KiAnte Hardin, Ray Buford, Dior Johnson -- served with restraining orders, won't play

Possible but based on my spouses past experience i think we may have to chalk this up to a different judge who may have over stepped his bounds a little here.

This isn't a judge over stepping their bounds.

HROs are issued on a daily basis. As others have pointed out not that hard to get one signed by a judge or referee.

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One must presume the DA or the young ladies Att'y heard her story of her latest interactions with the young men and they thought asking for a request for a restraining order to be brought before a judge was indicated.
The judge agreed.
There only a few people to blame for this distraction and they are the players.
They escaped serious charges for whatever they did but could not take advantage of their good fortune.
Well, at least they appear to be smarter than basketball players. Not posting videos to Twitter is a +1 in terms of smarts.

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I'm having trouble understanding how the AD, Coach, or school has any say in this. Take your football fan glasses off for a second. Seems pretty obvious the player/s are possibly still harassing the individual. If that's true, the school should just clear them to transfer.

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Assuming that girl is an employee of the U.Minn.athletic Department as the restraining is in effect at football complex, maybe Coyle could out from under his desk and reassign her to a comparable job on Sat. For you anti-Claeys people do you really think that a big name coach would come to the U when the A.D. doesn't have the back of a coach and his players? I can assure you this wouldn't happen in Iowa City or Lincoln. Sad

What's sad is the young men put themselves in this situation. Selfish

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I take a day away from Gopher athletics and come back to this. Last time I took a day away, I woke up to a friend texting me about Mega-Tounge. Never a dull day. Any mention of the required feet of separation? Maybe we could tailgate with the accused and get to the bottom of this.

This isn't a judge over stepping their bounds.

HROs are issued on a daily basis. As others have pointed out not that hard to get one signed by a judge or referee.

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Doubt the judge in my spouses case was that much more of a hard a** than most other judges but we'll see as this plays out.

So are we to surmise that all 5 of these guys made comments to her in the weeks after the incident? Or can all 5 be cited simply based on the original incident? I can't believe all 5 would be that stupid, but maybe so.

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HROs are heavily judge dependent. Some judges won't sign them. Some will sign every one put in front of them. Often times, they are signed and then overturned at the requested hearing. Judges often default to signing them out of precaution and then throw them out a week later once evidence is heard.

HROs are heavily judge dependent. Some judges won't sign them. Some will sign every one put in front of them. Often times, they are signed and then overturned at the requested hearing. Judges often default to signing them out of precaution and then throw them out a week later once evidence is heard.

If a RO is filed, and later found to be without merit, is there any recourse? Lost wages, diminished pro prospects, diminished quality of life, wrongful accusation, etc.?

Since neither bierman and Gibson-Nagurski are listed in restraining order I doubt she is part of medical/football staff.

Buford's Dad chimes in:

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Go Gophers!!

He is a defense attorney, but I was listening to Marsh Hallberg talk about this today and it's downright frightening how people can use a restraining order as a weapon.

if this cheerleader is by any means making this stuff up i would ban the whole cheer team for two years and expel the young lady. if she is found to be telling the truth well the boys will be gone

some lawyers are having fun getting their name in the news

I'm having trouble understanding how the AD, Coach, or school has any say in this. Take your football fan glasses off for a second. Seems pretty obvious the player/s are possibly still harassing the individual. If that's true, the school should just clear them to transfer.

I don't think that's automatically true. Yes, it's possible. Lots of scenarios out there though. There are plenty of crazy people that make stuff up too.

if this cheerleader is by any means making this stuff up i would ban the whole cheer team for two years and expel the young lady. if she is found to be telling the truth well the boys will be gone

some lawyers are having fun getting their name in the news

Where has it been documented that it's a cheerleader?

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I understand these guys could be mad if these allegations are false, but really they (and parents) need to stay off twitter until everything settles. Probably not helping matters.

I understand these guys could be made if these allegations are false, but really they need to stay off twitter until everything settles. Probably not helping matters.

That's the father of Ray Buford Jr.

if this cheerleader is by any means making this stuff up i would ban the whole cheer team for two years and expel the young lady. if she is found to be telling the truth well the boys will be gone

some lawyers are having fun getting their name in the news

Jesus man. Ban the whole cheer team? Funny how you don't recommend banning the football team.Apparently in your world lying about sexual assault is more serious than committing sexual assault.

if this cheerleader is by any means making this stuff up i would ban the whole cheer team for two years and expel the young lady. <b>if she is found to be telling the truth well the boys will be gone</b>

This has already been determined. There isn't a trial coming. As far as the law is concerned - they didn't do it.

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This has already been determined. There isn't a trial coming. As far as the law is concerned - they didn't do it.

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That isn't true.

As far as the law is concerned, there is currently not enough evidence to bring charges. That's a long ways away from anything being adjudicated.

I didn't know cheerleading was considered a sport. I know we have one of the best cheer squads in the national, or at least use to, but honestly didn't know cheerleading was a sport. though it was an extracurricular activity.

I didn't know cheerleading was considered a sport. I know we have one of the best cheer squads in the national, or at least use to, but honestly didn't know cheerleading was a sport. though it was an extracurricular activity.
Barry Alvarez officially made cheerleading a sport in the 90's.

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if this cheerleader is by any means making this stuff up i would ban the whole cheer team for two years and expel the young lady. if she is found to be telling the truth well the boys will be gone

some lawyers are having fun getting their name in the news

By your "logic" wouldn't the appropriate punishment if she's telling the truth be banning the football team from playing for two years?

Short answer, no not really. The sad thing is, in my experience, more than half of Restraining Orders filed are done mostly out of spite/the other person filed one on them. People learn exactly what they need to say for them to be granted and then use the courts as a weapon.* There are people out there who have filed literally dozens of restraining orders. I say this is sad because there are a lot of situations where an individual really does need protection, but their order isn't granted because they haven't been through the system enough to know how to manipulate it. For a pro se party, they can legally file whatever they want in a civil case, without any repurcussions (except attorney's fees, which are 99.9% of the time never awarded in HRO's) unlike in a criminal one.

PSA- If you are ever in a situation where you need a restraining order, hire an attorney.

*Not saying this is what is happening here, I do not know specifics of this situation, just speaking from general experience
The person filing the restraining order must work at TCF in close proximity to the team. In Illinois, most restraining orders I saw were granted without any investigation whatsoever. Remember, many of these courtrooms have representatives of certain organizations sitting in the room keeping tabs on every proceeding, so there is pressure to grant them. Also, there is no opportunity to present other evidence, it is based solely on the petitioner's statements. The process was designed primarily for domestic violence situations, where it was better to separate the parties immediately and sort out the truth later, but has morphed into something much bigger over time.

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Anyone want to bet that the 17 year old is a recruit these guys were hosting?

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