Kill and Mason attend Warmath service. Brewster?

Nov 20, 2008
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I guess out of sight, out of mind. Unless I'm mistaking, he has not made one comment about his removal as HC. Sid has tried to contact Brewster several times and he won't return his calls. You wonder if one of the provisions of his release was a gag order on commenting on his fireing? Complete opposite in regards to Mason. Even Mason's wife Kate responed in the media on how mad she was at the U and Maturi specifically. Brewster has literally disapeared off the face of the earth.

I guess out of sight, out of mind. Unless I'm mistaking, he has not made one comment about his removal as HC. Sid has tried to contact Brewster several times and he won't return his calls. You wonder if one of the provisions of his release was a gag order on commenting on his fireing? Complete opposite in regards to Mason. Even Mason's wife Kate responed in the media on how mad she was at the U and Maturi specifically. Brewster has literally disapeared off the face of the earth.

It is possible Brewster's career may have been destroyed...I suspect that is a little hard to rebound from.

In his case, silence is probably the wise response. I would not get to hung up on his not being at the funeral. He has probably extended his condolences to the family in private.

I don't know if his career is exactly destroyed, by most accounts he was a good tight ends coach. Perhaps he could go back to the NFL, or perhaps he could work his way back up the ranks in college coaching. But if he attended, people would just be talking about him instead of Warmath.

Losing and winning are very personal issues for all of us in sports, and especially here in message board world. The attacks on Brewster on this board and in our media were deeply personal, but in my mind, he didn't do anything to intentionally sabotage the program. He didn't "Pete Carroll" the program. I am sure he did his level best to get the job done, but just lacked the skills and knowledge to eventually succeed. I feel bad for Brewster if he felt he couldn't come to the funeral because he would be a "distraction." Paying your respects to the life of a man should transcend the personal politics of winning and losing.

Go Gophers!

I think I read somewhere that Brew is busy trying out for a gig with ESPN...

Who cares?

I care. I will be extremely surprised if Brewster ever comes back to Minnesota for the rest of his life. The whole experience must have been a complete nightmare for him. For all practical purposes his career his been destroyed. He continues to be portrayed in the local and national media as a total incompetent and a national joke. He still hasn't found a paying football job and maybe he never will.

Congratuations to all you Brewster haters in GopherHole. It must have been very enjoyable for you to participate in the total destruction of a human being who spent almost four years in Minnesota trying to revive a football program that has been an unmitigated failure for over 40 years.

I care. I will be extremely surprised if Brewster ever comes back to Minnesota for the rest of his life. The whole experience must have been a complete nightmare for him. For all practical purposes his career his been destroyed. He continues to be portrayed in the local and national media as a total incompetent and a national joke. He still hasn't found a paying football job and maybe he never will.

Congratuations to all you Brewster haters in GopherHole. It must have been very enjoyable for you to participate in the total destruction of a human being who spent almost four years in Minnesota trying to revive a football program that has been an unmitigated failure for over 40 years.

Wow, you sure harbor a lot of sympathy for a guy who made millions of dollars trying to do a job he wasn't qualified for and failed miserably. He was the cause of his own destruction. I don't hate the guy, but certainly don't feel bad for him.

Wow, you sure harbor a lot of sympathy for a guy who made millions of dollars trying to do a job he wasn't qualified for and failed miserably. He was the cause of his own destruction. I don't hate the guy, but certainly don't feel bad for him.

how is it his fault that he was hired for a job that we now know he wasn't qualified for? I agree that he wasn't that greatest coach, but he definitely took a lot of unfair shots from everybody.

He was a coach at a big-time school, making big-time money. Big-time criticism when you fail is part of the territory.


It must have been very enjoyable for you to participate in the total destruction of a human being who spent almost four years in Minnesota trying to revive a football program that has been an unmitigated failure for over 40 years.

And I felt bad for the people of Japan. Thank you for reminding me that I should keep things in perspective.

how is it his fault that he was hired for a job that we now know he wasn't qualified for? I agree that he wasn't that greatest coach, but he definitely took a lot of unfair shots from everybody.

It is not his "fault" he was hired, but he is responsible for his results.

Was he a candidate for the Texas State job?

That was reported about 2 months ago and I think validated on ESPN.

Hard to feel bad for them after Pearl Harbor.

Wow. So is it also hard for people to feel sorry for the victims of 9/11 due to Hiroshima and Nagasaki? I am sure most of the victims in Japan had an awful lot to do with WWII.

Holy Jesus Martha. Brewster was unable to attend the funeral and the thread turns into The History of World War 2. Not everyone can be everywhere all the time.

