is the way they want this offense to be run.

It will be interesting what happens if the offense is still a problem next year and we start complaining for Kill to get rid of some of his so loyal staff.

Never going to happen. It is Kill's way or no way.

Maybe a lot of the fans' frustration stems from the Iowa and Illinois games last year. We all thought 'See this team isn't so bad; they just need someone to coach them'. Then Kill is hired and he says all the right things and we figure he will just pick up where Horton left off. Many people were predicting 5-6 wins this year; which is why a potential 1 win season is so hard to take.

Maybe Kill and his staff could have come in and won 4-5 games this year, and 4-5 games next year, and the year after, and the year after... I don't know. But maybe if he wants a program that wins 8-9 games or possibly more every year he realized he had to totally restore/remodel the program and not just clean things up, patch the walls and throw on a fresh coat of paint.

I use the word "remodel" because I think it is a good analogy with the football program. When you remodel or do a total restoration of a house you usually have to totally gut the house, rip out windows and doors, maybe rip out some walls, etc. At that point if you look at the house it may look like things are worse than when the project was started. But it is a neccessary part of the project if you want your vision of a new home to come true. It's a long, frustrating, messy project but the final results are worth it.

Maybe Kill and his staff could have come in and won 4-5 games this year, and 4-5 games next year, and the year after, and the year after... I don't know. But maybe if he wants a program that wins 8-9 games or possibly more every year he realized he had to totally restore/remodel the program and not just clean things up, patch the walls and throw on a fresh coat of paint.

I don't doubt that our season is going worse because we have decided to try and do things to make us better in the future rather than making games look closer this year. Having said that, if we are being asked to watch a season this frustrating in the name of the future, our future better include some 5-3 or 6-2 Big10 finishes. It is not worth watching this if the end result is a bunch of 6-7 with 3 of our wins coming against weak out of conference opponents.

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