Kill <>= Brewster


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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On the surface...would a Kill hire be better, worse or equal to the Brewster hire?

IMO, it's equal. Both coaches have serious unprovens and might do well or poorly. Brewster was a proven recruiter and position coach but had never run a program before.

Kill is a proven HC that has run much smaller programs well...but there is no proof he can recruit the talent needed to be handle the pressure of a Big Ten program. Further, his health is an issue and can he handle the rigors of the recruiting travel, pressure of winning in the Big Ten and the in season hours of scheming and planning. Hate to hire this guy and he keels over from a gall stones in the 3 week of next season.


Both a hope and an honest opinion.

He's been an actual head coach at multiple levels above high school, more than Brew can say.

You can't be serious. Brewster never ran one practice as a college head coach b4 he got here!

Jerry Kill's NIU football team beat the Gophers if you remember. His team was ranked in the top 25 (until Sunday a.m.).

Brewster was a great recruiter....but the percentage of his recruits that ended up still here after 2 years was pretty low.

Give this guy a chance. He's been a proven winner as a college head football coach. While I don't expect him to win very many games next year, I think a guy well grounded in his own system with his own staff will build a very good team. He won't be changing systems every year.

EASILY better than the Brewster hire.

Brewster sold Snake oil to Maturi and he ate it up. At least Kill has an offense philosophy, a loyal staff, and has been a head coach!

By virtue of his experience he is better, but his ceiling is very low.

ARE YOU KIDDIN ME????? THATS ALL WE CAN GET?????????? MATURI SUCKS!! cancel my season tickets for sure we would be better off with horton

By virtue of his experience he is better, but his ceiling is very low.

+100 My ultimate goal is not 4th or 5th in the conference, it's the Rose Bowl. I have very little confidence that Kill has what it takes to get us there. As expected, Maturi hosed this up and he needs to be fired. I hope the new President shares this opinion.

Putting Leach aside, who could get us to a Rose bowll?

Edsall lost to Temple this year.

Official mathematical comparison

Leach > Edsall > Mason > Horton > Kill > Sumlin >>>>>> Brewster

Whatever...... at least it's not Marc Fricking Trestman

Wow, this is incredibly disrespectful to Kill. My word people, the guy "kills" it everywhere he goes, and we're stooping to sitting there and comparing him with Brewster?? We could ask the same questions of Chris Peterson, can he recruit to the level for the Big Ten? Can Al Golden? Can Brady Hoke? Can Edsall even? I understand some disappointment if Kill is the guy, he's not the "hot" name out there, but let's show some respect to a dude who wins a lot of football games when he coaches them. I mean, the reasons some are giving for why this would be a "bad" hire are the same exact questions you could ask about 90% of the candidates people were pimping up.

It appears that the fan base, having at one time bought what Brewster was selling, has now adopted an "I'll believe it when I see it" attitude.

And, I can't blame anyone for taking that stance. The guy can coach, so I'll give him a chance.

ARE YOU KIDDIN ME????? THATS ALL WE CAN GET?????????? MATURI SUCKS!! cancel my season tickets for sure we would be better off with horton

settle down loser, we get it, your pi$$ed. Oh, and we won't miss you next season.

Horton or Kill?

I really honestly think Horton would have been a better hire than Kill. If Kill is as high as you want to set the bar then why not keep Horton. He certainly is the equal of Kill.

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