Feelings run deep from oldtimers on the Japanese

Hard to feel bad for them after Pearl Harbor.

My dad had a buddy who survived the Batan Death March, but eventually passed away in his early 40's because he had no stomach lining left. He visited us once when I was just a youngster and he started telling stories about the march. My mom sent me out of the room. It's funny, you wouldn't think you would type cast your enemy, but my uncle who fought in the Battle of the Bulge and was the band leader under Patton said the Japanese soldier was much more ruthless than the German soldier. My dad lost alot of buddies who fought on the Pacific corridor and was a good person/father. Still, when Truman dropped the two bombs my dad said even later in life: "The bombs wern't big enough"

Holy Jesus Martha. Brewster was unable to attend the funeral and the thread turns into The History of World War 2. Not everyone can be everywhere all the time.

Maybe World War 2 was started by Brewster? That's the feeling I get from reading this board.


Thanks everyone for hijacking this thread and refighting WWII Shees!


A lot more focus on Mr. Warmath and a lot less on Mr. Brewster seems more appropriate at this time, doesn't it?

One actually died and the other lost a job. Whether or not he or any other former Gopher coach made the funeral seems rather irrelevant or petty. Something I'm not above but it just doesn't seem right.

I don't know if his career is exactly destroyed, by most accounts he was a good tight ends coach. Perhaps he could go back to the NFL, or perhaps he could work his way back up the ranks in college coaching. But if he attended, people would just be talking about him instead of Warmath.

It will depend on a good recommendation from someone I suspect and as you stated, being a position coach. I seriously doubt he will end up at any HC position for quite a while or even a Coordinator position for that matter.

Congratuations to all you Brewster haters in GopherHole. It must have been very enjoyable for you to participate in the total destruction of a human being.

Oh come on.

The only thing destroyed was his ability to count all his money.

We should all hope to be unlucky.

Go4Broke, I completely agree with you. Although, I don't think he did anything close to a remarkable job, I don't find the need to completely rip on the guy. He did his best. So, thanks Go4Broke for not totally trashing the guy. Please stop trashing Brew! No one thinks he did a good job and everyone knows it! Everyone is also sick of reading disses still aimed at Brew! We have a new coach now, so lay off!

My dad had a buddy who survived the Batan Death March, but eventually passed away in his early 40's because he had no stomach lining left. He visited us once when I was just a youngster and he started telling stories about the march. My mom sent me out of the room. It's funny, you wouldn't think you would type cast your enemy, but my uncle who fought in the Battle of the Bulge and was the band leader under Patton said the Japanese soldier was much more ruthless than the German soldier. My dad lost alot of buddies who fought on the Pacific corridor and was a good person/father. Still, when Truman dropped the two bombs my dad said even later in life: "The bombs wern't big enough"

My dad fought, lost some friends and came home to segregation and being considered a second class citizen. Should he have thought the bomb was dropped on the wrong country? Of course not but it is all about perspective.

I care. I will be extremely surprised if Brewster ever comes back to Minnesota for the rest of his life. The whole experience must have been a complete nightmare for him. For all practical purposes his career his been destroyed. He continues to be portrayed in the local and national media as a total incompetent and a national joke. He still hasn't found a paying football job and maybe he never will.

Congratuations to all you Brewster haters in GopherHole. It must have been very enjoyable for you to participate in the total destruction of a human being who spent almost four years in Minnesota trying to revive a football program that has been an unmitigated failure for over 40 years.

I actually have alot of sympathy for the man because I'm generally just not one to be vocally critical of coaches ... but to say that the posters on GopherHole somehow played some large part in bringing him downor ruining his life is not accurate and almost silly. He failed because he failed to win games. He lost to South Dakota in his fourth year. Etc, etc, etc ... not postings on this site. Are there miserable people on here who have no idea the stresses and issues coaches face? Absolutely .... but Brew talked a big game and failed to deliver.

I met Brewster once and he seemed like a personable chap. But he failed as a coach. After 3 3/4 year they fired him. He was paid about $6 million for being over hired. Hard to make a case that anyone "destroyed" him or that his 4 years in Minnesota ruined his life.

I don't feel badly for Brew being fired. The change needed to be made.

But I do wish he had more success here, and not just from a fan perspective. I think he is a good person who made an often misunderstood attempt to change expectations, change culture, and build excitement. He didn't do it in a very Minnesota way (he didn't "get" Minnesota if you will) and in the end he wasn't able to achieve the results to match his own expectations.

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